Special Olympics Unified Sports® Fitness Club Fitness Implementation May 2016
Special Olympics Reach History of USFC Started by Special Olympics Connecticut Currently has clubs all over the state One club has over 50 members and club has totaled over 75,000 miles!
Special Olympics Reach Requirements of USFC Year-round, life-long physical activity opportunity through walking and other fitness activities Unified clubs Steps/miles should be tracked with a passive tracker Steps/miles must be incentivized
Special Olympics Reach Requirements of Clubs Create an appropriate training protocol for Club coordinators SOCT utilized SO Unified Sports Coach training and NFHS Concussion training Athletes and Partners must fill out all relevant SO forms (i.e. medical forms, Class A Volunteer forms) A Club Roster must be on file for each club
Club Roster Form http://www.soct.org/forms/club-roster-form/
Special Olympics Reach Requirements of Clubs Organize a group walk at least once per week Club coordinators regularly communicate with Program organizer Update on step/mileage count Inform changes in memberships status Report success stories
Requirements of Program Collect data from participants at least every other month Requirements are in the reporting spreadsheet Gender, height, weight, blood pressure, resting heart rate Steps/miles Lifestyle survey answers Programs can ask Club Coordinator to collect all data, or Program Organizer can travel to clubs and collect data Get incentives out in a timely manner
Universal and Pin Walks If money is available through leftover funds or partnerships, these are a great enhancement of the USFCs Universal Walk: all clubs come together for a big event Pin Walk: clubs can travel to a destination for a walk and earn a pin
Questions? Contact Monica Forquer at mforquer@specialolympics.org