Headstart Designer R 2.1.2 Pasi Lehtinen TKP Tieto Oy TKP Tieto / Pasi Lehtinen / 7.11.2000
Headstart Designer R2.1.2 Headstart Template Package 100% generation support for MS Windows & Web Headstart Utilities Quality checks Automation (update repository) TKP Tieto / Pasi Lehtinen / 7.11.2000
Template Package Architecture Headstart Designer R2.1.2. Template Package Architecture Subclassed by Object Library GeneratedForms Subclassed by Application Library Attached through MODLIB Template Form Calendar Library Organisation Library MS Help Library Event Handler Library Message Library Core Headstart Library Attached to Error handling Library TKP Tieto / Pasi Lehtinen / 7.11.2000
Headstart Template Package Headstart Designer R2.1.2. Headstart Template Package Template forms Template menu Object library Libraries Preference sets Runtime components Designer application QMS503 (qms503.dmp) Foundation application Demo application … TKP Tieto / Pasi Lehtinen / 7.11.2000
Template forms Normal (qmstpl50.fmb) LOV form (qmslvt50.fmb) Headstart Designer R2.1.2. Template forms Normal (qmstpl50.fmb) Form level triggers are subclassed from object library through object groups QMSSO$MODULE QMSSO$STND_MODULE QMSSO$LOV_MODULE Alerts, QMS$TOOLBAR block and canvas, CALENDAR block, canvas and window, including all triggers and items, and visual attributes No need to modify LOV form (qmslvt50.fmb) TKP Tieto / Pasi Lehtinen / 7.11.2000
Template menu Standard File - Edit - menu structure (qmsmnt50.mmb) Headstart Designer R2.1.2. Template menu Standard File - Edit - menu structure (qmsmnt50.mmb) TKP Tieto / Pasi Lehtinen / 7.11.2000
Object library qmsolb50.olb qmsolm50.fmb orgolm50.fmb / appolm50.fmb Headstart Designer R2.1.2. Object library qmsolb50.olb Object groups for subclassing Triggers Visual attributes Standard parameters Button bar Standard objects qmsolm50.fmb Object library maintenance form orgolm50.fmb / appolm50.fmb Organisation and application level objects TKP Tieto / Pasi Lehtinen / 7.11.2000
Libraries (1/2) Applib50.pll Orglib50.pll Qmsevh50.pll Qmslib50.pll Headstart Designer R2.1.2. Libraries (1/2) Applib50.pll Application specific common routines & initialization Headstart routine customisations Orglib50.pll Organisation specific common routines Qmsevh50.pll Headstart event handler Qmslib50.pll Core library Standard routines TKP Tieto / Pasi Lehtinen / 7.11.2000
Libraries (2/2) Headstart library routines Trigger code Headstart Designer R2.1.2. Libraries (2/2) Headstart library routines Trigger code Initializations (Block, item, toolbar, menu) Forms - call - forms routines Menu - call - forms routines Order by Multi-select Run Report form … TKP Tieto / Pasi Lehtinen / 7.11.2000
Preference sets qms50_recommended (application level) Headstart Designer R2.1.2. Preference sets qms50_recommended (application level) qms50_multi_record_block (multi-record) qms50_no_client_constraints (no key constraint validation code) qms50_wizard_buttons (wizard control buttons) qms50_debug_module (‘without’ Headstart) qms50_mshelp (MS Help) TKP Tieto / Pasi Lehtinen / 7.11.2000
Reusable module components Headstart Designer R2.1.2. Reusable module components qms_dialog_buttons: buttons for modal dialog window OK, Cancel and Help. qms_lov_buttons: buttons for LOV window: Find, OK and Cancel. qms_msel_lov_buttons: buttons for a Multi-Select LOV -window: Select All, Deselect All, Find, OK and Cancel. qms_wiz_buttons: control buttons for a wizard page TKP Tieto / Pasi Lehtinen / 7.11.2000
Report generation Templates Preference set Headstart Designer R2.1.2. Report generation Templates qmsbmp50.tdf (portrait reports) qmsbml50.tdf (landscape reports) Preference set qmsrep50_recommended TKP Tieto / Pasi Lehtinen / 7.11.2000
Runtime components (1/2) Headstart Designer R2.1.2. Runtime components (1/2) Headstart libraries qmsevh50.pll qmslib50.pll HST50 schema QMS -tables (messages, rep. param., user options) QMS -packages DB-triggers (table API) Headstart interface layer (API) user preferences messaging information Headstart gif & ico files TKP Tieto / Pasi Lehtinen / 7.11.2000
Runtime components (2/2) Headstart Designer R2.1.2. Runtime components (2/2) Form modules & module libraries Change Password (File -> Change Password) User Preferences (Edit -> Preferences) About this Application (Help -> About this Application) About this Record (Help -> About this Record) Report Launch Form (Called for report modules included in your application menu) Help on Message (Help button on the message alert box) TKP Tieto / Pasi Lehtinen / 7.11.2000
Foundation application Headstart Designer R2.1.2. Foundation application Message maintenance Report parameter maintenance TKP Tieto / Pasi Lehtinen / 7.11.2000
Demo application HSTDEMO schema Headstart Designer R2.1.2. Demo application HSTDEMO schema Designer application HSD503 (qms503.dmp) Examples: Single-Record Tabs | Find window Neested tabs Multi-Record Tabs Resizable Spreadtable Wizard forms Multi-Select Update | LOV Forms Multi-Select LOV Report Launch Form TKP Tieto / Pasi Lehtinen / 7.11.2000
Customization (1/2) Object library PLL -Library Menu Headstart Designer R2.1.2. Customization (1/2) Object library create object library maintenance form appolm50.fmb edit appolm50.fmb (create new / modify existing objects) form2lib.exe -i appolm50.fmb -o qmsolb50.olb APPEND PLL -Library create orglib50.pll & applib50.pll libraries copy package / procedure from Headstart library to your org/app -library edit routines in your own library Menu copy Headstart menu template & edit copy TKP Tieto / Pasi Lehtinen / 7.11.2000
Customization (2/2) Terminal resource file Reports Headstart Designer R2.1.2. Customization (2/2) Terminal resource file copy Headstart terminal resource file & edit copy Reports copy Headstart report templates & edit copy TKP Tieto / Pasi Lehtinen / 7.11.2000
Headstart Utilities Productivity Boosters Quality checks Headstart Designer R2.1.2. Headstart Utilities Productivity Boosters Quality checks TKP Tieto / Pasi Lehtinen / 7.11.2000
Productivity boosters (42) Headstart Designer R2.1.2. Productivity boosters (42) Assign objects to tablespace Copy display properties from columns to bound items Copy properties from base table to view Create default error messages for constraints Create indexes for foreign key constraintsCreate sequences for columns Delete redundant indexes Enforce CDM Ordering Standard for Columns HTML Online Help Generator TKP Tieto / Pasi Lehtinen / 7.11.2000
Quality check (124) DB.010 - Logical Database Design Headstart Designer R2.1.2. Quality check (124) DB.010 - Logical Database Design Table names should be unique within the first 21 characters. Name tables derived from an entity using the convention [application_code]_[entity plural] Define an alias for each table. This alias should be exactly 3 characters and should be unique across all tables and views within the application. Name primary key constraints using the convention [application_code]_[table/view alias]_PK Columns in a unique key constraint should be either all defined as NULL or all defined as NOT NULL. TKP Tieto / Pasi Lehtinen / 7.11.2000
Benefits 100% Designer Generation Guide to customization Headstart Designer R2.1.2. Benefits 100% Designer Generation Guide to customization Ready made workarounds for Froms bugs (> 12) Techniques User preferences Error messages Run report screen (with parameters) MS-help / WWW-help TKP Tieto / Pasi Lehtinen / 7.11.2000
Drawbacks Tied into Headstart New versions ? Complicated ? Black box ? Headstart Designer R2.1.2. Drawbacks Tied into Headstart New versions ? Complicated ? Black box ? Support ? Upgrade ? Future ? Not much help for report generation TKP Tieto / Pasi Lehtinen / 7.11.2000
Versions Designer/2000 R1 / Developer R1 Headstart Designer R2.1.2. Versions Designer/2000 R1 / Developer R1 Headstart Designer R1 Designer/2000 R2 / Developer R2 Headstart Designer R1 (NNFS) Headstart Designer R 2.1.2 + patch Designer R6 / Developer R6 Headstart Designer R 2.1.2 + patch (NNFS) Designer 6i / Developer 6i Headstart Designer 6i coming (Q1/2001) TKP Tieto / Pasi Lehtinen / 7.11.2000
More… Information Comments technet.oracle.com Headstart Designer R2.1.2. More… Information technet.oracle.com Oracle Finland / Consulting Comments pasi.lehtinen@tietoenator.com TKP Tieto / Pasi Lehtinen / 7.11.2000
Questions ? # of current users in Finland ? Price ? Echo/2000 ? Headstart Designer R2.1.2. Questions ? # of current users in Finland ? Price ? Echo/2000 ? TKP Tieto / Pasi Lehtinen / 7.11.2000