AMCA Elections Training July 26, 2017
VOTER EDUCATION Logistics Voter registration How to vote Early voting Election day Key dates & deadlines Candidates Issues
Voter Education
2016 RADIO Voter Education Guide Drop: :10 ANNCR: Look for the Citizens Clean Elections Commission Voter Education Guide this week. Every household with a registered voter will receive a guide in the coming days. Learn more at A Z Clean Elections dot gov slash general. :15 ANNCR: The Citizens Clean Elections Commission Voter Education Guide has been sent out for the General Election. Look out for your pamphlet in the mail this week to get unbiased, in-depth information on Arizona’s candidates. Learn more at A Z Clean Elections dot gov slash general. Early Voting: :10 ANNCR: Early voting for the General Election starts October 12th. Vote by mail or in person at designated early voting sites. To learn more, visit A Z Clean Elections dot gov slash general. :15 ANNCR: Early voting for the General Election starts October 12th. Vote by mail or in person at designated early voting sites. To find an early voting site or request your early ballot by mail, visit A Z Clean Elections dot gov slash general.
2017 Roundtable Thank you to all who were able to attend!
FOCUS POINTS Voter Education Plan Chat bot Media & Social Networks Technology Tools & Resources Roundtable breakouts Keynote
HOW CAN WE HELP? We appreciate feedback from the Roundtable Event. Our goals are to improve the methods in which voters gain knowledge regarding elections & to reach voters across the four corners of the state. All suggestions are welcomed!
2017 August & November Important Dates: Voter Registration Deadline Early Voting Last day to request early ballot by mail Last day to mail in early ballot Last day to vote early in person Election Day
New technology!
Facebook Chat bot What is a chatbot? A chatbot is an interactive messaging system in order to gain real life knowledge. The Clean Elections Chatbot will give updated information pertaining to current elections.
CHAT TOPICS Find where to vote/hours of polling place Request Early Ballot What’s on the ballot Voting Deadlines Links to election offices and Citizens Clean Elections Commission are provided for more information.
What’s Coming in 2018
ELECTION DATES March 13, 2018 May 15, 2018 August 28, 2018 November 6, 2018
EDUCATION TOOLS Voter Education Guide Debates App Candidate Compass District Locator Find my Elected Officials Landing pages Find your Polling Place ID at the Polls Chat bot
LOCAL CANDIDATES Ability to create profiles through the Clean Elections Candidate Portal
DEBATES Statewide and Legislative for Primary & General Elections Voters can attend legislative debates in person or watch on YouTube
APP Provides voter education and information on statewide and legislative elections. Ability to find polling places Information on candidates
Find out which candidate you align with! Candidate Compass Find out which candidate you align with!
Specific Deliverables “Toolkits” for jurisdictions: Content calendars Infographics Collateral/assets Candidate Profiles Candidate portal instructions Chat bot 2017
(Every question is a good question!) Questions? (Every question is a good question!)