RIVERSIDE ATHLETICS The tradition builds….
INTRODUCTIONS Matt Oblas, Athletic Director Doug Anderson, Principal Assistant Athletic Director, Kevin Weeren Athletic Trainer, Ed Renehan Athletic Secretary, Connie Peyton Athletic Facilities, Greg Treon
TONIGHT’S MEETING Purpose: THANK YOU!! Congratulations on making the team Riverside Athletics —Structure, Sportsmanship, Communication General LCPS and VHSL Policies and Procedures Riverside Rams Athletic Booster Club Breakout Time with Coaches
Of High School Athletic Participation The Positive Impact Of High School Athletic Participation Development of responsibility & commitment Higher % of physical activity & fitness continued after high school Increased participation & higher grades in class Stronger work ethic & ability to persevere Sense of accomplishment & self worth
RIVERSIDE ATHLETICS SCHEDULING DULLES DISTRICT regular season member--$ 6 Admission 10 LCPS member schools (3A and 4A schools) 3A CONFERENCE 28/ REGION 3A EAST for post-season Brentsville, Culpeper, Manassas Park, James Monroe, William Monroe, Skyline, Warren County RiversideRams.Net has all schedules currently posted
RIVERSIDE ATHLETICS RIVERSIDERAMS.NET Your one-stop shop for ALL Riverside athletic information: -Schedules -Files, Links -Booster Club Information (membership, corporate sponsorship) -VOLUNTEER SIGN-UP -“Email Alerts” RIVERSIDERAMS.NET
RIVERSIDE ATHLETICS COMMUNICATION RIVERSIDERAMS.NET as previously described This presentation will also be posted under “Files & Links.” Follow us also on Twitter at @RVHSRamsSports and Riverside Rams Athletics Facebook page. Also follow school info on Twitter @RiversideLCPS and Instagram at Riverside_HS
RIVERSIDE ATHLETICS COMMUNICATION 24 Hour Rule Locker Room, Locks, Lockers, and Security of Valuables After School Commitments Vacation Policy*— LCPS permits three unexcused absences before dismissal from the team. The expectation is to make the commitment to the team.
GENERAL LCPS & VHSL POLICIES VHSL RULES AND POLICIES SCHOLARSHIP RULE— Take 5, Pass 5 courses for credit SEMESTER RULE— 8 Consecutive Semesters VHSL INDEPENDENT TEAM RULE— -We cannot restrict non-school athletic participation -First priority is Riverside team **Club/Travel/Rec/Select teams are secondary when a conflict -Communication is key; up front and consistent
GENERAL LCPS & VHSL POLICIES REQUIRED VHSL AND LCPS ATHLETIC PAPERWORK 5 Documents required before participation LCPS ATHLETIC FEE $150 per athlete per sport due to school after making each team Revenue for LCPS operating budget, NOT Riverside High School Fee waived for free and reduced lunch students; see AD with any issue
HAZING LCPS will not tolerate To recklessly or intentionally endanger the health or safety of a student or to inflict bodily injury on a student in connection with or for the purpose of initiation, admission into or affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in a club, organization, association, fraternity, sorority or student body regardless of whether the student so endangered or injured participated voluntarily in the relevant activity.
LCPS Training Rule #7 In order to participate in an athletic activity or practice on any given day, an athlete or manager must report to school by 9:15am and must remain in school that entire day. Exceptions may be made for Doctor or Dental appointments or reasons excused by the Principal. (A Doctor/Dental note is required for this exception.)
LCPS Training Rule #8 Any athlete or manager serving suspension or in-school restriction for violation of school rules will be ineligible to practice or play in a scheduled event on the day or days he/she is serving the punishment, including Saturdays. They are NOT eligible to practice or play in a game until the day AFTER the last day of ISR/OSS.
LCPS Training Rule #9 LCPS has a zero tolerance policy. Any athlete or manager who uses or possesses tobacco, drugs, or alcohol during a sports season will be dismissed from the team. LCPS has a zero tolerance policy.
SOCIAL MEDIA Monitor your children on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Etc. When something is brought to our attention, we may investigate.
ANABOLIC STEROIDS Synthetic Substances Designed to increase muscle mass Anabolic means “muscle building” Steroids are a class of drug used in the treatment of a variety of medical conditions Medical doses are 10-100 times lower than doses used to enhance performance Automatic loss of teacher license when knowingly providing or allowing steroid use Athletes are ineligible for two years
NFHS, Sports Medicine Advisory Committee, and VHSL Policy ENERGY DRINKS NFHS, Sports Medicine Advisory Committee, and VHSL Policy Examples: Red Bull, Rock Star, Amp, Monster This doesn’t refer to sports drinks (Gatorade, Powerade, etc) No FDA regulations with these products Contents: Carbohydrate, Amino Acids, Caffeine, Herbs, Vitamins, Pyruvate, Creatine, etc. Possible negative effects to central nervous, gastrointestinal tract, dehydration, liver problems, heart arrhythmia, positive drug tests Numerous countries have banned the sale of energy drinks. Some states restrict the sale of energy drinks to adolescents. September 2010: The VHSL banned the use of energy drinks by high school athletes
CONCUSSION EDUCATION Symptoms Dizziness Headache Nausea/Vomiting Confusion Loss of Consciousness And Others **Athlete will be removed from competition and will not return. **Must be evaluated by health care professional and be cleared prior to returning to practice or competition
Return to Play Protocol/Return to Learn CONCUSSION EDUCATION Return to Play Protocol/Return to Learn ImPact Test will be administered approximately 48 hours after concussion. When symptom-free, progression protocol is initiated. Athlete must be symptom-free for 24 hours after each progressive step. Second test ImPact Test will be administered prior to limited contact practice after successful progression. Athlete must exceed normative ImPact data prior to return to competition. Ex: An athlete suffers concussion Friday. They will not be ready to return by the next Friday.
SPORTSMANSHIP OUR MISSION: FIRST CLASS….FIRST PLACE Sportsmanship is a priority in LCPS VHSL Sportsmanship Stay In the Game Award Ejections are never acceptable—state and school penalties SET THE EXAMPLE as fans and athletes!
RIVERSIDE ATHLETICS Respect and Responsibility * Varsity Level EXPECTATIONS AND PHILOSOPHY Respect and Responsibility * Varsity Level Compete at a high level daily Sub Varsity Recruit and Retain Make the commitment to the TEAM
ATHLETIC BOOSTER CLUB GENERAL PURPOSE LCPS provides new schools the necessities to start each sport GATE RECEIPTS fund entire athletic programs in LCPS (in addition to a small supplement for transportation, security, and part-time game administration) BOOSTER CLUB provides financial and physical support to Riverside student athletes to maximize success and the athletic experience Athletic departments would not survive without booster clubs Primary income comes from membership, concessions, corporate sponsorships
ATHLETIC BOOSTER CLUB RIVERSIDERAMS.NET then click on “Boosters” THANK YOU to all founding members and our officers/chairpersons: President: Kevin Bednoski, VP: Mark Hair, Treasurer: Stuart Logan, Secretary: Lea Broyhill Membership Chairperson: Trish Drennan Volunteer Coordinator: Karen Upton Concession Chairperson: Gabriela Ayoub
ATHLETIC BOOSTER CLUB RIVERSIDERAMS.NET then click on “Boosters” Corporate sponsorship opportunities Membership and Season Pass Form—purchase online or tonight VOLUNTEER SIGN-UP for tickets and concessions RiversideRams.Net VISIT the RABC in the lobby tonight
ATHLETIC BOOSTER CLUB— distribution of money HOW TO MAKE MONEY FOR YOUR TEAM? Volunteer in the concession stand or tickets ($10/ shift) Corporate sponsorship sales—50% of the sale goes immediately back to the selling team; great product to sale—many businesses still haven’t been asked SENIOR SCHOLARSHIPS— look for application packet this year in the career center; family must be a booster member to be eligible
SUMMARY Thank you for you attendance and cooperation at the Riverside Fall Parents Meeting. Strive for excellence in competition, in preparation, and within the community. “Take care of yourself; take care of each other; take care of this school.”
BEFORE YOU LEAVE… Visit booster club table in the lobby Become a RABC member Sign up for season passes Sign up for concession/ticket volunteers Sign up for E-Mail blasts Turn in $150 athletic fee
Thank you for your attendance RIVERSIDE ATHLETICS The tradition builds…. Thank you for your attendance
TEAM MEETINGS MEET YOUR COACHES CHEERLEADING: Auxiliary Gym with Coach Oravetz and staff CROSS COUNTRY: Library with Coach DeGaetano and staff GOLF: Career Center with Coach Ingalls and staff FIELD HOCKEY: Auditorium with Coach Oldknow and staff FOOTBALL: Main Gym with Coach Day and staff VOLLEYBALL: Cafeteria with Coach Ingersoll and staff