Chapter 7 Module 27 Résumé
Designing Documents, Slides, and Screens To learn how to Choose the right kind of résumé for your qualifications. Make your experience relevant to employers. Write the strongest possible résumé.
Designing Documents, Slides, and Screens To learn how to Increase the number of "hits" your résumé receives. Use a computer to create paper and scannable résumés. Create an online résumé. Decide whether to use a video résumé.
Designing Documents, Slides, and Screens Start by answering these questions: How can I encourage the employer to pay attention to my résumé? What kind of résumé should I use? How do the two résumés differ? What parts of the two résumés are the same?
Designing Documents, Slides, and Screens Start by answering these questions: What should I do if the standard categories don't fit? Should I limit my résumé to just one page? How do I create a scannable résumé? How should I prepare an online résumé? Can I use a video résumé?
Résumés Résumé a persuasive summary of your qualifications for employment
Introduction It is a French origin, means a document used by a person to present his backgrounds and skills, can be used for a variety of reasons, but most often they are used to secure new employment. A curriculum vitae (CV) is used for academic purposes in the UK (and in other European countries) is more akin to the résumé Akin: قريب، متجانس
Introduction Writing a résumé is also an ego-building experience: the person who looks so good on paper is you! If your skills are in great demand, you can violate every guideline here and still get a good job. But when you must compete against many applicants, these guidelines will help you look as good on paper as you are in person.
Figure 27.1 Allocating Time in Writing Resume (Your time may, vary.) activity hours Chronological résumé with summary of qualifications. 12 hours Planning Examine sample résumés to get a sense of options. Collect details of job titles and duties, employment dates. Brainstorm accomplishments using the action verbs in Figure 27.6 and the prompts in Figure 29.4. Answer the PAIBOC questions (44 Module 1). Think about document design (41 Module 5). Organize the résumé. 4 hours
Figure 27.1 Allocating Time in Writing Resume (Your time may, vary.) activity hours Writing Draft the résumé. 4 hours Revising Reread draft. Measure draft against PAIBOC questions and checklist for résumés (Figure 27.10). Revise draft. Ask for feedback. Revise draft based on feedback. Edit to catch grammatical errors. Run spell check. Proof by eye. Duplicate.
How can I encourage the employer to pay attention to my résumé? Show how your qualifications fit the job and the company. Your résumé can be screened in two ways: If people do the reading: your résumé may get a few seconds of the reader's attention to decide whether to choose the people for an interview or not.
How can I encourage the employer to pay attention to my résumé? Your résumé can be screened in two ways: If the résumé is electronically scanned by computer into a job-applicant tracking system, then The employer specifies: the keywords from the job description, listing the knowledge, skills, and abilities that the ideal applicant would have. Sometimes personal characteristics (e.g., hard worker, good writer, willing to travel) may also be included The employer receives the résumés that match the keywords, arranged with the most "hits" first. Then the employer decides who will be invited for interviews.
How can I encourage the employer to pay attention to my résumé? To increase the chances that a human being will pay attention to your résumé: Do more than just list what you've done. Show how it helped the organization. If possible, quantify: increased sales 10%, saved the company $13,000, supervised five people. Emphasize achievements that Are most relevant to the position for which you're applying. Show your superiority to other applicants. Are recent.
How can I encourage the employer to pay attention to my résumé? To increase the chances that a human being will pay attention to your résumé: Use the jargon and buzzwords of the industry and the organization. Include skills that are helpful in almost every job: ability to-use computer programs, to write and speak well, to identify and solve problems, to work with others, to speak a second language. Design one résumé to appeal to the human eye and the second to be easily processed by an electronic scanner. Consider using a career objective with the employer's name.
How can I encourage the employer to pay attention to my résumé? These guidelines mean that you may need to produce several different résumés. But the more you adapt your résumé to a specific employer, the more likely it is that you will get a job with that employer.
What kind of résumé should I use? Choose the kind that makes you look best. Two basic kinds of résumés exist: chronological and Skills Figures 27.2 and 27.3 show chronological and skills résumés for the same candidate.
How do the two résumés differ?
What kind of résumé should I use? chronological résumé: summarizes what you did in a timeline (starting with the most recent events and going backward in reverse chronology). It includes Experience, Activities, and Volunteer Work Skills résumé: emphasizes the skills you've used, rather than the job in which or the date when you used them. It includes headings of the skills needed for the job for which the job hunter is applying Chronological résumé Summarizes what you did in reverse order. Is the traditional résumé format. Is used to show a logical preparation for the job or a steady progression leading to the present. Skills résumé Emphasizes the skills you’ve used Is useful when your job history does not directly lead to the kind of job you’re applying for.
How to write a chronological résumé? In a chronological résumé, include the following information for each job: position or job title, organization, city and state (no ZIP code), dates of employment, and other details, such as full- or part-time status Use details when they help you “Tell how many people you trained or supervised”
How to write a skills résumé? In a skills résumé, include : the skills used in or the aspects of the job you are applying for, rather than the title under each skill, combine experience, Use headings that reflect the jargon of the job for which you're applying “supervising, planning, coordinating” You need at least three headings related to the job Include the skills that you know will be needed in the job you want.
Action Verbs for Résumés
How do I create a scannable résumé? Use a standard typeface Use 12- or 14-point type Use a ragged right margin rather than full justification Don’t italicize or underline words Don’t use lines, boxes, script, leader dots, or borders.
Assignment Write Your Résumé
Unit Seven End of Module 27