nest join song barks asks dog Yes ACTIVITY 1 – Phonics/Letter Formation Read the words in the word box. Read the story. Choose a word from the word bank that best fits the blank space. Reread the story with the words. Word Bank nest join song barks asks dog Yes Robin sits in her and sings a song. She stops to look down to see a . The dog at her. “I did not see you there. Can I help you?” Robin. “Can I you and sing the song?” asks dog. “ , you can!” says Robin. Robin and the dog sing a . oat l ck ink w nd oo plu ig w b nest, dog, barks, asks, join, Yes, song
I put plum jam on my toast. My mum has a black car. ACTIVITY 2 – Read and Write Sentences. Roll and Read The fox ran from the dog. I put plum jam on my toast. My mum has a black car. The king is sad to see the queen sick. The green frog jumps on the log. The kid ate the pie.
soon away saw ran so this new has be at not but there now do on off ACTIVITY 3 – High-frequency Words Bingo soon away saw ran so this new has be at not but there now do on off from like see Materials: Print out slides three through five. Provide students with 20 markers such as beans, rice, etc. Give each student a Bingo card. These pages must be printed single-sided. Directions: Cut the high-frequency cards and shuffle them. Then, call out one word at a time. Each player covers the word that is called out with a marker. As they do, chant the spelling of that high-frequency word. The first student with a row or column covered with markers calls out, “Bingo!”
I a to my and play me for us the go he she it you is can up down look ACTIVITY 3 – High-frequency Words Bingo I a to my and play me for us the go he she it you is can up down look Materials: Print out slides three through five. Provide students with 20 markers such as beans, rice, etc. Give each student a Bingo card. These pages must be printed single-sided. Directions: Cut the high-frequency cards and shuffle them. Then, call out one word at a time. Each player covers the word that is called out with a marker. As they do, chant the spelling of that high-frequency word. The first student with a row or column covered with markers calls out, “Bingo!”
or no yes jump ran we are that of all said ate help they when am ACTIVITY 3 – High-frequency Words Bingo or no yes jump ran we are that of all said ate help they when am Materials: Print out slides three through five. Provide students with 20 markers such as beans, rice, etc. Give each student a Bingo card. These pages must be printed single-sided. Directions: Cut the high-frequency cards and shuffle them. Then, call out one word at a time. Each player covers the word that is called out with a marker. As they do, chant the spelling of that high-frequency word. The first student with a row or column covered with markers calls out, “Bingo!”
B I N G O B I N G O now there at be but not has free space new we on ACTIVITY 3 – High-frequency Words Bingo ACTIVITY 3 –High-frequency Words Memory Game ACELA 1778 B I N G O now there at be but not has free space new we on off said help they ate that can do B I N G O off has when on be but help free space there that can now we jump at new ate they not said Materials: Print out slides three through five. Provide students with 20 markers such as beans, rice, etc. Give each student a Bingo card. These pages must be printed single-sided. Directions: Cut the high-frequency cards and shuffle them. Then, call out one word at a time. Each player covers the word that is called out with a marker. As they do, chant the spelling of that high-frequency word. The first student with a row or column covered with markers calls out, “Bingo!”
B I N G O B I N G O we she you go play can free space jump all new ACTIVITY 3 – High-frequency Words Bingo ACTIVITY 3 –High-frequency Words Memory Game ACELA 1778 B I N G O we she you go play can free space jump all new down but soon on off when that has so B I N G O soon said run down the for my free space and it or ran when off there us go at so Materials: Print out slides three through five. Provide students with 20 markers such as beans, rice, etc. Give each student a Bingo card. These pages must be printed single-sided. Directions: Cut the high-frequency cards and shuffle them. Then, call out one word at a time. Each player covers the word that is called out with a marker. As they do, chant the spelling of that high-frequency word. The first student with a row or column covered with markers calls out, “Bingo!”
B I N G O B I N G O play he we look ate now free space this see can ACTIVITY 3 – High-frequency Words Bingo ACTIVITY 3 –High-frequency Words Memory Game ACELA 1778 B I N G O play he we look ate now free space this see can yes when ran run go the and no B I N G O so am all you can see free space go down no up yes help when ate not has Materials: Print out slides three through five. Provide students with 20 markers such as beans, rice, etc. Give each student a Bingo card. These pages must be printed single-sided. Directions: Cut the high-frequency cards and shuffle them. Then, call out one word at a time. Each player covers the word that is called out with a marker. As they do, chant the spelling of that high-frequency word. The first student with a row or column covered with markers calls out, “Bingo!”
school class friends teacher fun art maths read write ACTIVITY 4 – Teacher Guided – Write about an experience. Word bank school class friends teacher fun art maths read write Write about your first day of school. The cat sat. My name is The cat sips. The cat naps.
Teacher Guided: Phonics Activity Rotational Activity 2 Read sentences Block 5: Performance & Rotational Activities Rotational Activity 1 Teacher Guided: Phonics Activity Rotational Activity 2 Read sentences Rotational Activity 3 Teacher Guided: Bingo Rotational Activity 4 Teacher Guided: Write about an experience Click the to go directly to the activity. Teacher gives directions for each rotational activity. Teacher Note Materials: Print out this slide and give a pencil to each student. Directions: Teacher/Assistant asks students to read the words from the word bank. Have students read the story with the blanks. Teacher says, “Choose a word from the word bank that best fits the story and write it on the line. Then, reread the story with the filled-in words.” Materials: Print out the slide and give a die to each student or students can share the die. Directions: Have each student roll a die. Whichever number the die lands on, the student will read that sentence to the teacher/assistant. Note: students may read the same sentence multiple times. Materials: Print out slides three through eight. Provide students with 20 markers such as beans, rice, etc. Give each student a Bingo card. These pages must be printed single-sided. Directions: Cut the high-frequency cards and shuffle them. Then, call out one word at a time. Each player covers the word that is called out with a marker. As they do, chant the spelling of that high-frequency word. The first student with a row or column covered with markers calls out, “Bingo!” Materials: Print out this slide and give a pencil and crayons to each student. Tell students they will write about their first day of school. Consider brainstorming ideas before writing. Directions: Ask the students to write about their first day of school. Students should write between two to four sentences. Make sure that they are using an upper case letter at the beginning, finger space between words and punctuation marks at the end. Allow students to stretch out the words to spell. Have student draw a picture about their first day of school. Prior to the activity, create an example for the students.