Bedford House Medical Centre Thinking of Going Abroad? MAY NEWSLETTER Opening Hours 08:00 - 18:00 Monday to Friday CLOSED Saturday and Sunday Thinking of Going Abroad? If you are planning on going abroad make sure to book an appointment to see the Practice Nurse 8 weeks before departure if you need vaccinations – further information can be obtained from: Malaria advice and tablets are available at your local Pharmacy. Keep Fit This Summer For further information on Tameside Health Walks see the website: If you are not well: Your nearest pharmacist, available over the telephone Call 111 if you need medical help, but NOT life threatening, or if you’re not sure where to get help, an adviser will help and advise you, this service is available 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. Calls are free from mobiles and landlines. Visit the local walk-in centre on Old Street, Ashton, if able to. Contact your G.P. Bedford House can offer doctors/nurse advice over the phone. Just call 0161-330-9880 For all life threatening emergencies go straight to accidents and emergencies. If not sure contact 111 immediately.
PATIENT PARTICIPATION GROUP (PPG) Minor Ailments Did you know you can see your local pharmacist for certain minor ailments, such as: headache, hay fever, sore throats, coughs etc. For further details pick up a leaflet from our reception desk or speak to your local Pharmacist. Food Banks On average the Practice sends 5 bags of food each month donated by patients and staff to the local food bank in aid of the Trussell Trust Charity. In the past year the food bank fed 2343 adults and 1203 children in the Tameside area. Many thanks for your support – please keep up the good work. PATIENT PARTICIPATION GROUP (PPG) Our PPG would like to hear your comments or suggestions to help us improve our services, there is a box on the reception desk where you can post same. If you would interested in joining our PPG, please ask to speak to Christine or Tracey Patient Access Patient Access (Online Appointments/Prescriptions) patients will be able to view a summary of their medical record which includes:- medications, allergies and adverse reactions. Contact the surgery and speak to a receptionist who will be able sign you up and give the information you need.