GRADES Assignments 40% Test/Quizzes 30% Projects/Labs 30% 100 to 90% = A Range 89 to 80% = B Range 79 to 70% = C Range 69 to 60% = D Range
Be kind Be Prepared Follow Directions Participate EXPECTATIONS Be kind Be Prepared Follow Directions Participate
Classroom procedures -Most work is done in class -Practical experiences are a big part of the class -Participation is necessary -Goal- increase level of independence
Setting realistic goals for ourselves Communication skills Topics Setting realistic goals for ourselves Communication skills Working with others Health and Safety Understanding the Community Daily job skills in the home
In class experiences 1. Cooking skills- the class cooks on a weekly basis 2. Daily Living Skills include cooking, dishes, laundry, microwave, vacuum cleaner etc., washing a table. 3. General Hygiene skills.
Community Experiences 1. Navigating a grocery store Making a shopping list Finding grocery items Paying/scanning grocery items Overall community safety procedures 2. Restaurant Skills Reading and choosing menu items Communication skills Money skills (tax, tip, paying, making change)
Chili Bowl Restaurant Students create a menu Make purchases within a budget Invite staff members to the restaurant Decorate the restaurant Cook for staff Work as waiters/waitresses, cashiers, Chefs etc.
Chili Bowl Restaurant