Freedom High School Spring Sports Preseason Night Dr. Steve Amaro, CMAA – Athletic Director
Agenda District Clearances & Information Athletics Mission and 6 Pillars of Character NFHS Courses Dangers and Risks Boosters Online Student Registration Frequently Asked Questions Questions
District Clearances & Information Athletic physicals need to be completed or signed after July 1, 2016 and on file in H108. All physical forms must be on file by Feb. 6* to participate in tryouts. Athletic physicals need to have a physician or chiropractor release signature. Eligibility for Spring Sports. Parent Driver Forms – turned in to coach. *Parent Consent Driver forms – turned in to coach. Volunteers – Coach Approval, TB Test, DOJ/FBI Fingerprints, NFHS Coaching Course, & Concussion Course.
Athletics Mission Like the NFHS and CIF, Freedom operates and instills the Josephson Institute’s “Six Pillars of Character.” Our goal is to provide a quality learning experience for everyone to make the leaders of tomorrow. We use the acronym “Be TRRFCC!” Trustworthiness Respect Responsibility Fairness Caring Citizenship
NFHS Courses (
NFHS Courses NCAA Eligibility – Webinar made by NCAA and NFHS for those interested in NCAA eligibility requirements. Role of Parents – Webinar made by students for parents to gain a better understanding of educational athletics. (Completion of this course gets one free admission to any Freedom home game.) Some of the NFHS courses, like the ones above are free.
Dangers and Risks Athletic participation is voluntary. We focus on best practices to create safe learning experiences; but there is inherent risk of injury or death in physical activity. By state law, all participants must have proof of medical insurance (We offer such insurance at a negotiated rate if needed). Social Media reminders. Don’t be afraid to question if you see something questionable.
Boosters Athletic Boosters are here to support our athletic programs. Next Athletic Booster Meeting is Mon. Feb. 13 at 7:00 in A-Bldg. staff room.
Freedom Online Registration Athletic registration Go to the weblink for online registration. Weblink is Select Register. Create an account here to register online. Freedom Online Registration
Frequently Asked Questions How do tryouts work and when do they begin and end? Are there cuts in this sport and how do they work? Do coaches need help with fundraising? Are there any costs associated with participation? What happens over the March break? Can I pick student up from away game? Can students drive to games? How do I contact the coach or athletic director?
Room Assignments H108 – Swimming & Diving Track & Field – MPR Boys Tennis – C210 Boys Golf – C209 Boys Volleyball – A Bldg. Staff Room Softball – Career Center Thank you for coming and welcome to Spring of 2017! This presentation can also be found on the Freedom Athletics portion of the website under Athletics Forms. Follow us on twitter @freedom_athltcs. Remind Text Message @2016fhsath to 81010.