Trip To Israel
The Christian And The Sabbath ? ? ? ?
I. Old Testament Use of ‘Sabbath’ שבת , sabbath, ~150 times, rest, … First use Ex 16:23 Fourth commandment, do no work Ex 20:8-11 For Israel Ex 31:13, 16, 17, a sign Ezk 20:12 Punishment Ex 31:15 Applies to everyone, connect to Egypt Dt 5:14, 15 Seven year for land Lev 26:43 People trying to get around Amos 8:5 The seventh day Gen 2:2, 3
II. New Testament Use of ‘Sabbath’ σάββάτον, sabbath, ~95 times, rest Use in the Gospels - Disciples picking grain Mt 12:10ff - Jesus healing on the sabbath, Mt12:10ff; Lk13:10-17; Lk14:1-6; J5:9; J7:21-14; J9:14 - Associated with Jesus death Lk 23:56 - Jesus teaching in synagogues Mk1:21; 6:1,2; Lk4:16
II. New Testament Use of ‘Sabbath’ σάββάτον, sabbath, ~95 times, rest Use in the Gospels Use in Acts - 9 X’s, none w/r to church/Christian worship - in most, Paul persuading Jews in synagogue Ac13:14ff Use in the rest of the New Testament - ‘sabbath’ only used in Co 2:16 - implied in Ro 14:5 - obeying days not required Ga 4:9 - for Christians, every day is a rest day Hb 4:9
III. Worship In The Early Church The Day – the first day of the week, i.e. Sunday, Acts 20:7 Activities include the following … hearing the apostolic teaching Acts 2:42a, 2Ti 4:2 breaking bread together Acts 2:42b, 46; 1Co 11:17ff praying Acts 2:42c, 13:3 praising God Acts 2:47 assembling regularly Hb 10:24,25 giving Acts 2:45; 2Co 8
Conclusions The Old Testament idea of the Sabbath does not apply directly to Gentile Christians. The New Testament does not repeat the Sabbath commandment, and clearly affirms that no one should judge in regard to sabbaths. The principle of a day of rest is old and is a good practice to live by, especially if there is some focus on God. Christians should not consider worship ‘optional’. The only clear day is Sunday.