Partner Participation in Training Synchronization Conference DD/MMM/YYYY Partner Participation in NATO E&IT Activities Training Synchronization Conference 1-3 March 2016 LTC, M. Umut CAKIR, (TUR, A) MPD Plans & Programme Team Coordinator NATO UNCLASSIFIED NATO UNCLASSIFIED
Aim Outline Aim and Outline Provide an overview of partner participation at NATO E&IT Activities Outline Partnership Cooperation Menu and Eligibility for ACT Reference number Seat Allocation Process Financial Assistance Procedures for Partners Activity Coordination Partner Participation Statistics Main Gaps Identified in PCM My aim this morning is to provide you with an overview regarding partner participation at NATO E&IT Activities specifically, Partnership Cooperation Menu and Eligibility for ACT Reference number, Seat Allocation Process, Financial Assistance Procedures for Partners, Activity Coordination, Partner Participation Statistics and Main Gaps identified in PCM. NATO UNCLASSIFIED NATO UNCLASSIFIED
Partnership Cooperation Menu (PCM) DD/MMM/YYYY Partnership Cooperation Menu (PCM) Partnership Cooperation Menu (PCM) NATO bodies, Allies and Partners Partners pick events, in coordination with NATO Event proposals (via ePRIME) Allies approve on a rolling basis (Updates) Partnership Cooperation Menu (PCM) is the single integrated MENU of civilian and military cooperation activities and events open to all recognized partners. The NATO Education & Training Facilities, Centres of Excellence and the Partnerships Training and Education Centres offer courses to partners in PCM by using its database ePRIME and partners pick events in coordination with NATO. More than 4000 partner officers participate more than 1200 events in more than 30 different areas of cooperation a year. Different NATO Command Structures propose their events to NAC in order to open to the partners and the respective events in PCM get related commands’ reference number such as ACO, ACT, IS, IMS etc. Since NATO Education and Training activities are under the responsibility of Allied Command Transformation, all training activities proposed by different E&T providers get ACT reference number in PCM. Last year, nearly 2000 partner officers participated in ACT portion of PCM and around 1300 partner officers were financially assisted by MPD. 1200+ events a year Open to all or some partners 30+ different Areas of cooperation 4000+ partner officers participate a year Individual Partnership Programmes NATO/PfP UNCLASSIFIED NATO UNCLASSIFIED
Eligibility for ACT Reference Numbers Joint Force Trainer Military Partnerships Directorate Advice Coordination IS/IMS Evaluation MC The process for ACT reference number is reflected on the slide. Bi-SC MPD coordinates the eligibility of courses with JFT in HQ SACT and gets advices on their quality. Specifically, Bi-SC MPD checks the eligibility through Education and Training Online Catalog (ETOC) for the course certifications. Endorsement NAC Approval ACT Reference Number NATO UNCLASSIFIED NATO UNCLASSIFIED
Categories of Course Certification NATO APPROVED Meets a NATO E&IT requirement, Institution accredited by HQ SACT/JFT NATO SELECTED Meets NATO E&IT requirement, Institution not accredited by HQ SACT/JFT There are three categories of course certification: Approved: If the proposed course meets a NATO E&IT requirement and the institution providing the solution is accredited by JFT, then the course is certified as NATO approved. (JFT accredits the institutions once every six years and after the global programing is in action with all its procedures, JFT is planning to evaluate all courses annually for necessary certifications according to updated NATO E&IT requirements each year.) Selected: If the proposed course meets a NATO E&IT requirement; however, the institution providing the solution is not accredited by JFT, then the course is certified as NATO Selected. Listed: If the proposed course does not necessarily align with a NATO E&IT requirement, then the course is certified as NATO Listed. (Actually, it means that this specific course exists in an institution). NATO Approved and selected courses are eligible for ACT reference number in PCM. NATO LISTED not necessarily align with a NATO E&IT requirement NATO UNCLASSIFIED NATO UNCLASSIFIED
Prime.coe_dat.lastname ePRIME Accounts COE SACT Account Prime.coe_dat.lastname COE Institutional Account Prime.dat.lastname COEs and PTECs have two separate accounts to submit, through ePRIME, their courses to PCM. One is SACT account and the other is Institutional account. They submit their NATO Approved and Selected courses with their SACT accounts into ePRIME and they are coordinated by ACT ePRIME Coordinator. Such activities\events bear the ACT reference number in ePRIME. They submit their listed courses with their institutional accounts and they are coordinated by their national ePRIME coordinators, but these activities\events remain under the reference of the training institution. Although institutional courses are going into same approval process like ACT courses, they are not considered as NATO E&IT activities by NAC. It provides an opportunity to COEs and PTECs to advertise their listed courses to Partner nations via ePRIME and partner nations are also becoming aware of other available courses in Training Institutions. PTEC SACT Account Prime.ptec_dresmara.lastname PTEC Institutional Account Prime.dresmara.lastname NATO UNCLASSIFIED NATO UNCLASSIFIED
Seat Allocation Process Ms Anna BOROS ePRIME Database Manager +32 (0) 2 707 2627 The respective POCs for ePRIME access are presented on the slide. All Country Desk Officers, COEs and PTECs are advised to consult Ms Anna Boros and Savino Ferraiolo if they seek advice on how to proceed in ePRIME. CWO Savino FERRAIOLO Assistant Database Manager +32 (0) 2 707 2612 NATO UNCLASSIFIED NATO UNCLASSIFIED
Areas of Cooperation with Partners No Short Name Long Name 1 ACD Arms Control, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation 2 AD Air Defense 3 AM Airspace Management 4 ARM Armaments Cooperation, Including Planning, Organization and Management of Defense Procurement 5 BSC Border Security and Control 6 C3 Consultation, Command and Control, Including Communications and Information Systems, Navigation and Identification Systems, Spectrum Management, Interoperability Aspects, Procedures and Terminology 7 CBRN Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence 8 CD Cyber Defense 9 CEP Civil Emergency Planning and Disaster Preparedness 10 CM Crisis Management 11 CTHB Combating Trafficking in Human Beings In addition to course certification, Bi-SC MPD examines the course subjects according to Areas of Cooperation identified by NAC. The PCM implementing guidance provides a framework to help proposing bodies to offer relevant activities and to assist partners in selecting activities that best support their individual programs. The list is intended to facilitate this process, by indicating how the various Areas of Cooperation relate to NATO’s priority areas for dialogue, consultation and cooperation contained in the policy for a more efficient and flexible partnership. The Proposing bodies need to take into account this indicative list to help partners focus their selection of AOCs in a coherent picture. Therefore, the courses provided by training institutions need to be linked to one of those areas of cooperation. NATO UNCLASSIFIED NATO UNCLASSIFIED
Areas of Cooperation with Partners No Short Name Long Name 12 DCF Democratic Control of Forces and Defense Structures 13 DEI Defense Economic Issues 14 DM Deployability and Mobility 15 DPB Defense Planning, Budgeting and Resource Management 16 DPS Defense Policy and Strategy 17 DRT Planning, Organization and Management of National Defense Research and Technology 18 EE Effective Engagement 19 ES Energy Security 20 ETDR Education and Training for Defense Reform 21 FPS Foreign Policy and Security 22 GPPS Gender Perspectives, Peace and Security, Including the Implementation of UNSCR 1325, UNSCR 1820 and related UN Security Council Resolutions NATO UNCLASSIFIED NATO UNCLASSIFIED
Areas of Cooperation with Partners No Short Name Long Name 23 HMA Humanitarian Mine Action 24 INTEL Effective Intelligence 25 LL Lessons Learned 26 LNG Language Training 27 LOAC Law of Armed Conflict 28 LOG Logistics and Logistics Sustainability 29 MED Medical Services 30 PD Public Diplomacy 31 PSSS Protective Security Systems and Surveys 32 RTT Response to Terrorism 33 SALW Small Arms and Light Weapons 34 SFP Survivability and Force Protection 35 SPS Science for Peace and Security NATO UNCLASSIFIED NATO UNCLASSIFIED
Areas of Cooperation with Partners No Short Name Long Name 36 STD Operational, Material and Administrative Aspects of Standardization 37 TFA Timely Force Availability NATO UNCLASSIFIED NATO UNCLASSIFIED
Eligibility for ACT Reference Numbers Joint Force Trainer Military Partnerships Directorate Advice Coordination IS/IMS Evaluation MC After the coordination within MPD, then respective evaluation is done in IS/IMS level in terms of higher and political perspective. After MC endorsement and NAC approval, the respective event officially gets ACT reference number. MC and NAC approves the events in packages of hundred events and approval of one package nearly takes one month. Therefore, it is necessary to start the approval process as early as possible in order to finalize all approvals in a timely manner. All training institutions are requested to provide their inputs into ePRIME by 15th February 2016 for 2017 events. I would like to highlight two points about the events with ACT reference Numbers: Eligible partners participation is financially supported by NATO common funding within the available funds. (Travel, accommodation, meals, course fee and transport from/to airport.) Non-NATO and non-Partner Participation are subject to MC endorsement and NAC approval (MC 458/3 Para 33). Action Authorities or any Allied nation should submit a timely and justified request through the appropriate chain of command through HQ SACT to ultimately seek MC endorsement and NAC approval. (At least 4-5 months prior to the event to get approval in due time.) Endorsement NAC Approval ACT Reference Number NATO UNCLASSIFIED NATO UNCLASSIFIED
Seat Allocation Process DD/MMM/YYYY NSO Oberammergau/GERMANY Education and Individual Training (E&IT) are key elements of NATO's military cooperation with partners. Therefore partners are encouraged to participate in, observe or contribute to NATO E&IT activities. E&IT activities are embedded in partners' individual partnership documents and these documents are the approved basis for the partner participation and involvement in those activities. The main providers of NATO E&IT activities authorized for partners, offering every year a significant number of courses, are: NATO's Education and Training Facilities (NETFs), NATO School Oberammergau NATO Communication and Information Systems School NATO Maritime Interdiction Operational Training Centre NCISS Latina/ITALY NMIOTC/Crete/ GREECE NATO UNCLASSIFIED NATO UNCLASSIFIED
Seat Allocation Process DD/MMM/YYYY MILMED COE Budapest/HUNGARY CIMIC COE The Hague/The Netherlands NATO accredited Centres of Excellence (COEs), and the NATO recognized Partnerships Training and Education Centres (PTECs). There is some kind of a hierarchy in NATO Training among those groupings. Each of NE&TFs has unique policy with NATO. Turkish PfP TC Ankara/TURKEY Partner Language TC Garmisch/GERMANY NATO UNCLASSIFIED NATO UNCLASSIFIED
Seat Allocation Process E&T Providers 3 NATO Education and Training Facilities 24 Centers of Excellence 29 Partnership Training and Education Centers There are 3 NATO Education and Training Facilities, 24 Accredited Centers of Excellence and 29 Recognized Partnership Training and Education Centers in NATO Global Programming. While all three NATO Education and Training Facilities offer courses to partners through ePRIME, only 5 COEs and 9 PTECs offer courses through ePRIME. All COEs and PTECs are encouraged to offer courses to partners through ePRIME, however, some COEs focus only on doctrines, researches, and they do not deliver courses. Some of them consider as they have enough participants for their courses and they do not see it as necessary to provide courses in PCM and there is not a strict regulation to force them to offer courses to partners (in addition to those training institutions, JALLC also offer lessons learned courses via ePRIME) Institutions offering courses via ePRIME 3 NATO Education and Training Facilities 5 Centres of Excellence 9 Partnership Training and Education Centers NATO UNCLASSIFIED NATO UNCLASSIFIED
Seat Allocation Process Academic Calendar release Partners submit training requests MPC WS Development of MPD Bid plan NSO PA WG Primary Allocations 1 6 Next Year Academic Calendar release by 10th of February Partners submit training requests by middle of March Bilateral Discussions during MPC WS in March MPD bidding plan by end of May NSO PAWG in June Distribution of PAs by the end of Sep SAP 2 5 The aim of SAP is to allow MPD centrally manage partners’ requests for participation in NATO E&IT activities, in accordance with partner specific cooperation objectives, maximizing their participation results against budget availability and schools’ capacity. The MPD SAP involves the following steps, which start in Feb of year (x) ,ends in Sep of the same year and is related to partners participation in next year (x+1) courses. STEP 1 : Training Institutions issue official next year Academic Calendar (AC), until 10th February. The Training Institutions’ ACs are the basic information required by MPD in order to initiate the SAP. However, if the Training Institutions do not release the coming year AC by that time, the SAP – for planning purposes –will be based on the current year ACs. STEP 2: Partners submit their requests to MPD, end of 2nd week of March. The Request Forms are developed by MPD and send to partners’ PNMRS electronically, via email, in advance and not later the 2nd week of February. At this point, the importance of proper and thoughtful planning by the partners must be highlighted, in order to select the best courses and iterations, as well as avoid the need for additional change requests throughout the year. STEP 3: During the Military Partnerships Coordination Workshop (MPC WS) Bilateral discussions are done about the submitted requests between MPD, JFCs and partners’ representatives. During the bilateral discussions MPD and JFCs update partners with their recommendations regarding partners’ submitted requests. The main objective is that partners fully understand the rationale for decision whether NATO supports their requests or not. Also, they become more familiar with details of the MPD bidding approach that will offer them students’ allocations directly aligned to their partnership goals. Country Specific Plans (CSPs) and Final list of events together with budget availability and training institutions capacity are the main factors affecting the above mentioned MPD and JFC recommendations / discussions. STEP 4: MPD submits the final bids on behalf of the partners to Training Institutions at the end of May. After the MPC WS, JFC Desk Officers, through internal staffing procedures and in close cooperation with MPD SENF, MPD REA Team and MPD OCC ( for OCC related courses), validate partners’ requests and submit their validation decision to MPD SENF. These validation decisions are the basis for the finalisation of the MPD bids. The submission of the MPD bids on behalf of the partners is coordinated between training institutions and MPD SENF by middle of May. STEP 5: NSO Primary Allocations Working Group (PAWG) meeting by late Jun to early Jul. This step only involves NSO. During this meeting, NSO with major NATO entities (ACO, ACT, and MPD) discuss on the total submitted bids for the next year NSO courses. The meeting’s discussions not only assess validation issues for the participation of students, but also attempt to resolve problems related to exceeding demand for particular courses iterations. STEP 6: Release of the Primary Allocations (PA) by end of September. Training Institutions officially release the Students Allocations decision to MPD, which in turn informs partners accordingly. 3 4 NATO UNCLASSIFIED
MPD /SENF Main Actors of SAP JFCs Partners Training Institutions MPD J9 MPB DCB CC MPD DEI/REA MPD OCC Therefore, Training Institutions, Partners, DCB CC, MPD OCC, MPD DEI\REA, JFCs J9 Military Partnership Branches are main actors of SAP Process. DCB CC : Defence Capacity Building Coordination Cell MPD DEI/REA: MPD Development and Implementation Division Regional Analysis Team JFC J9 MPB: JFC J9 Military Partnership Branches MPD OCC: Operational Capabilities Concept (OCC) Section NATO UNCLASSIFIED
MPD SENF Budget Manager NE&TFs COEs PTECs MPD SENF Budget Manager After the respective year budget has been released by Budget Committee in January, MPD SENF Budget Manager makes contracts with each training institution according to SAP in order to encourage more partners for participation. According to MPD Management Guidance, the first method of payment for financial assistance is reimbursement after the event, however, some partners do not have allocated national budget for participations even they are reimbursed after each event. Therefore, MPD SENF Budget Manager makes contracts and the contracts include accommodation, meals, course fee and transport from\to airport. Flight tickets are directly reimbursed to the partner nations. MPD SENF also provides prepaid flight tickets to eligible partner nations whose Gross National Incomes per capita are below 3000 dollars and plus Ukraine because of current crisis. Contracts cover Accommodation, meals, course fee, transport from\to airport. Flight costs are directly reimbursed to partner nations. NATO UNCLASSIFIED NATO UNCLASSIFIED
80% 100% MPD SENF Budget Manager Montenegro Belarus Serbia The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia* Kazakhstan 80% Azerbaijan Bosnia and Herzegovina Algeria Tunisia Turkmenistan Ukraine Jordan Egypt Armenia Georgia Morocco Iraq Moldova Uzbekistan Pakistan Kyrgyz Republic Tajikistan Mauritania Afghanistan Mongolia The eligible partner nations for financial assistance are as presented on the slide. (The nations in yellow section are 80% and in blue section are 100% financially assisted by MPD.) 100% *Turkey recognizes the Republic of Macedonia with its constitutional name NATO UNCLASSIFIED NATO UNCLASSIFIED
REGISTRATION APPROVAL APPLICATIONS/FARFs/VSL Activity Coordination Process MPD SENF ACTION AUTHORITY ePRIME INVITATION LETTER INVITATION LETTER REGISTRATION APPROVAL COVER LETTER JOINING INSTRUCTIONS FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE APPROVAL STATISTICS SAAR/FAAR VISA SUPPORT LETTER What is the process for partners to apply and register for the courses and financial assistance? The main actors in the process are: MPD SENF, AA, Partner Nations POCs, PNMRs and ePRIME Database. (E-90) Action authorities send the signed Invitation Letter with a FARF and a Application Form template to MPD SENF and upload the same document into ePRIME. 2. After receiving the invitation letter, MPD SENF prepares a cover letter and sends it with the attached Invitation Letter to the authorized partners. The deadline for the registration is supposed to be at least 30 days before the event start day, but it is also arranged according to the distribution date of the invitation letters and MPD SENF Financial Assistance Process. 3. Partner nations send their requests as one package including Application Forms, FARFs, VSL (for some eligible partners, E-ticket request forms) to MPD SENF and AA at the same time. Eligible partners for prepaid tickets are the nations whose Gross National Incomes per capita at Purchasing Power Parity are below 3000 dollars and Ukraine because of the current crisis (Iraq, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan Republic, Tajikistan, Mauritania and Afghanistan). 4. After receiving the documents, if documents are appropriate for financial support and mentioned course is in the seat allocation plan of the respective partner nation, then MPD SENF sends a financial assistance approval email to both partner nation and AA. After receiving approval email, partner nations may start their internal process. If the course is not in the seat allocation plan of the respective partner nation, then this request is validated within MPD. If there are available seats because of lack of registration from some partner nations who have allocated seats and if respective country desk officer confirms and supports the requested participation, then a confirmation email is sent to the partner nation and AA in 1-3 days after the deadline. 5. AA sends a registration approval email concerning seat confirmation to respective partner nation and MPD SENF. Sometimes, applications may be rejected by AAs because of the prerequisites of the courses. Therefore, please recommend partner nations to examine each invitation letter for the prerequisites of the course in order to get acceptance. 6. MPD SENF sends VSL to respective embassies, partner nations’ POCs and AAs as information. 7. After the deadline, a last coordination is done with the AA about the list of participants and the consolidated partner participation response report (CPPRR) is sent to AA at least 15 to 20 days before the event to confirm the financial support. 8. Some AAs send joining instructions to the respective partner nations POCs, but also some of them prefer to send seat confirmation document during the registration approval process. 9. (E)- Event Starts. 10. Ten days after the event, Short After Action Report and 30 days after the event, Full After Action Report are uploaded into ePRIME by AAs in order to analyze the annual partner participation in NATO events. CPPRR PARTNER NATIONS POCs APPLICATIONS/FARFs/VSL (SUSPENSE DATE) EMBASSY 20/29 NATO UNCLASSIFIED
NSO Activity Coordination DD/MMM/YYYY NSO Oberammergau/GERMANY Activity Coordination for NSO courses is managed by NSO. Automatic Turn Back Early Turn Back Activity Coordination for NSO courses is managed by NSO itself in coordination with MPD according to the contracted Purchase Order concerning SAP. Partners have to submit applications for courses allocated to them no later than six weeks before the course. If an application is not received by NSO six weeks before the course, that participation is automatically considered a turn back. (Automatic Turn Back-ATB). If a partner informs NSO and MPD about his decision not to participate in a course allocated to him before the six week period prior to the beginning of the course, the turn back is considered as an Early Turn Back (ETB). Every time we have a turn back in a course, ETB or ATB, NSO informs MPD, the related waiting list is activated under MPD control, and the first partner on the list is asked whether they can accept and utilize the seat. The percentage of a partner’s ATBs and unjustified course no shows reduce the MPD bids for each specific partner during next academic year allocation process. The courses taken away are offered to other partners (Start from 2015 SAP based on the results of 2013) NATO UNCLASSIFIED NATO UNCLASSIFIED
Partner Participation Statistics DD/MMM/YYYY The partner participation per training institution is as presented on the slide. The biggest course providers are NE& TFs especially NSO for partners. More COEs and PTECs are encouraged to offer courses through PCM. The statistics for ACT represents the participation to HQ SACT’s conferences, seminars, workshops such as SMPC, COTC, NTG meetings etc. As you may see, the participation in NE&TFs is less than the allocated seats, therefore, partners may need to focus on their internal procedures in assigning officers for their allocated seats. In COEs and PTECs, it is wise verse that the number of participation is more than the allocated seats. The reason behind it is the reallocations. In addition to that The cost for each course in different institutions varies in a range of from 400 Euro to 5600 Euro. If a seat is not fulfilled by partners that costs 5600 Euro, it may create 14 new seats that cost 400 Euro each. Therefore, reallocations may create a menu of different number of seats. Abbreviations : NE&TFs: NATO Education and Training Facilities NSO : NATO School Oberammergau COEs: Centers of Excelllence PTECs: Partnership Training & Education Centers NATO UNCLASSIFIED 23/29 NATO UNCLASSIFIED
Partner Participation Statistics DD/MMM/YYYY Within the three year period, partner requests, MPD allocations, participations and financially assisted seats are as presented on the slide. There is an increasing demand in partner requests. In 2014, only NE&TFs were in SAP and COE and PTEC courses were on a first come first in basis, therefore, participation was more than the allocations. In 2015, allocations and participations are equal, however, it does not mean that partners participated at the exactly the same primary allocated seats, it is a coincidence, but it also shows a good progress in level of engagement. The budget execution rate of 98% is also a good sign of more participation. In 2016, the number of allocated seats are less than number of allocated seats in 2015 since there are 13 more seats allocated for ten weeks courses in NSO (they cost more) and as I mentioned before, allocations in different courses with varying costs in COEs and PTECs come up with divergent number of seats. Abbreviations : NE&TFs: NATO Education and Training Facilities NSO : NATO School Oberammergau COEs: Centers of Excelllence PTECs: Partnership Training & Education Centers NATO UNCLASSIFIED 24/29 NATO UNCLASSIFIED
Seat Allocation Process DD/MMM/YYYY Two mobile training team visits have been executed to Ukraine in 2015. One is NATO Staff Officer Orientation MTT run by NSO and the other is C-IED Awareness MTT run by COE C-IED. A C-IED assessment team from HQ SACT to Ukraine was also conducted in 2014 supported by MPD funds in order to identify the C-IED requirements. The detailed report from that assessment was used by NATO and many member nations such as US, Canada and France for bilateral C-IED support to Ukraine. With desk officers’ recommendations, MPD can plan and encourage more MTTs from Training Institutions in order to fulfil certain partner requirements. Actually, MTTs may provide good opportunities to assist some partner nations which are below NATO levels in certain aspects. For example; if a partner nation’s understanding of logistics is totally different from NATO, it may not make sense to assign officers to NATO Logistics Staff Officers Course in NSO from that partner nation, but to assign an MTT about basic logistics to that partner nation can be useful in order to fulfill that certain gap and make them well prepared for the NATO level courses. NATO UNCLASSIFIED 25/29 NATO UNCLASSIFIED
Main Gaps identified (1 of 2) Required Language Skills EOD / Mine Detection/Clearing Military Police Training ISTAR Architecture and Capabilities Non-Lethal Capability Cyber Defense Capabilities Tactical Air Control Party International Disaster Assistance Initially, the politically agreed cooperation programs are collated into one document per nation called the Country Specific Plan (CSP). The CSP is a document created for internal use with the purpose of providing an overall picture of the respective partner nations level of ambition (LoA) with its partnership with NATO. The CSP among other purposes summarizes the Education and Individual Training Requirements that will be required to support the nation over the next two years as well as the gaps identified in the current PCM. The information contained should serve as guidance to ACT and the Training Facilities as they review existing education and Individual training events and develop new events for upcoming years. We would like to kindly encourage all E&T providers to offer related courses to partner nations via ePRIME. Currently and as a result of this analysis, the main gaps identified are as shown on this slide. Required language skills – Language Training EOD / Mine detection/clearing – Humanitarian Mine Action Military Police Training – Survivability and Force Protection ISTAR (Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition & Reconnaissance) Architecture and Capabilities – Effective Intelligence Non-Lethal Capability - Armaments Cooperation, Including Planning, Organization and Management of Defense Procurement Cyber Defense capabilities – Cyber Defense Tactical Air Control Party – Airspace Management International Disaster Assistance - Civil Emergency Planning and Disaster Preparedness NATO UNCLASSIFIED 26/29 26
Main Gaps identified (2 of 2) Advanced Combat Systems for Personnel Joint Precision Strike Combat Identification Devices and Combat Identification Training for Land Forces Forward Observer Aircraft Self Protection Extreme Hot/Dry Climate for Deployable Forces Currently and as a result of this analysis, the main gaps identified are as shown on this slide. This analysis will form the final output for Recommendations to ACT and ACO for dimensioning and thereby enabling the necessary E&T support. Advanced Combat Systems for Personnel - Armaments Cooperation, Including Planning, Organization and Management of Defense Procurement Joint Precision Strike - Consultation, Command and Control, Including Communications and Information Systems, Navigation and Identification Systems, Spectrum Management, Interoperability Aspects, Procedures and Terminology Combat Identification Devices and Combat Identification Training for Land Forces - Consultation, Command and Control, Including Communications and Information Systems, Navigation and Identification Systems, Spectrum Management, Interoperability Aspects, Procedures and Terminology Forward Observer – Effective Intelligence Aircraft Self Protection – Air Defense Extreme hot/dry climate for deployable forces – Survivability and Force Protection NATO UNCLASSIFIED 27/29 27
Review Aim Provide an Overview of Partner Participation at NATO E&IT Activities Outline Partnership Cooperation Menu and Eligibility for ACT Reference number Seat Allocation Process Financial Assistance Procedures for Partners Activity Coordination Partner Participation Statistics Main Gaps Identified in PCM The topics covered are presented on the slide NATO UNCLASSIFIED NATO UNCLASSIFIED
Partner Participation in Training Synchronization Conference DD/MMM/YYYY Partner Participation in NATO E&IT Activities Training Synchronization Conference 1-3 March 2016 LTC, M. Umut CAKIR, (TUR, A) MPD Plans & Programme Team Coordinator NATO UNCLASSIFIED NATO UNCLASSIFIED
MC 458\3 NATO ETEE POLICY Paragraph 33: ……..Partner and NNE participation in or observation of NATO ETEE activities is subject to MC and/or NAC endorsement/approval process as outlined in the following paragraphs. Any involvement should, in principle, be approved in sufficient time to allow proper planning and participation. In order to prevent misinterpretations, NATO ETEE activities conducted by Allied and partner nations' education and training facilities should be clearly distinguished from their national activities and mentioned explicitly in all their documentations and programmes of work. NATO UNCLASSIFIED NATO UNCLASSIFIED
MC 458\3 NATO ETEE POLICY Paragraph 40: Selected Education and Individual Training activities may also be open to NNEs.This will require that, either the ePRIME Proposing Body or any individual Allied nation, submit a timely and justified request through the appropriate chain of command (normally through HQ SACT) to ultimately seek MC endorsement and NAC approval. NATO UNCLASSIFIED NATO UNCLASSIFIED