Tools and Equipment Used in Landscaping
Hand Tools Are just as important as power tools Should be used for their designed purposes Buy good quality hand tools
Hand Tools
Shovels, Spades & Scoops Versatile tools used for digging & scooping Shovels have long handles & are round- or square-pointed Spades have longer blades Scoops are flat with high sides
Shovels, Spades & Scoops
Hoes Garden hoe: Only the bottom edge of the blade is sharpened Weeding hoe: Has two sharp prongs on top of the blade
Hoes (cont’d.) Grubbing hoe: Has two narrow, sharpened, flat ends
Forks Pitchfork: Used to move coarse, lightweight materials Spading Fork: Effective in breaking up soil clods Pitchfork: Used to move coarse, lightweight materials
Rakes Lawn rake: Used for clippings, leaves, & other light debris Metal bow rake: Used for heavy duty raking
Pruners Anvil pruner: Top blade is sharp & cuts against an anvil-shaped bottom blade Bypass pruner: Cuts in a scissor-like manner with two cutting blades
Shears Lopping shears: Used to prune larger limbs, has 2 smaller blades with long handles Hedge shears: Used to prune & shape hedges; has 2 scissor-like blades
Knives Multi-purpose knife: Has a smooth but sharp cutting edge Pruning knife: Have a curved blade, used to remove small stems
Pruning Saws Bow saw: Prunes medium-sized branches Curved blade saw: Prunes large branches
Pole Pruner Used to remove tree branches that cannot safely be reached from the ground Operator pulls on a rope to cut Video
Seed/Fertilizer Spreaders Three types: Hand Crank Spreaders Broadcast Spreaders Drop Spreaders
Hand Crank Spreaders Used for small areas The hopper contains seed or fertilizer that is broadcast by turning the hand crank Video
Broadcast Spreaders Have wheel-driven gears that turn a propeller to spread seed or fertilizer
Drop Spreaders Have wheel-driven gears One wheel drives the roller than pushes the seeds or fertilizers through the hopper’s bottom Video
Sprayers Used to apply pesticides & fertilizer solutions Hand held sprayers use compressed air to spray solutions
Carts & Wheelbarrows Lawn/Utility Carts are ideal carriers for equipment & materials Wheelbarrows carry soil, mulch, or rocks
Specialty Tools Grass shears: Used to trip grass in areas inaccessible to a mower Weed cutter: Cuts weeds & grasses in uncultivated areas
Specialty Tools (cont’d.) Trowel: Used to dig & mix soil & plant bulbs Weeder: Cuts roots of weeds below the soil surface Cultivator: Has 3-4 tines used to break up hard soil around plants
Other Shop Tools Chisels Files Hammers Pliers Screwdrivers Wrenches
Maintaining & Storing Hand Tools Clean tools to remove soil & other debris Check tools for bent or dull blades Check tools for broken handles Replace broken equipment Store tools indoors
Small Power Tools Essential to increase work efficiency Two categories: Electric Motor Powered Tools Gasoline Engine Powered Tools
Electric Motor Powered Tools Power is supplied by an electric current Two types: Direct-drive powered Pulley-drive powered
Direct-drive Powered Power is applied directly to the power head Example: Hedge shears
Pulley-drive Powered Power is applied directly to a drive pulley which is connected to the power head by a belt or chain Examples: Edgers Mower decks
Gasoline Engine Powered Tools Power is supplied by an internal combustion engine Two types: 2-cycle engines 4-cycle engines Video
2-Cycle Engines The intake, compression, power, & exhaust cycles are completed in two strokes Equipment examples: Trimmer/Weeder Leaf Blower Chain Saw Two Stroke Animation
4-Cycle Engines Completes intake, compression, power, & exhaust cycles in four strokes Equipment examples: Lawn mowers Rototiller Grass edger Aerators Four Stroke Animation
Before Using Power Equipment: Inspect the equipment to see if it is mechanically safe to start Check the area in which the tool will be used for hazards Review steps to starting, using & stopping equipment Warn others around when you are about to begin work
Maintaining & Storing Small Power Tools Use basic maintenance & storage procedures See operation manual for each type of equipment
Maintaining & Storing Small Power Tools (cont’d.) Clean equipment of dirt & debris after each use Clean off any moisture on the exterior of the equipment Store in clean & dry cabinets Do not wrap power cords around equipment
Large Power Equipment Greatly increase the efficiency of work Examples: Cutting Equipment Soil Digging Equipment Soil Moving Equipment Tillage Equipment Tractors Transport Equipment
Cutting Equipment Used to cut materials into small pieces & maintain grasses Examples: Grinders Mowers Shredders
Soil Digging Equipment Examples: Backhoes Posthole Augers Trenchers
Soil Moving Equipment Dozers Dump Trucks Front-end loaders Graders
Tillage Equipment Used to prepare seedbeds, to aerate soils, & to free soil of weeds Examples: Cultivator & Rototiller
Tractors Often used to operate other types of equipment Uses: Mowing Towing Tilling Raking
Transport Equipment Used to move materials from one place to another Examples: Trucks Forklifts Trailers Tree spades
Maintaining & Storing Large Power Equipment Check equipment systems regularly to keep them in proper working order Should be stored in a safe & protected manner to prevent injury & malfunctioning
References: Biondo, Ronald J. and Charles B. Schroeder. Introduction to Landscaping Design, Construction, and Maintenance. (2003). Interstate Publishers, Inc.: Danville, IL. Ingels, Jack E. Ornamental Horticulture: Principles & Practices. (1985). Delmar Publishers Inc.: Albany, New York. Introduction to Ornamental Horticulture. (1986). Catalog No. 115B. Instructional Materials Service: College Station, Texas. Ornamental Horticulture. (1982). Department of Vocational Agriculture and Renewable Natural Resources Education and Washington State Commission for Vocational Education: Olympia, Washington. Richardson, William B. and Gary E. Moore. Working in Horticulture. (1980). McGraw-Hill, Inc., Dallas, Texas.