Canada Brochure
Physical Feature Map Here we have Physical Features of Canada: Great Lakes, Rocky Mountains, Canadian Shield, and Hudson Bay, etc. Artic Ocean Canadian Shield Canadian Shield Hudson Bay Rocky Mountains Pacific Ocean St. Lawrence River Great Lakes Atlanic Ocean
Where People Live in Canada and why. Most of the population of Canada live 100 miles of the United States Border because Canada and the United States are major trading partners, this is an opportunity for the people of Canada to make money of get goods that they usually don’t have.
List Of Natural Resources Canada produces multiple natural resources to trade and also to keep for their own country to improve, these resources consist of Lumber, Fish, Gold, Oil, Petroleum, Natural Gas, and Transportation equipment.
Languages Spoken in Canada Canada has two most spoken languages in their country; 59.3% English and 23.2% French. The reason why there’s 23.2% of French language spoken because around 1,500 explorers from England and France arrived in Canada. The English established Newfoundland and called their settlement New France. Soon, in 1600 the permanent Quebec was established. In the 17th and 18th France and England fought over control of Canada. The British won the French and Indian War and took control of the French territory (which turned control over to England). Canada gained it’s independence from British by peaceful means, and even though it is independent from the British and France it still uses that language. 23.2% French 59.3% English
Pro/ Con list of Quebec leaving Canada Pros c Cons Quebec Staying With Canada Quebec staying with Canada Quebec Leaving Canada Quebec leaving Canada If Quebec stayed with Canada it would not have to pay heavy tariffs imports on their goods. If Quebec were to separate their would be no disputes over the French and English language spoken in Canada. There would be disputes over French and English language spoken in Canada Canada would loose a large amount of its debt Quebec would no longer be apart of NAFTA Canada would loose a large chunk of its debt (which would go to Quebec) but if Quebec stays, Canada won’t loose a large chunk of its debt The French would not be able to maintain their culture. If Quebec were to separate, Canada would get rid of a large chuck of its debt.
Environmental issues in Canada Acid rain is a major cause of the water pollution problem in the Great Lakes. Water Pollution can kill animals and plants. When the Cuyahoga River flowed into Lake Erie it was so polluted that it caught fire. This resulted in a lot of attention, in 1972 the U.S. and Canada signed the Greta Lakes Quality Agreement pledging to clean and preserve the Great Lakes ecosystem.
Continuum of Canada’s economy Command Mixed Market
Canada’s Economy The continuum is showing how Canada’s economy is, Canada is a Mixed economy, but is more a market economy than a command economy; however there are some government regulation among industries.
NAFTA NAFTA is stands for North America Free Trade Agreement. This allows free movement of goods and services, Promote the competition in the free trade areas, and protect the property rights over people and businesses. NAFTA is important to Canada because it increases the profits and sales in Canada.
Description of Canadas government Citizen Participation: Canada has a Constitutional Monarchy and Parliamentary Democracy as citizen Participation this means that citizens vote for legislative and legislative vote for prime minister. Federal: Canada has a Federal Government System, this means it shares power between the national government and ten provinces.
Roles of Head of State and Chief of State The Head of State is Queen Elizabeth, she is there to look pretty. The Chief of state is Justin Trudeau, he is there to make laws.