Environmental Biology Tools for Your Biological Sciences Research UROPS/FYP students Environmental Biology Mak Jie Ying Science Resource Librarian 28 Aug 2017
Outline Search for information Using the Library Overview of Subscribed Information Sources Search Strategies Guides, Tools and Tips Manage and cite your references In-text Citations and Bibliography Mendeley
Search for information Using the Library
The Library Portal (www.lib.nus.edu.sg) Important Links and Information Searching for books, articles & more! News & Events @ NUS Libraries Library Opening Hours & Calendars
FindMore@NUSL & LINC FindMore@NUSL Use if you wish to discover relevant information from everything found in NUS Libraries' catalogue Online full-text contents available from subscribed E-Resources and beyond LINC Use if you wish to search for a specific book or journal title
Overview of Subscribed Information Sources Search for information Overview of Subscribed Information Sources
Recommended E-Resource Recommended Online Resources Type of Information Recommended E-Resource Multi-disciplinary Bibliographic Databases Web of Science / Scopus Biomedical & Life Sciences BIOSIS Previews Animal Biology & Taxonomic Reference Zoological Record, Biodiversity Library of Southeast Asia Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Healthcare & Life Sciences PubMed (MEDLINE) Embase Experimental Protocols and Demonstration Videos Springer Protocols Wiley Current Protocols JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) Chemical Substance Structure / Properties & Reaction Searching Reaxys / SciFinder (registration) Newspaper Articles / Local Content Factiva / Lexis-Nexis / NewspaperSG
Online Guides Biological & Life Sciences Subject Guide http://libguides.nus.edu.sg/biology PubMed Tutorial http://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/disted/pubmedtutorial/ Embase Support http://help.elsevier.com/app/answers/list/p/9754/c/9540,9541 Web of Science Training (includes BIOSIS Previews & Zoological Record) http://wokinfo.com/training_support/training/ Scopus Support Hub http://help.elsevier.com/app/answers/list/p/8150
Accessing subscribed full texts in Google Scholar Setting up NUS Libraries access in Google Scholar: FAQ: http://libfaq.nus.edu.sg/a.php?qid=260648
Proxy Bookmarklet Enables access to full-texts of subscribed journal articles on any page that requires users to pay Installing the NUS Libraries Proxy Bookmarklet: FAQ: http://libguides.nus.edu.sg/content.php?pid=199108&sid=1665223
Search for information Search Strategies
Keyword / phrase search Subject Heading / Thesaurus Search Types of searches Keyword / phrase search e.g. Google search Field search e.g. Type Raffles Bulletin of Zoology in the Publication Title field Subject Heading / Thesaurus Search e.g. Using neoplasms (instead of cancer) as a MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) term in PubMed
Construct an effective search statement Refine the search statement Workflow Identify the keywords Construct an effective search statement Refine the search statement
Male biased sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in insects Identify the keywords 1 Project topic: Male biased sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in insects Male biased sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in insects
2 OR * Construct an effective search statement Identified keywords: male biased sexual size dimorphism, insects OR Connects synonyms or alternative terms: male biased sexual size dimorphism OR male biased SSD * Allows the search for different variations of a keyword insects / insect / insecta / insectum insect* Broaden your search with these search operators!
2 “ ” AND Construct an effective search statement Identified keywords: male biased sexual size dimorphism, insects “ ” Allows the search for exact phrases “male biased sexual size dimorphism” AND Connects the keywords together and restricts the search to retrieve only works that contain ALL of these keywords male biased sexual size dimorphism AND insects Narrow your search with these search operators!
“male biased sexual size dimorphism” OR “male biased SSD” Construct an effective search statement 2 Ideally, an effective search statement is one that enables a comprehensive search retrieves only relevant results “male biased sexual size dimorphism” OR “male biased SSD” AND insect*
Refine the search statement 3 Look at the search results or the articles that are retrieved Are there NEW keywords or synonyms that you can add to your search statement? Improvise your search statement! Activity Time! https://h5p.org/node/109647
Search for information Zoological Record
Accessing the database
Conducting a search
Sorting / Filtering
Access full text of the article View the abstract of the article Accessing full document record, abstract or full text Access full text of the article View the abstract of the article
Full record Similar to search results page, full record contains the similar functions, i.e. allows the access to abstract and full text
Full record Provides a description of the organisms and concepts studied Terms are hyperlinked; enables a direct search on the term via a single click
Search History
Use these databases too!
Outline Search for information Using the Library Overview of Subscribed Information Sources Search Strategies Zoological Record Manage and cite your references In-text Citations and Bibliography Mendeley
Manage and cite your references In-text Citations and Bibliography
In-text Citations Within the main body:
Bibliography/References At the end of document:
Mendeley i Manage and cite your references http://libguides.nus.edu.sg/mendeley
Workflow Add references to Mendeley Desktop Insert citations into Word document Create bibliography in Word document Change citation style
1 Add references to Mendeley Library (a) Drag and drop downloaded PDFs (containing DOIs) in the Mendeley desktop window
1 Add references to Mendeley Library (b) Alternatively, download the Mendeley Web Importer by clicking “Install Chrome browser extension”: Go back to the database where the target work(s) is/are. Click the Mendeley icon: A Mendeley icon appears beside the address bar when installation is successful:
Sign in with your Mendeley account: Add references to Mendeley Library (b) 1 Sign in with your Mendeley account: In the popup box, select the works whose references are to be downloaded. Click “Save”:
Open Mendeley Desktop. Click “Sync” to view the downloaded references: Add references to Mendeley Library (b) 1 Open Mendeley Desktop. Click “Sync” to view the downloaded references:
1 Add references to Mendeley Library (b) Imported references may require your review at times. Click “Search” to verify/complete the missing details:
2 Insert citations into Word document The message appears when installation is successful: Install plugin via Mendeley Desktop before you begin:
Open Word and select REFERENCES tab: Insert citations into Word document 2 Open Word and select REFERENCES tab: Type the title, author or year to search and select the work that you wish to cite:
2 Insert citations into Word document You may also search for multiple references at a time if you wish to cite multiple sources for a single point raised:
3 Create bibliography in Word document Place the text cursor at the end of the document. Click “Insert Bibliography” to generate the bibliography:
Change citation style 4 Select desired style from the dropdown box or click “More Styles…” to view the entire list of available styles:
Change citation style 4
Change citation style 4 To install the citation style for Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, enter the URL http://csl.mendeley.com/styles/476141641/rbz and click “Download”: In the bibliography, italicise any species’ names in the title manually:
Delete the unwanted citation(s) or edit the citation by clicking it: Edit/remove citations Place the text cursor at the in-text citation that needs amendments. Click “Edit Citation”: Delete the unwanted citation(s) or edit the citation by clicking it:
Save the present document first. Remove Mendeley fields Save the present document first. By clicking “Without Mendeley Fields”, field codes are removed after the Word Document is saved as an additional plain text Document
In-depth EndNote/Mendeley workshops EndNote Workshop 5 Sep (Tue), 12-1.30pm Register: http://bit.ly/endnote_5sep2017 Mendeley Workshop 6 Sep (Wed), 12-1.30pm Register: http://bit.ly/mendeley_6sep2017
Mendeley Workshops @ Central Library Introduction to Mendeley Semester 1, AY 2017/2018 Friday 22 Sep, 11am-1pm & Friday 20 Oct, 10am-noon Central Library Theatrette 2 Important *Bring your own laptop that is set up to connect to NUS wi-fi *Sign up for a free account at www.mendeley.com before the session
Quiz Time! Please access the quiz @ https://b.socrative.com/login/student Enter the Room Name “SCLIB” to play!
Please access the survey @ http://bit.ly/evb_28aug17 Thank you! Please access the survey @ http://bit.ly/evb_28aug17 Mak Jie Ying jieying.mak@nus.edu.sg Science Library sclib@nus.edu.sg