You too can buy a new truck Don’t you just love that new truck smell?
Reasons for buying new as opposed to buying a clean used truck New truck warranty and piece of mind. Better reliability. Factory optioned the way you prefer (equipment, warranty). Color and interior that fits your needs. Latest technology. Known starting point without prior “modifications”. Financing options are better for new trucks.
What started us down this path? Cost of buying new vs used. Not having the time or expertise to renovate a used truck alone. No need for a large “contingency” fund the first few years. Refurbished trucks look new but are still USED vehicles. Have always bought new vehicles in the past and kept them a long time. Optioned with the HP, engine, transmission and rear gear ratio we wanted. Getting the make of truck you want to have. Freightliner, Volvo, Peterbilt, Kenworth, International all build great trucks that are comparable to each other.
Where do we start? Start looking at truck layouts from ALL manufactures. Drive every make of truck that you are interested in. Spend time in each one to make sure over the long haul that you are comfortable. Passenger space and comfort. Cabin layout and storage. Driver and rider comfort. Available interior options.
How difficult is it to buy an HDT? If you have bought a car, you can buy a heavy duty truck. Find a good dealer you can trust. Find a salesman that is willing to work with you and is responsive to your needs. Will answer the phone and return calls in a timely manner. Remember that there is no such thing as a dumb question. It is your money that they need. Engage the salesman in what you are trying to do. Pictures are worth a thousand words. If they are not interested in what you are trying to do , walk away and find another salesman.
Resources available for you to use The HDT Forum ( If you are not a member, you need to be. Go to as many HDT rally’s as possible and ask a LOT of questions. Your dealer and salesman. Forum members. Most of them will share their build sheet with you to form a starting point for your new truck.
What will an HDT cost? Expect a range of $120K - $150K for a brand new truck with comfort/performance options. Smart Hauler beds will range from $24K - $32K. Basic hauler beds will be below the Smart bed range. Options are nice and will increase costs but don’t skimp. Get what you want when buying the truck as adding that “got to have” option later can be very costly.