SOCIAL MEDIA PHOTOGRAPHY : AN EMPIRICAL STUDY ON FACEBOOK USERS’ PHOTOGRAPHIC PRACTICES IN TURKEY Gülüm Şener Ulagay*, Yelda Özkoçak** *Istanbul Arel University, Department of Public Relations and Advertising, Istanbul, Turkey ** Istanbul Arel University, Department of Radio, Cinema and TV, Istanbul, Turkey
SOCIAL MEDIA PHOTOGRAPHY How does social media change photographic practices? How do social functions of photography change in social media?
PHOTO-SHARING CULTURE The individualization of photographic practice and content The amateurism of the photographer Photos as proof of everyday life, sharing everyday life images The publication of private images The use of photos for self-image management The need for being recognized by other users Establishing or reestablishing social bonds with friends on social networking sites Creating a visual and a semi-public archive of decisive moments. In sum, the evolution of the use of photography as movements ‘from family to individual use, from memory tools to communication devices and from sharing (memory) objects to sharing experiences’. (Jose Van Dijk (2008:60, cited by Pink, 2011: 95)
FACEBOOK PHOTOS Facebook is the leading social networking site in Turkey with more than 30 million users. Facebook is one of the world’s largest photo-sharing websites; users upload 250 million pictures everyday. As a friend community, Facebook create new ethos of photo-sharing practices.
METHODOLOGY Three-fold methodology: Online survey (June-July 2011) In-depth interviews Visual analysis of Facebook profile photos. Two research questions 1- What kind of photos do Facebook users share? What kind of photos do they prefer not to share? 2- What strategies do users follow to create an idealised image of themselves?
ONLINE SURVEY An online questionnaire (June-July 2011 and filled out by 707 respondents (694 were taken into consideration). The questionnaire consisted of six sections: (1) demographic items (2) users’ Facebook experience (3) photographic practices (4) conversation around photos (5) profile photo information (6) users’ perception regarding their representation in Facebook photos.
USERS PROFILE A)13-17 B) 18-24 C) 25-30 D) 31-44 E) 45-59 F) 60+
How often do you take picture? TAKING PICTURES Do you think your photo can be uploaded onto Facebook while posing for photographs? A) Yes B) No How often do you take picture? A)Several times a day B) Everyday C) Every few days D)Once a week E) Monthly F) Other
SHARING PHOTOS IN FACEBOOK How often do you upload pictures onto Facebook? A)Several times a day B) Everyday C) Every few days D)Once a week E) Monthly F) Other
Thank you for listening to me. DISCUSSION Photo-sharing is not yet a daily activity for Facebook users in Turkey. Facebook has changed the picture making process. The main message these photos carry is that ‘I am not alone, I am social, funny and happy’. Photographs become a part of the interaction and conversation. Thank you for listening to me.