9-15-16 Back to School Night TONIGHT is Back-to-School Night at 7pm. This is for adults only, not for students. This is a chance for your parents to visit your classrooms.
PICTURE DAY is TOMORROW! 9-15-16 Please bring your order forms with you to the photographer. And remember, no sunglasses or hoodies, your face must be visible. Smile big!
9-15-16 HATS! Yes, hats are allowed at school, but please remember to be sensitive to others by not wearing anything offensive. And not costume hats or any that are distracting.
9-15-16 Like to read? Enjoy competition? Form a team of four for Oregon Battle of the Books! You’ll divide a 16-book reading list among your teammates, and practice throughout the year to answer questions about those books. Forms and details in the library.
9-15-16 PEAK PEAK Drama auditions – “The Wizard of Oz”, Monday, 9/19/2016-in the Big Gym, 3:45PM - 5:30PM. PEAK 3-day Dance auditions - Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 9/21, 22, and 23, 2016. Dance Purple Flyers located in the Main Office and PEAK Door-Room 214. Need to be filled out and returned on Wednesday, 9/21/2016, at first audition. PEAK National Geographic Bee - still looking for a Teacher Advisor-TBA PEAK Homework Club - Monday, 9/19/2016, in the Library, 3:45PM - 5:30PM. PEAK Chess - Tuesday, 9/20/2016, Room 217, 3:45PM - 5:15PM PEAK Computers - Tuesday, 9/20/2016,Mac Computer Lab, Room 231, 3:45PM - 5:15PM PEAK Cooking Class - October-TBA