Follow the Red Brick Road to Testing Navigating the Duty Schedules for 3 different Days, March 11, 12 & 13!
First things first Check your seat for a number from 1 – 30 Place your cell phone in the matching shoe sleeve in the front of the room before we begin.
Family Feud – Testing Week Name the top 3 testing irregularities at MHS during practice STAAR/EOC English. 1 Allowing Cell phone use Accepting incomplete answer sheets Lunch orders & lunch time 2 3 X X X X X
Testing Pick Up in Ad-113 1st period Testing Teachers pick up bins (please know testing room #) EOC Test Instructions and Testing Guide (purple sheet) Attendance rosters (2), Lunch roster (1) Test booklets, scantron answer documents, seating chart, pencils, highlighters, restroom passes, Time Countdown Reminder script, Time Sheet, Do Not Disturb sign (and calculators for the Biology test)
Before Testing Be sure to cover or remove anything that could be considered a testing aid in the room. Mark milk choice (white or chocolate) next to student names who order cafeteria lunch on Lunch Roster (lunches from cafeteria must include a milk). Have students write their content area teacher name and period on the front cover of the test booklet along with their own name. Read test directions and START testing by 8:20 AM
During testing Complete a seating chart. Proctors record time in and out on reverse side of seating chart. MARK the time you start the test on the Time Sheet. Mark attendance on both rosters. Clip one attendance roster AND the lunch roster outside your door. The other roster is for your reference. Actively MONITOR your students. At lunch time, conversation is allowed as long as you monitor. No talking about the test is permitted. As students finish, please check to see that all questions have been answered on the scantrons.
After testing Check to make sure students have bubbled answers for all questions. Place all completed answer documents in the folder FACE UP. Paper clip together all unused answer documents and place in folder. Place the roster on top of the completed answer documents in folder. Stack test booklets alpha by content teacher name. Return testing materials to the AD-113.
And finally… IF a student finishes testing and you have collected the test materials, the student can then read, no electronic devices allowed. At 1:05pm, release students to go to 6th period unless instructed otherwise.
Tuesday’s Game plan Biology in 9th grade Alpha rooms (Aqua & Blue Wings)
Tuesday’s room relocation plan Draft will be emailed, let Jean Landry know of any issues by end of day on Thursday.
Wednesday’s Gym plan All hands on deck in Gym 3
Wednesday’s no relocation plan None needed for classrooms!!!!!!! Library closed
Thursday’s Game plan US History in 11th grade Alpha rooms (Green, White, M, GM, MPR & Violet Wings)
Thursday’s room relocation plan Draft will be emailed, let Jean Landry know of any issues by end of day on Thursday.
3 Days, 3 Different Plans Please remember to: check each of the 3 schedules and know your responsibilities inform your students of how the 3 days will work and where they should report (relocation & orphans) email Jean Landry about schedule conflicts