Weapons under Scrutiny Center for the Study of Democracy and Saferworld Philip Gounev, CSD Sofia, 5 April 2000
Civil Society and Arms Exports Relations with the EU and NATO allies Safety of Bulgarian troops in peacekeeping or peace enforcement operations The terrorist threat and arms proliferation International and regional security
World trade in small arms $2,1 billions Sources: Small Arms Survey 2003 Data on Bulgaria is expert assessment
Small Arms Exports $4.9 billions Sources: Small Arms Survey 2003 Expert assessment data on Bulgaria
Risk Factors for Bulgaria Difficult financial condition of defense companies Social price of strict arms controls Corruption of controlling authorities Surplus SALW in the Army Structural conflicts in the export control system Proliferation of firearms in Bulgaria
EU Code of Conduct Prohibits arms exports in cases when they: Are against international commitments Are used for internal repressions Provoke or extend internal armed conflicts Increase the risk of international conflict
Firearms Proliferation in Bulgaria
Recommendations Decreasing the risks Privatization or restructuring of financially troubled defense companies Active policies to destroy or sell surplus arms and ammunition More transparency in the sale of surplus arms and ammunition Registration of domestic production and sale of defense products
Recommendations (cont’d) Improving the control mechanisms Creation of a separate arms control body or elimination of conflict of interests within the current ones More transparency and civil society controls through public annual reports
REPORT BY THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE PURSUANT TO SEC REPORT BY THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE PURSUANT TO SEC. 655 OF THE FOREIGN ASSISTANCE ACT Direct Commercial Sales Authorizations for Fiscal Year 2003 Exports to Bulgaria Licenses Authorizing Exports of Defense Items for 2003 Commodity / Description Quantity License Value Cartridges .22 Cal Thru 50 Cal 17 $11 584 Electronic Testing Equip $764 497 Electronics Components & Spare Parts $1 036 635 Interrogator Set Spares & Components $500 Manpack.An/Psc-1 & An/Psc-7 Single Ch $327 846 Pistols & Revolvers 1,292 $391 862 Rifle (Non-military, All Types) 680 $392 570 Technical Da Ta Ca T Vi $200 Technical Data Catxi $20 Total $2 925 714 Manufacturing License and Technical Assistance Agreements Military Training Equipment $5 200 000 Military Electronics $5 255 578 $10 455 578