Activities of ISPOR Ukraine Student Chapter Speaker: Sofiya Got, PhD (c.), MSD Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University ISPOR Ukraine Chapter Vice-President of ISPOR Ukraine Student Chapter Faculty advisor: professor Olha Zalis’ka SLIDE 10: 1st November 2016, Vienna, Austria
ISPOR Ukraine Student Chapter Summary: main achievements 2015-2016 18 student members 58 publications: articles and abstracts in Ukrainian and foreign journals (Value in Health, Journal of Health Policy&Outcomes Research) 29 Poster presentations 15 Podium presentations 2016: 3 Chapter students workshops: “HTA implementation in Ukraine” (October, June, March 2016); Education and research
ISPOR 18th Annual European Congress, Milan, 2015
ISPOR 21st Annual International Meeting, Washington DC, 2015
ISPOR 7th Asia-Pacific Conference, Singapore 2016 Value&Outcomes Spotlight, September/October, 2016
Keys to successful year Short courses participation: Y.Vadziuk, N.Maksymovych, O.Piniazhko. Training participation: ISPOR HTA Training Courses, Zagreb 2015 – O.Piniazhko. Community Service/Other Activities: International Conference held by MOH and EU Comission “Reforms of public health systems”, September 2015, Odessa, Ukraine (O.Piniazhko) Advanced_HTA workshop, Warsaw, September 24-25, 2015, held by LSE and AOTM (O.Piniazhko) Internship at Parliament of Canada (S.Got). Volunteer project (S.Got)
Research projects: cooperation in CEE MCDA research Syreon Research Institute, Hungary Student Chapter In terms of research topic of CEE Network – “Application of Multicriteria Decision Making”, publication and presented posters. (Piniazhko O., Nemeth B.) An analysis of the criteria used in existing or proposed MCDA models (PRM202), 21st ISPOR Annual International Meeting, Washington DC Cooperation between Student Chapters: University of Groningen, participation in conference (Netherlands)
Canada-Ukraine Parliamentary Program SLIDE 10:
Volunteering in Tanzania
With the Minister of Health Of Ukraine – Ulana Suprun SLIDE 10:
Thank you for your attention! 1st November 2016, Vienna, Austria