Mystery High School Theatre Home of Thespian Troupe 1492 Growing Awareness and Support for Your Theatre Program Put It in the Show Program Cover--enhanced Mystery High School Theatre Home of Thespian Troupe 1492 Presents
Growing Awareness and Support for Your Theatre Program Put It in the Show Program Director’s Notes Working with this group of students has been a challenge and a reward. It seems as though no amount of preparation prevents how overwhelmed I feel at the beginning of each production. There is always so much to complete and there is never enough time. I push my students and myself to the edge of time, patience, and sanity. I have such high expectations for each new cast because I want them to grow into well-rounded adults with a myriad of experiences , and I feel solely responsible for this transition. I challenge each student to make this the best performance they have ever given, and they always rise to the occasion. As the curtain falls on the last performance, I am consistently filled with pride for the accomplishments of these young performers. Congratulations to Rose Petals and Vince Bink, who recently achieved International Honor Thespian ranking as a result of their hard work and dedication to our theatre program. They’ve each earned more than 180 Thespian points, accumulating 1,800 hours of excellence in the theatre arts through performance, crew, and serving as officers of troupe 1492. These students have demonstrated a commitment to excellence in theatre arts and have proven themselves valuable assets to Mystery High School’s theatre program.
Growing Awareness and Support for Your Theatre Program Put It in the Show Program Educate your audience – celebrate your students Thespian induction 10 points earned (100 hours of excellent work in the theatre arts) Thespian ranks Honor Thespian, 600 + hours National Honor Thespian, 1200 + hours International Honor Thespian, 180 + hours Scholar distinctions Eligibility begins at the end of grade 10 or any grade period after. GPA is based on a 4.0 scale (or local school equivalent) Thespian Scholar, 3.0 cumulative GPA Vice President's List Scholar, 3.5 cumulative GPA President's List Scholar, 4.0 cumulative GPA Honorary Thespians Adults who perform outstanding service for a Thespian troupe
Growing Awareness and Support for Your Theatre Program Put It in the Show Program
Growing Awareness and Support for Your Theatre Program Put It in the Show Program Biographies Jim Nasium (Phillip Lombard) Jim is one of six International Thespian Officers nationwide. In between traveling to various state chapter festivals and planning the ITS student leadership training program, this Honor Thespian always finds time to lead our school’s annual food drive. Trick or Treat so Kids Can Eat® is the ITS’ annual nationwide community service initiative to collect food for the hungry. This is Jim’s third time under the lights; previous credits include Oliver in Oliver! and Rusty Charlie in Guys and Dolls. Jim dedicates his performance to Grandpa Joe. Chris Anthemum (Dame Margaret Wargrave) Chris is a senior International Honor Thespian who will be sorely missed. Her hard work, dedication, and involvement have been a valuable asset to our department. She single-handedly organized “Read With Me Theatre,” a community service initiative for high school theatre students to share their talents with local elementary schools. You may recognize Chris from such performances as Juliet in Romeo and Juliet, Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, or an Ensemble member of Brigadoon. We are also proud to announce that she has been cast in the Educational Theatre Association’s International Thespian Cast production of Hairspray, a true declaration of her talent and ability. After graduation, Chris plans to continue her work in the arts at the University of Theatre Studies.
Growing Awareness and Support for Your Theatre Program Put It in the Show Program Appreciation CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR NEW HONORARY THESPIANS! In demonstration of our gratitude, the following individuals are to be known hereafter as “Honorary Thespians” for their level of involvement and dedication to Thespian troupe 1492 and the theatre department at Mystery High School. Misty Bink Kevin Lomberg Paul Schneider of Schneider Lumber Veronica Luvowski of The Costume Shop Mr. and Mrs. Sam Star Please accept this esteemed title as a token of our utmost appreciation for contributing your time, talent, and treasure in support of our theatre program. Everyone in the Mystery High School community is invited to attend our induction ceremony on May 17, 2017 at 8:00pm to welcome all of our new inductees and these new honorary members into our troupe. (HINT: Order a roster from ITS to use for your honorary members and have them sign it at induction)
Fame, Fortune, Fighting, Fun, and Food Growing Awareness and Support for Your Theatre Program Put It in the Show Program Recruitment Fame, Fortune, Fighting, Fun, and Food Got a talent? We need it! Got no talent? Learn one! If you do it, we can use it! Writers, athletes, business types, artists, builders, sewers…and of course actors and actresses, our theatre program needs you! Troupe 1492 of the International Thespian Society invites you to find out how to get involved during our open house January 27 at 5:30pm Auditorium FREE Stage Combat and Basic Comedy Improv lessons Learn how to take a punch…and a joke! Drinks and munchies provided Can’t make it? Talk to Mrs. Andrews, our Thespian officers, or anyone in the program designated as a member of ITS. All are welcome!
Growing Awareness and Support for Your Theatre Program Put It in the Show Program Advocacy