Peer Resource Network Occupational Health & Safety Program Requirements Introduce facilitator Updated: 2017
Connecting Leaders, Sparking Change What is the Peer Resource Network? Provide leadership teams with a non-judgemental environment to share and learn about occupational health and safety (OH&S) and return-to- work (RTW) best practices Connect leadership teams with external resources to support positive change in OH&S and RTW practices. Overview of Session 1
What are we doing this afternoon? OH&S Systems & Programs Understand the basic duties and responsibilities of employers, supervisors, and workers in the workplace under legislation Know the critical safety areas for the continuing care sector Understand the basic components of a safety management system and its key elements Understand how to access the tools and resources required to implement changes Have a framework and practical tools to review systems/ programs, identify opportunities for improvement, and implement changes to existing programs
Safety – Whose Responsibility is it? What are the General Duties of: Employers Supervisors Workers
In Your Workplace… What are the main workplace safety issues in your workplace? What types of injuries do you see occurring? Why do you think they are occurring?
How Are Staff Getting Hurt? Home Care
How Are Staff Getting Hurt? Long Term Care
Key Components of a Safety Management System Learning & Education Leadership Leadership commitment to safety Staff training & education Organizational learning Functional JOHSC Inspection processes Safe work procedures established Communication systems Investigation procedures around incidents Hazard identification & control Programs & Procedures
Safety Leadership & JOHSC Starts with senior leadership and management commitment to a safe workplace Joint Health and Safety Committee plays a crucial role in this process Role Composition Function Leadership
Role of the Joint Safety Committee To promote safe work practices To assist in creating a safe and health workplace To recommend actions which will improve the effectiveness of OH&S Program Question: What does a high performing safety committee look like? Leadership
Learning & Education… …includes both staff training and education, and organizational learning Questions: Who is responsible at your organization for staff training How is safety training provided? What do you find works well for staff training? What are some areas that your organization could work on? What approach does your organization take to learning from past incidents or injury trends? Learning & Education
Programs and Procedures… …includes: Inspection Processes Safe Work Procedures Established Communication Systems Investigation procedures around incidents Hazard identification & control Programs & Procedures
Responding to workplace incidents… Can you describe your typical response process for dealing with a workplace incident? Questions: Who is involved from your workplace? What is your process for implementing corrective action? How effective is your process? What areas are working well? What areas are challenging? Programs & Procedures
System Perspective Questions: How are you managing this process as a system? (Or how would you like to?) Do you see any places in your organization where these elements are already tied together? Are there opportunities to do so? How have you found ways to address these safety system elements? What components do you feel your organization could improve on? Leadership Learning & Education Programs & Procedures
Summary... Safety Management Systems Health and safety is a shared responsibility in the workplace Safety management systems are essential to ensuring a safe workplace The key components of the system are Leadership, Education & Training, and the Programs & Procedures Joint OH&S committees play an important role in this system Like all workplace systems, Health and Safety systems must be proactively lead and managed. Tools and resources are available under each of these system elements Facilitator - Completion exercise-go around in a circle and answer questions “what do you now know about creating a safety culture that you didn’t know before?”
Conclusion Thank-you & Questions? End presentation, begin open networking / informal Q & A / group brainstorm