(3.2) Vision, Mission, Values, Management policies Training Course on Integrated Management System for Regulatory Body Module 3 (Prerequisites for Effective IMS) (3.2) Vision, Mission, Values, Management policies 1
Objective The aim of the module is to understand the role of a strategy (ie. vision, mission, values and policies) of the regulator for the management system. IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 2 2
Responsibility for Vision, Mission, Values and Policies State (parliament, government) or the Ministry ► Declaration by the Government Legislation (laws and decrees) + + Regulator authority (board/commission) ► Policies and strategies; Vision, mission, values + + ► High (senior) management Management System Manual + + ► Middle management Specific policies; Procedures + + ► Methodical instructions, internal guidance Lower management IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 3 3
What is „Strategy” and „Vision”? „Vision“: (source http://www.oxforddictionaries.com) A mental image of what the future will or could be like. The ability to think about (or plan) the future with imagination or wisdom. IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 4 4
What is „Mission” and „Value”? „Mission“: (source http://www.oxforddictionaries.com) A strongly felt aim, ambition, or calling. „Value“: (source http://www.oxforddictionaries.com) Principles or standards of behaviour; one’s judgement of what is important in life. IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 5 5
What is „Policy”? „Policy“: (source http://www.oxforddictionaries.com) A course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an organization or individual. (source http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary) A high-level overall plan embracing the general goals and acceptable procedures especially of a governmental body. IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 6 6
What is „Vision“, „Mission” and „Value”? „Vision“ Where we are aiming? „Mission “ Who we are? What we are doing? Why we are doing it? In what we are good? For whoom we are working? „Values“ Principles or standards of behaviour on which we want to build our organisation. IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 7 7
Vision, Mission, Values, Management policies ? Whose management system includes: vision mission values policies? IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 8 8
Integrated Management System Policy – Example A CZECH REPUBLIC Example of Integrated Management System Policy (source State Office for Nuclear Safety of the Czech Republic) mission overview compliance declaration values formulated as cornerstones of Integrated Management System IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 9 9
Integrated Management System Policy – Example A CZECH REPUBLIC Mission Overview The mission of the State Office for Nuclear Safety is the execution of state administration and control in the use of nuclear energy and ionizing radiation and in the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction to protect individuals, society, and the environment.
Integrated Management System Policy – Example A Compliance declaration CZECH REPUBLIC Compliance declaration The integrated management system of the SÚJB creates a single controlled environment for the Office's operation and establishes binding rules for all employees. It provides the confidence of internal and external stakeholders in that, in accordance with the mission of the Office, it provides the correct direction and that management and control of the Office's activities are effectively carried out. The management system of SÚJB as a central administrative office is based on the principles and requirements set out by: Relevant pieces of legislation of the Czech Republic (Acts No. 18/1997 Coll., No. 19/1997 Coll., No. 281/2002 Coll., and others); European legislation, international conventions and agreements relating to the scope of SÚJB; IAEA, WENRA, OECD/NEA recommendations. IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 11 11
Integrated Management System Policy – Example A CZECH REPUBLIC Values (corner stones of SÚJB IMS) Priority to safety The management system primarily promotes the control of nuclear safety and radiation protection as well as the control of the prohibition of chemical and biological weapons and nuclear non-proliferation; Impartiality and independence Regulatory activities are built on equality and objectivity and are based on a graded approach to controlled entities based on risk analysis and assessment; A culture of safety Set of interconnected assets of the management system promotes the conscious behavior of the Office built on the enforcement the priority to safety outside and inside; IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 12 12
Integrated Management System Policy – Example A CZECH REPUBLIC Values (corner stones of SÚJB IMS) Conformity management Centrally controlled checking of compliance with the requirements of stakeholders, including the recommendations of the IAEA secures the incorporation of the process of conformity management into an integrated management system; People and knowledge Education and the management of knowledge allows for the consistent achievement of professional employee competence and for the creation of a high level of expertise and prestige of the Office; Integrated management system framework A consistency of the structure of managing goals, processes, documentation, and safety as provided by rules established across the management system integrates the system into a unified whole; IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 13 13
Integrated Management System Policy – Example A CZECH REPUBLIC Values (corner stones of SÚJB IMS) Objectives within the management system Objectives promoting the proper direction of the Office are established from a long-term strategy to individual processes and are an integral part of the management system; Hierarchy of processes The processes throughout the level of the entire Office are implemented hierarchically into a process map and their deconstruction results in the sub-processes worked into the directives; IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 14 14
Integrated Management System Policy – Example A CZECH REPUBLIC Values (corner stones of SÚJB IMS) Structure of documentation The documentation of the management system is created in relation to the significance of the processes and are graded in detail according to their process applicability; Feedback and improvement Responding to the suggestions of stakeholders and the evaluation of the management system in checkpoints enable the dynamic development of the system and its sustainability. IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 15 15
Vision, Mission, Values – Example B SLOVENIA THE SNSA VISION High level of radiation and nuclear safety, as low as reasonable achievable exposure of people and the environment to radiation, the use of sources of ionizing radiation for peaceful purposes only. As a regulatory body, the SNSA is respected in both Slovenia and abroad for its professionalism, independence and conducts towards to its customers. THE SNSA MISSION To assure that the harmful influence of ionizing radiation on people and the environment is prevented or reduced and that such sources are used for peaceful purposes only. IAEA Training Course on IMS Module 3
Vision, Mission, Values - Example B SLOVENIA The SNSA values are: Legality: We respect the legislation in force in the Republic of Slovenia. Professionalism: We actively follow and support the development of the expertise in the country. In our work, we always take into account the latest scientific achievements. Public and private interest: We ensure that in providing the highest level of nuclear and radiation safety and the prevention of harmful effects of ionizing radiation the public interest prevails the interest of individual customer. Openness to the public: We regularly and openly communicate with the public. Efficiency: For the benefit of public and our customers, we perform our duties effectively and in the shortest possible time. Excellence and Creativity: We look for better solutions which we implement into our work, and we promote legislation changes. Co-operation: We work as a team with common goals. We openly cooperate and exchange information, taking into account the hierarchical structure. We cooperate with other stakeholders in achieving common goals, important for the whole country. Information technology: We use modern information technologies and constantly seek efficient and customer friendly solutions. Image of SNSA: With our work and conduct, we maintain a good image of the SNSA. IAEA Training Course on IMS Module 3
Vision, Mission, Values - Example B SLOVENIA Policy Statement The management policy is based on its mission, vision and values. It is based on understanding the needs, expectations and demands of the customers and other stakeholders. The suitability of the management policy is continuously reviewed. The Management Policy is published as a part of the Management Manual and is available on the SNSA web site. http://www.ursjv.gov.si/en IAEA Training Course on IMS Module 3
Vision, Mission, Values - Example C SVEDEN SSM’s vision, mission statement and organisational values serve as the basis of the Authority’s comprehensive and detailed objectives (outcome objectives and performance targets). Vision A society safe from harmful effects of radiation Mission statement The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority works proactively and preventively to protect people and the environment from harmful effects of radiation, now and in the future. We systematically improve our processes, in order to develop and enhance effectiveness in our activities and to meet our objectives.” In connection with the establishment of SSM in 2008 we involved all staff in a work to decide what our work is aiming at, what mission we have and which core values should characterise our work. This was needed for several reasons. First of all an organisation excercising authority must have well thought out what it is aiming for, how it should perform its mission and what ethical values should govern the work. And secondly since SSM was a merger of two authorities we found it important to do a solid work to find a vision, a mission statement and core values that were accepted by the staff regardless from where they had worked before. This work resulted in a Vision: A society safe from harmful effects of radiation. This vision of course involves not only SSM but may other actors in the society. Our Mission statement emphasizes that we work both proactively and preventively. Our Core values are integrity, openness and reliability. Integrity means that we uphold our independence and base our opinions on facts. Openness means that we are transparent to the outside world – we clearly and actively provide information about our activities. Reliability means that our work is conducted by employees who are competent, objective and impartial. These fundamental values are put into effect by means of SSM´s establishet objectives, policies and other steering documents, which are to be understood, familiar to and complied with by all members of the organisation.
Vision, Mission, Values - Example C SVEDEN Key values A key prerequisite for successful work is our legitimacy in society. Our key values have the aim of guiding our actions in a way instilling confidence and strengthening our legitimacy. Our three key values are reliability integrity openness
Vision, Mission, Values - Example C SVEDEN Reliability means pursuing our work on the basis of facts. Reliability is achieved when employees are competent, objective and impartial. ‘Competence’ means employees having the requisite professional skills, education, training and experience. Integrity means maintaining our independence and not allowing us to be influenced when it comes to our own decisions, standpoints, advice and recommendations. Integrity involves taking charge, both while exercising authority and on an employee level.
Vision, Mission, Values - Example C SVEDEN . Vision, Mission, Values - Example C SVEDEN Openness means that the work of the Authority is transparent to the outside world and that we clearly and proactively provide information about our work, standpoints, advice, recommendations and decisions. Openness also involves SSM’s willingness to be attentive to and consider external views
Involvement of staff Employee involvement is a management and leadership philosophy about how people are most enabled to contribute to continuous improvement and the ongoing success of their organization. See Module 3, presentation on Communications IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 23 23
Involvement of Staff Its RB management responsibility to define vision, mission and values. Different management may stress importance of different values … depends on personality, experience, goals … Staff should be trained to understand and to (finally) became committed to the vision, mission and values Tady by bylo třeba uvést praktický příklad, jak se staff podílí na definici … IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 24 24
Vision, Mission, Values, Management policies ? Write on the flipchart vision and mission which you would present as a regulator on the website (or other documents). ? Write on the flipchart five core values to which the mission is founded. Each group (representative) will present agreed vision, mission and values in 5-10 minutes. IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 25 25
What is „Vision“, „Mission” and „Value”? „Vision“ Where we are aiming? „Mission “ Who we are? What we are doing? Why we are doing it? In what we are good? For whoom we are working? „Values“ Principles or standards of behaviour on which we want to build our organisation. IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 26 26
Vision, Mission, Values, Management policies ? Discussion - comparative analysis of common features and differences between the presented visions, missions and values. ? Summarization of shared values. IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 27 27
Thank you!! IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 28 28