Workplace Inspection of Different Industrial Sectors and its Impact on Job Performance of Workers in Alkhartoum and Omdrman Dafallah Mokhtar Esmail Adel Zakaria
Sudan , is an African country in the Nile Valley of North Africa, bordered by Egypt to the north, the Red Sea, Eritrea and Ethiopia to the east, South Sudan to the south, the Central African Republic to the southwest, Chad to the west and Libya to the northwest. It is the third largest country in Africa. The River Nile divides the country into eastern and western halves.[13] Its predominant religion is Islam
Workplace inspection is necessary and critical as part of safety and health program. Inspection include information about; work areas, manual handling, housekeeping, indoor environment, fire safety, first aid , electrical safety, hand tools and PPE. Inspection regulation enforcement could be used to reduce exposure arising from hazards in work areas and work-related stress and so, to promote job performance of workers.
Aim of the Study To inspect workplace in different industries in Alkhartoum and Omdurman localities , to study work-related stress among exposed workers and find out their impact on job performance of workers
MATERIALS AND METHODS Study setting The workplace inspection was conducted in 49 factories from Khartoum and 116 factories from Omdurman locality, with a total of 165 Study Design Cross sectional study
Workplace inspection: Data collection methods Workplace inspection: A modified pre- determined checklist was used for study and inspection of collected data for each sample factory. Physical Hazards which were assessed including noise, illumination level and Heat Stress by proper calibrated direct reading instruments
Study population Workers sample : The sample of the study workers was collected to include 531 workers in Alkhartoum and 475 in Omdurman localities with a total of 1006 workers
Structured interview Each selected worker was subjected to a pre-designed questionnaire to collect information about personal and family histories with special emphasis on socioeconomic& occupational history. Work stress questionnaire Work stress was assessed using standard work –related stress questionnaire
Job performance appraisal Two methods were conducted a. Work record in each factory: The data were obtained from the annual performance appraisal for each worker according to the last year. b. Annual Employee Performance Evaluation
Statistical analysis Data was analyzed using (SPSS) version 16. Descriptive statistics as proportion, quartiles, mean, and standard deviation were used. Categorical data were conducted using chi-square test.
Inspection of study factories
Description of inspection by activity Mean Activity 52.31 Food Paints 46.43 Paints 44.58 Iron and metal 60.57 Printing 45.00 Tanneries & leather 51.86 Plastic 78.57 Pharmaceutical & perfume 48.21 Cements & derivatives 63.09 Textile & garments 50.14 Oil & soap Pots & pans household 49.11 Shoe & sponges 52.45 Total 0.036* P
Assessment of physical hazards Tanneries & leather (n= 5) WBGT Heat Stress Lighting intensity Noise Level Activity % U 85 34 72.7 32 45.0 18 Food (n = 44) $ 50 2 100 4 50.0 Paints (n = 4) 93 28 73.3 22 53.3 16 Iron and metal (n= 30 41.7 5 12 Printing (n = 12) 40 80 0.0 - Tanneries & leather (n= 5) 79 19 25.0 6 Plastic (n = 24)
Assessment of physical hazards cont… Pharmaceutical & perfume (n = 7) WBGT Heat Stress Lighting intensity Noise Level Activity % U 28.6 2 57.1 4 14.3 1 Pharmaceutical & perfume (n = 7) 50 0.0 - 100 Cements & derivatives (n= 2) 33.3 66.7 3 Textile & garments (n = 6) 96 24 64 16 6 Oil & soap (n = 25) Pots & pans household (n = 2) 75 Shoe & sponges (n = 4) 77.0 124 68.5 113 36.6 59 Total (n = 165) $
Work stress among study workers
Description of the study sample of workers by stress status
Distribution of sample of workers by stress status and demographic characteristics (gender)
Distribution of sample of workers by stress status and age
Distribution of sample of workers by stress status and marital status
Distribution of sample of workers by stress status and socio- economic status
Distribution of sample of workers by stress status and hobbies
Distribution of sample of workers by stress status and position
Distribution of sample of workers by stress status and duration
Distribution of sample of workers by stress status and working hours
Distribution of study of workers by stress status and activity
Distribution of study workers by stress status and inspection score Total Stress No Total inspection score M/L H 401 285 116 <50% 100 71.1 28.9 % 441 359 82 50% - <75% 81.4 18.6 164 145 10 75% - 100% 93.9 6.1 789 208 79.3 20.7 39.07 Chi-square 0.000* p
Work performance among study workers
Distribution of sample of workers by work performance according to gender
Distribution of sample of workers by work performance according to age
Distribution of sample of workers by work performance according to martial status
Distribution of sample of workers by work performance according to socio-economic status
Distribution of sample of workers by work performance according to hobbies
Distribution of sample of workers by work performance according to position
Distribution of sample of workers by work performance according to duration
Distribution of sample of workers by work performance according to working hours
workers by work performance according to activity
Distribution of study of workers by performance and localities
work performance according to inspection scale
Correlation of performance and work stress among the study workers Overall performance Items -.378 rs Job demands & working condition .000 P -.746 Participation and Control -.284 Interpersonal relation -.704 Career development & job security
Working hours & information Correlation of performance and work stress among the study workers cont … -.236 rs Working hours & information .000 P -.565 Role in the company & information -.276 Income -.785 Total
The present study findings indicated that inspection of workplaces in Alkhartoum and Omdurman in Sudan was found to be 42% unsatisfactory 36.6% of the inspected work places were exposed to high noise level, 77% were exposed to heat stress levels higher than recommended levels and 68% did not fulfill the industrial lighting requirements. These have been reflected on 21%of studied workers who were submitted to high level of stress. This resulted in unacceptable or need improvement performance among 43.6% of studied workers