Voting: It’s Your Right Mary Ciccone & Christopher Miller New Jersey's designated protection and advocacy system for people with disabilities
Reasons to Vote It’s your right! Your vote makes a difference! It’s important to be involved in the political process! We are the largest group! We have the power to make the change we want to see! New Jersey's designated protection and advocacy system for people with disabilities
Reasons to Vote This election coming up in November is critical for people with disabilities! We must tell the candidates to put our issues front and center! New Jersey's designated protection and advocacy system for people with disabilities
Issues Medicaid is more than doctors’ visits and prescription drug coverage. It’s the way we live our lives. Medicaid equals community living, self-directing services and supports we need to live in the community we choose. Without Medicaid, we will lose choice and freedom. New Jersey's designated protection and advocacy system for people with disabilities
Issues Direct Support Professionals (DSP’s) are critical to people with disabilities. They take care of us and do everything we need them to do in order to live healthily and safely in our communities. If we do not have them, some of us will be stuck in bed. We need to ensure that candidates know DSP’s need a living wage to continue doing their jobs. New Jersey's designated protection and advocacy system for people with disabilities
Issues We need to ensure that 20 million dollars is going into getting DSP’s a raise. New Jersey's designated protection and advocacy system for people with disabilities
Issues We need accessible transportation. Everybody needs to get around. Transportation has been a concern for many of us for years. It is time to hold people accountable for the system they created for us. Without accessible transportation, we can not participate meaningfully in our communities. New Jersey's designated protection and advocacy system for people with disabilities
Issues It’s really important to have our voice heard on housing. We deserve to live where we choose to live but we can’t do that if there isn’t an opportunity for us to have accessible, affordable housing. We must let the candidates know that they have to work harder for housing for all. New Jersey's designated protection and advocacy system for people with disabilities
What You Can Do If you are not registered to vote, that’s okay, you can register today and make a difference. If you are registered and vote regularly, thank you! Your vote does make a difference! New Jersey's designated protection and advocacy system for people with disabilities
REVUP It is time for the disability community to raise their voices! We are facing a dangerous time where people are trying to change the way we live, work and interact in our communities. We can not afford to let it happen. We must use our power to vote for candidates who will make positive changes in our lives, allowing us to participate meaningfully in society. New Jersey's designated protection and advocacy system for people with disabilities
How Do I Vote Am I eligible to vote? Am I 18 years old? Am I a United States citizen? Am I currently serving a sentence for a felony? Am I registered? New Jersey's designated protection and advocacy system for people with disabilities
How Do I Vote How do I become registered? Fill out a voter registration application Mail to the county clerk’s office or drop off in person State agencies such as MVC must ask you whether you want to register to vote You will need to supply some proof of identification and your address (no photo id) b New Jersey's designated protection and advocacy system for people with disabilities
How Do I Vote In order to vote in an election, you must be registered 21 days before that election To vote on November 7, the deadline to register is October 17, 2017. New Jersey's designated protection and advocacy system for people with disabilities
How Do I Vote How do I know if I am registered? You should receive a sample ballot approximately one week before the election New Jersey's designated protection and advocacy system for people with disabilities
How Do I Vote In person On Election Day, you will go to your assigned polling place between the hours of 6:00am and 8:00pm. The polling place should be accessible The polling place should have at least one audio machine New Jersey's designated protection and advocacy system for people with disabilities
How Do I Vote If you need assistance with voting in person, you can bring any person of your choosing into the booth with you (exception is employer or union representative) If you have no one with you, you can request assistance and two individuals of different parties can assist you New Jersey's designated protection and advocacy system for people with disabilities
How Do I Vote What if my name is not on the registration list? You can request a provisional ballot (which may or may not be counted) or you can go to the county court and argue your case before a judge (if judge rules in your favor, you will be given a regular ballot) New Jersey's designated protection and advocacy system for people with disabilities
How Do I Vote Vote By Mail Any person can vote by mail 2 step process Complete and return a Vote By Mail Application Complete and return your Vote By Mail Ballot New Jersey's designated protection and advocacy system for people with disabilities
How Do I Vote Vote By Mail Application Once you complete the application, you can mail the application to the Office of the County Clerk up to 7 days before the election or you can return the application in person to the Office of the County Clerk until 3:00pm the day before the election New Jersey's designated protection and advocacy system for people with disabilities
How Do I Vote Once the county clerk receives a Vote By Mail Application, the clerk will send you the Vote By Mail Ballot. You must follow the directions on the ballot exactly or your vote may not be counted You must return the ballot to the Board of Elections before polls close at 8pm on Election Day New Jersey's designated protection and advocacy system for people with disabilities
How Do I Vote If you have requested a Vote By Mail Ballot, you may not vote in person on Election Day You can only vote once New Jersey's designated protection and advocacy system for people with disabilities
How Do I Vote What can I do if I have problems on Election Day? DRNJ hosts a Election Day Hotline from 7am until 8pm. You can contact DRNJ at: (800) 922-7233 or (609) 292-9742 New Jersey's designated protection and advocacy system for people with disabilities