Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) 2010 Interim Results Dr Pam Wells Adviser, Evidence-Informed Practice
Background Online questionnaire Voluntary and anonymous Based on PRES methodology Voluntary and anonymous At both institution and student level Second national administration Larger sample than last year Benchmarking
Questionnaire Core survey Institutional questions Nine main areas of interest Demographic information Institutional questions Participating institutions ask as many extra questions as they choose, and design these questions themselves
Motivations Quality of teaching and learning Assessment and feedback Dissertation and supervision Organisation and management Learning resources Skills and personal development Career and professional development Overall satisfaction
PTES 2010 77 participating HEIs from England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland Flexible survey period, 15 Feb – 28 May More than 220,000 students surveyed Interim results, 19 April 70 HEIs 17,531 students
Participating HEIs 70 institutions contributing interim data Between 7 and 1,256 responses (0 – 7%) Proportion of data Number of HEIs Less than 1% 36 Between 1% and 2% 18 More than 2% 16
PTES cohort
PTES cohort 43% male, 57% female 64% home, 11% EU, 25% overseas 59% full-time, 39% part-time 74% face-to-face, 26% distance 67% started their programme between 1 Sep and 31 Dec 2009 Further 18% started in the previous academic year (1.9.08 - 31.8.09)
Age of participants
Age by mode of study
Employment 51% in paid employment
Main motivations for taking this programme To progress in my current career path (i.e. a professional qualification) 53% To improve my employment prospects For personal interest 44% To enable me to progress to a higher level qualification (e.g. PhD) 33% To change my current career 18% As a requirement to enter a particular profession 17% To meet the requirements of my current job 8% Other 4%
Motivation Reasons for studying at this particular institution The location of the institution 38% The overall reputation of the institution 37% The institution’s reputation in my chosen subject area 35% Delivery of the programme is flexible enough to fit around my life 23% The reputation of the department It was recommended to me 20% Funding was available to me to study this particular programme 17%
Motivation Reasons for studying at this particular institution I have studied at this institution before 16% Graduates from this institution have good career and employment prospects 14% It is the only institution offering this programme 13% The cost of the programme compared to other institutions 12% My employer advised or encouraged me to do it 8% Other 7% The way the programme is assessed 6%
Quality of teaching and learning 37% said that the teaching quality on their programme was consistently good 53% said that the teaching quality was variable but generally good Only 2% said it was consistently poor
Teaching and learning % agree PTES 2009 The course is intellectually stimulating 82% 84% The teaching and learning methods are effective for this type of programme 79% 81% I am happy with the teaching support I received from staff on my course 70% 71% There is sufficient contact time (face to face and/or virtual/online) between staff and students to support effective learning 68% 67%
Staff % agree PTES 2009 Staff are enthusiastic about what they are teaching 83% Staff are good at explaining things 80% Staff made the subject interesting 76% 77%
Assessment and feedback % agree PTES 2009 The criteria used in marking have been made clear in advance 71% 74% Assessment arrangements and marking have been fair I have received detailed comments (written or oral) on my work 65% 68% Feedback on my work has helped me clarify things I did not understand 57% 58% Feedback on my work has been prompt I received feedback in time to allow me to improve my next assignment 56%
Dissertation and supervision % agree PTES 2009 My supervisor has the skills and subject knowledge to adequately support my dissertation 76% 80% I understand the required standards for the dissertation 73% 77% My supervisor makes a real effort to understand any difficulties I face 67% 70% My supervisor provides helpful feedback on my progress 63% 66% I have been given good guidance in topic selection and refinement by my supervisor 65% I have received good guidance in my literature search from my supervisor 58% 60%
Workload 52% said that the workload on their programme was more or less what they expected 31% said it was higher than they expected 11% said it was much higher than they expected
Organisation and management % agree PTES 2009 The timetable fits well with my other commitments 76% 80% Any changes in the programme or teaching have been communicated effectively 72% 74% The balance of core modules and options is appropriate 70% The programme is well organised and is running smoothly 69% The balance between scheduled contact time and private study is appropriate
Learning resources % agree PTES 2009 I have been able to access general IT resources when I needed to 78% The library resources and services are easily accessible 77% The library resources and services are good enough for my needs 72% 75%
Learning resources % agree I am satisfied with the quality of learning materials available to me (Print, online material, DVDs, etc.) 75% I have been able to access social learning spaces (e.g. for group working) on campus when I needed to 69% I have been able to access specialised equipment, facilities, or rooms when I needed them 66%
Skills and personal development % agree PTES 2009 The programme has developed my research skills 77% 79% The programme has developed my transferable skills As a result of the programme I am more confident about independent learning 73% 75% As a result of the programme, I feel confident in tackling unfamiliar problems 66% The programme has helped me to present myself with confidence 65% As a results of the programme my communication skills have improved 63% 61%
Career and professional development % agree PTES 2009 As a result of this programme, I believe my future employment prospects are better 78% I feel better prepared for my future employment 72% I am encouraged to reflect on my professional development needs 68% 69%
Overall satisfaction The overall experience of my course met or exceeded my expectations – 84% Quality of teaching and learning met or exceeded my expectations – 82% Assessment and feedback met or exceeded my expectations – 74%
Overall satisfaction Organisation and management met or exceeded my expectations – 75% Learning resources met or exceeded my expectations – 87% Career and professional development met or exceeded my expectations – 88% Skills and personal development met or exceeded my expectations – 90%
Further analysis Scale analysis Multiple regression Experience of different demographic groups Benchmarking National report
Next steps Working with PTES HEIs to share effective practice Using survey findings to inform enhancement activities Stop press: considering another national administration of PTES in 2011 To be confirmed