NSBE Space SIG General Body Meeting March 2017 Dial in number: 641-715-3580 Code: 901405# URL for Screen Sharing: http://join.freeconferencecall.com/spacedirector
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Job Opportunity
Space SIG Access No excuse to hold anything less than your dream job Northrop Grumman and NASA Goddard both hired candidates from 2016 Aerospace Systems Conference Ball Corporation announced hiring opportunities at 2017 Space Technology Session New opportunity available now…
Secret clearance desired STEMBoard Founded by Space SIG member Aisha Bowe Government/DOD contractor Washington DC area General engineering and IT services Recent drone development work Midrange goal to hire 30 engineers Immediate need: 5 hires by March 22 Contact Aisha Bowe at arbowe@gmail.com for details Secret clearance desired
Space SIG at National Convention Kansas City, MO March 29 – April 2, 2017
NSBE Galactic Breakfast Unhide the Figures slideshow Hidden Figures segment via Dr. Joi Spraggins Keynote Speech – Vanessa Wyche, Director JSC Exploration Integration and Science Directorate Space SIG Overview for new members Limited attendance – 40 person cap Visit http://www.nsbe-space.org for registration link (right side of page)
Unhide the Figures Black Men and Women Bringing Space to the Black Community Replace with Photo Name – 28 pt font City, State – 18 pt font Employer – 18 pt font Describe Work Role Here – 18 pt font Space SIG Role – 18 pt font Describe NSBE Space Role Here – 18 pt font
Example Unhide the Figures Black Men and Women Bringing Space to the Black Community Robonaut Houston, Texas NASA Johnson Space Center Robonaut is a Test Subject in the Automation and Robotics Division. Robonaut helps develop new control systems for space robotics applications. Space SIG Role Robonaut is a Project Engineer for the Arusha Thermal Systems project team. Robonaut is helping to size a 300 kW heat rejection system for the rover
NSBE Galactic Breakfast Question Should we keep this as a permanent fixture at Convention? Sponsorship may be difficult to obtain given other Space SIG conferences Self Pay? How much would you be wiling to pay? 2017 Cost was $32 per plate (basic breakfast) Eggs, potatoes, fruit cup, bacon Would you pay more for an enhanced breakfast? Buttermilk biscuit bar +$9 Omelet and eggs to order +$9
PCI Workshop Problem Solving Strategies to Create High-Tech Innovators Michael McCullar and Tony Bruins Thursday, March 30 9:30 am – 11:30 am Marriott Hotel
Chapter Impact Luncheon Not explicitly a Space SIG event Thursday March 30 11:30 am – 1:00 pm Marriott Hotel Eventbrite Registration Required We should attend to promote chapter adoption of Space SIG projects as chapter programs NSBE Tricorder – Atlanta NSBE Arusha Cockpit – Houston Space NSBE Arusha Deployable Maintenance Workstation – Houston Space NSBE
SIG Networking Mixer Thursday March 30 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm Convention Center Talk up your participation in conferences, projects, or outreach and encourage others to get involved Volunteer scouts needed to pass out fliers to company reps of targeted hospitality suites (occurring at same time)
Space SIG Workshop A Partnership for Robotics, Construction Vehicle, & Auto Industries Friday, March 31 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Kickoff/recruiting session for Arusha Rover Mobility Project Team Target audience is employees of Caterpillar, John Deere, roboticists, automotive powertrain, and other heavy equipment engineers
General Sessions Half of the General Sessions feature former ASC Speakers Attend and try to approach speaker after General Session and thank for speaking at ASC Opening Session (March 29, 6-8 pm) Henry Brooks, President UTC Interiors (ASC 2016) Saturday General Session (March 31, 10-11:30 am) General Darren McDew, Commander US Transportation Command (ASC 2014) Note: Friday General Session (March 31, 6-7:30 pm) Ted Imes, Northrop Grumman Sector Director, Talent Discovery and University Relations – thank for NGC support of ASC
Space Project Management Meeting July 6-9, 2017 Dallas, TX
Meeting Purpose Evolved from Space Leadership Retreat Formerly just for the Space SIG Board Added project teams as Space SIG projects increased in complexity Held annually since 2006 Provides the organizational infrastructure to maintain the Space SIG’s activity
Project Management Working with PEB Talent Development Chair Akissi Lewis to develop PM principles applicable to Space SIG project teams Managing Partner, The Kallisto Groupe Senior Strategic Professional Information Technology Infrastructure Library Expert Six Sigma Master Black Belt PMP Organizational Change Management Diversity & Inclusion Specialist
Applied Project Management Attendees will group into project teams (just like at STS) Instead of engineering, will conduct project management Develop two-year project plan for their project/board/committee Spans July 2017 – July 2019 Plan to be adjusted/refined at 2018 SPMM; new plan developed at 2019 SPMM Includes budget, work milestones, team membership, publicity/marketing, outreach, etc.
Additional Details Pending content, may carry Professional Development Units and/or certificate of completion SPMM will become a component of a Space SIG leadership and engineering development program Initial steps on path towards a Space SIG certification of TBD type
Meeting Importance Project Team attendance Gains buy-in Mitigates confusion, feelings of being overwhelmed or unsure how/where to fit in Enables Space SIG to tally financial needs and justify number Develops source material for fundraising materials, programmatic justifications, informational packets, etc.
Registration Going live no later than March 29, 2017 Rates Early: $75 Regular: $85 Late: $95 Possible super saver discount for registrations completed by April 2 (budget analysis pending) Suggestions to lower costs Collaborate within project team Share rental car Rent a B&B / rental home
Hotel Hotel selection still in work Nonbinding discount block similar to STS Will be close to UTD Facilities – walking distance not guaranteed; transportation options still in work
Space SIG 300
SIG Membership Anyone who clicks the box in nsbe.org for Space SIG is considered a member according to national boards Number has limited meaning Currently 374 Professional, 1903 collegiate Some clicks accidental; many are not involved NSBE.org logs only minimal information about each member that SIG Directors can see ID, First Name, Last Name, Country *, Primary Email, Membership Type, Education Level *, College Major*, College Second Major*, College Minor*, Residency Status*, Chapter Name, Region Name, Company Name*, Title*, Dues Paid Thru, Gender * = optional field, not completed by all members
Membership Need Space SIG currently needs 300 NSBE Professionals to fill all of the duties presently identified Technical Project Teams 36 Total Project Teams, 181 People Outreach Project Teams 4 Total Project Teams, 31 People Meeting Planning Teams 4 Meeting Planning Teams, 67 People Leadership Teams 2 Leadership Teams, 21 People 181 + 31 + 67 + 21 = 300
Resolution of Roles Some have been active but have held multiple positions Need to restart planning for 2018 ASC in DC Will follow up first with STS-2017 attendees to confirm their roles JEDI Council also recruiting new members Space SIG 300 list to be posted to website Creating a new 2-year Space SIG member registration to document commitment