Appendix Three - Trafford Public Survey Results
Q2: Do you use a pharmacy? Please tick one box only. Answered: 53 Skipped: 0
Q3: If you do use a pharmacy, how often would you say you used one Q3: If you do use a pharmacy, how often would you say you used one? Please tick one box only. Answered: 53 Skipped: 0
Q4: Do you have problems accessing a pharmacy due to location Q4: Do you have problems accessing a pharmacy due to location? Please tick one box only. Answered: 53 Skipped: 0
Q5: Do you have problems accessing a pharmacy due to opening hours Q5: Do you have problems accessing a pharmacy due to opening hours? Please tick one box only. Answered: 52 Skipped: 1
Q6: Did you know that there are pharmacies in Trafford that are open extended hours (e.g. early morning, late night, weekends and bank holidays)? Please tick one box only. Answered: 53 Skipped: 0
Q7: Do you know where these pharmacies are located Q7: Do you know where these pharmacies are located? Please tick one box only. Answered: 40 Skipped: 13
Q8: Have you used these pharmacies early in the morning (before 9am), later at night (after 7pm), at weekends or on bank holidays? Please tick one box only. Answered: 39 Skipped: 14
Q9: At what time would you, or do you, find pharmacies with extended hours most useful? Please tick all that apply. Answered: 52 Skipped: 1
Q10: How far from your home or place of work would you be willing to travel to a pharmacy? Please tick one box only. Answered: 51 Skipped: 2
Q11: Do you have any difficulties accessing a pharmacy of your choice Q11: Do you have any difficulties accessing a pharmacy of your choice? Please tick one box only. Answered: 53 Skipped: 0
Q12: Do you have a regular pharmacy? Please tick one box only. Answered: 53 Skipped: 0
Q13: In terms of location, why do you use this pharmacy regularly Q13: In terms of location, why do you use this pharmacy regularly? Please tick one box only. Answered: 47 Skipped: 6
Q14: How do you usually travel to your regular pharmacy Q14: How do you usually travel to your regular pharmacy? Please tick one box only. Answered: 47 Skipped: 6
Q15: Do you have any difficulties when travelling to your regular pharmacy? Please tick all that apply. Answered: 47 Skipped: 6
Q16: In terms of staff and services, why do you use this pharmacy regularly? Please tick as many answers as appropriate. Answered: 46 Skipped: 7
Q17: Do you feel that you are provided with sufficient information about your medication e.g. dosage, possible side effects? (Please tick one box only) Answered: 49 Skipped: 4
Q18: If your regular pharmacy was not open, or didn't have the things you need would you… Please tick one box only. Answered: 51 Skipped: 2
Q19: How important are the following aspects of pharmacy services Q19: How important are the following aspects of pharmacy services? Please tick one box per row only. Answered: 51 Skipped: 2
Q20: Have you have ever paid for or used any of the following services from your pharmacy? (Please tick one box per row only) Answered: 51 Skipped: 2
Q20: Have you have ever paid for or used any of the following services from your pharmacy? (Please tick one box per row only) Answered: 51 Skipped: 2
Q21: Are there any other services you would like your pharmacy to offer? Please tick one box only. Answered: 50 Skipped: 3
Q22: How satisfied were you with the following aspects of service at your pharmacy? Please tick one box per row only. Answered: 51 Skipped: 2
Q22: How satisfied were you with the following aspects of service at your pharmacy? Please tick one box per row only. Answered: 51 Skipped: 2
Q23: Did you know pharmacy staff could provide advice of treating minor ailments such as viral infections, mild skin conditions, minor cuts, aches and pains, and allergies etc Please tick one box only. Answered: 49 Skipped: 4
Q24: Do you use a dispensing appliance contractor (which isn't a pharmacy) for items such as continence products or wound dressings? Please tick one box only. Answered: 49 Skipped: 4
Q25: Do you use a distance selling pharmacy where you have ordered medicines/appliances over the internet, by mail order or by telephone? Please tick one box only. Answered: 48 Skipped: 5
Q26: My gender is: Please tick one box only. Answered: 49 Skipped: 4
Q27: Do you identify with the gender you were assigned at birth. (e. g Q27: Do you identify with the gender you were assigned at birth? (e.g. Male or Female) Please tick one box only. Answered: 49 Skipped: 4
Q28: My age is: Please tick one box only. Answered: 49 Skipped: 4
Q29: I would describe my ethnic origin as: Please tick one box only. Answered: 49 Skipped: 4
Q29: I would describe my ethnic origin as: Please tick one box only. Answered: 49 Skipped: 4
Q30: Do you consider yourself to be disabled? Please tick one box only. Answered: 49 Skipped: 4
Q31: I would describe my sexuality as: Please tick one box only. Answered: 49 Skipped: 4
Q32: Please tell us your faith or religion. Please tick one box only. Answered: 48 Skipped: 5
Q33: What is your marital status? Please tick one box only. Answered: 48 Skipped: 5
Q34: Which of the following best describes your working situation Q34: Which of the following best describes your working situation? Please tick one box only. Answered: 49 Skipped: 4