What is CityHealth? A package of proven, attainable policy solutions that will help millions of people live longer, better lives in vibrant, prosperous communities Policies that: Are based on clear, scientific evidence; Are under the purview of municipalities; Can be addressed through policy change; and Enjoy bipartisan political support. A 40-city analysis, with medals assigned based on the number and strength of the policies they put into place. An interactive website, and national and regional release events
A closer look: what’s behind our policy package A review of the scientific literature (from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and beyond) for policies with evidence of improving health and well-being Counsel from national experts Review by Blue Ribbon Panel comprised of health, business, advocacy, and academic experts Public opinion research, including stakeholder interviews with city policy leaders and focus groups of engaged voters Sample of national experts consulted: National Institute for Early Education Research; the Alliance for Early Success; Smart Growth America; National Network for Safe Communities; Living Cities; Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; National Housing Conference; University of Chicago Crime Lab; Centers for Disease Control; National Employment Law Program; the Local Initiatives Support Coalition; Ready Nation; and the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids Blue Ribbon Panel members: Jonathan Fielding former Director/Health Officer of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health; Mick Cornett (R), Mayor, Oklahoma City; Clarence Anthony, Executive Director, National League of Cities; Troyen Brennan, MD Chief Medical Officer, CVS; Scott Hall, VP Strategic Initiatives, Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce; Bechara Choucair Senior Vice President for Safety Net Transformation and Community Benefit, Trinity Health Systems; Rodney Harrell, PhD Director, Livable Communities, AARP; Steven Bosacker Director of Public Sector Innovation, Living Cities; Marla Gold, MD Dean Emeritus, Drexel University School of Public Health
CityHealth Proposed Policies The status of following policies will be assessed in the 40 largest cities: Housing: inclusionary zoning Education: universal, high quality pre-k Employment: earned sick leave Public safety: regulations on alcohol outlet density in neighborhoods Active living/transportation: complete streets
CityHealth Proposed Policies Food Safety: restaurant grading Environmental protection: comprehensive smoking bans Tobacco control: Tobacco 21 Obesity: nutrition standards for city procurement
CityHealth Proposed Policies States are increasingly limiting cities from enacting policies that protect city residents: CityHealth will conduct a 40-city screening of issues around state pre-emption We will look at cities’ ability to institute key health policies, such as tax alcohol and/or tobacco and whether they can require employers to offer family leave We will use these data to make the case for why cities need the autonomy to set policy that reflects local concerns
What’s Next? Legal analysis, scoring cities’ policies, and assigning city medals— Gold, Silver and Bronze Outreach to selected city, business, advocacy and community leaders National rollout and interactive site: December 6, 2016 (tent.) 3-5 city events in targeted locations based on partnership opportunities and potential to move CityHealth policies Strategizing future partnerships: CityHealth, de Beaumont Foundation, BCHC and city leaders.