National Coordinator of RENES project Development of Master Programme in Renewable Energy Sources and Sustainable Environment - RENES Prof. Ahmed Yusupov National Coordinator of RENES project Tashkent Institute of Design, Construction and Exploitation of Automobile Roads – TIDCEAR(TARI),
Consortium of RENES EU Universities 1. University of L’Aquila – UNIVAQ (IT), Coordinator 2. Technical University of Berlin – TUB (DE); 3. Royal Institute of Technology – KTH (SE); 4. University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy – UCTM (BL).
UZ Universities 5. Tashkent Institute of Design, Construction and Exploitation of Automobile Roads – TIDCEAR(TARI), UZ co-coordinator ; 6. Turin Politechnic in Tashkent – TTPU; 7. Andijan State University – ASU; 8. Gulistan State University – GSU; 7. Karshi State University – KSU; 8.Urgench State University – UrSU; UZ Nonacademic Partners 9. Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education –MHSSE; 10. International Solar Energy Institute – ISEI; 11. “MIR SOLAR” Ltd – MIRSOLAR.
The project's main objectives are the followings: 1. Develop a new MSc curriculum in Renewable energy sources and sustainable environment. 2. Capacity building in Renewable Energy sources and sustainable environment program at 6 Uzbek universities. 3. Establishment of laboratories in renewable energy. 4. Development of research - education – innovation in Renewable Energy sources and sustainable environment.
Budget and duration Budget: 850 000 Euro Duration: 36 month Beginning 15/10/2016 Finish 15/10/2019
Project activities The activities of the project are distributed evenly for 3 years as follows: a. Project initiation meeting will be held in UZ – UrSU, 22-23/10/2016 . b. Selection of potential professors, experts and professionals at UZ universities. c. Intensive English courses in three levels (beginner, pre-intermediate, intermediate) for target groups of students, teachers and experts. Total number of participants of courses will be 18*6=108 persons (5 academic staff + 3 lab assistants + 10 st. from each UZ university). e. The computer skills improvement courses for the target group of 60 students will be organized. The courses will be delivered by acad. staff from each UZ university. f. Intensive trainings for 1.5 weeks (5 teachers from each partner). g. Needs assessment and analysis of current educational programs at UZ universities.
Project activities h. The list of 12 courses within the planned MSc program are: 1. Modelling heat and Mass transfer processes and technologies (on 32 h/lec, 32 h/prac, 32 h/lab) - TARI; 2. Environmental Impact Assessment (32 h/lec, 32 h/prac) - UrSU; 3. Innovative Technologies and Solutions of Energy Supply (16 h/lec, 16 h/prac, 16 h/lab) - TTPU; 4. Energy Technology (advanced course) (32 h/lec, 48 h/prac, 16 h/lab) - TTPU; 5. Socioeconomic Aspects of Energy Supply (32 h/lec, 32 h/prac)-GSU; 6. Environmental Management(32 h/lec, 32 h/prac) - KarSU; 7. Environmental Policy and Audit (32 h/lec, 32 h/prac) - KarSU; 8. Energy Conversion and Efficiency (21 h/lec, 16 h/prac, 16 h/lab)-TARI
Project activities 9. Renewable energy technologies I & II (48 h/lec, 48 h/prac, 32 h/lab) - ASU; 10. Photovoltaics (48 h/lec, 48 h/prac, 32 h/lab) - ASU; 11. Applied Solar Engineering (48 h/lec, 48 h/prac, 32 h/lab) - GSU; 12.Theory and Methodology of Science (16 h/lec, 32 h/prac, 16 h/lab) - UrSU. 13. Design requirements for thesis works and projects based on energy or environmental problems of regions of Uzbekistan
Project activities i. Innovative teaching methodologies will be designed and be employed in teaching of the developed curriculum. The new teaching methodologies will contain: - Web applications for distribution of all teaching materials; - Internet based open forums for discussions; - Multimedia based teaching tools via computer network and Internet distance learning; - Problem based teaching techniques are used to have students study by themselves; - Field studies (in regional enterprises and public offices) carried out by students; - Team based projects for students in order to enable them to learn how to work in a team environment and make the projects motivation to learn.
Project activities Creation of new laboratories at UZ universities will require: j. Identification of Software and hardware list needed for project goals. k. Procurement of hardware and software tools including books and other materials. l. Preparation of space for project laboratories at UZ universities. m. Establishment of Renewable Energy labs at 6 UZ universities.
Project activities n. Preparation of training courses for industries and public institutions in the 2nd year. Trainings, seminars, workshops at UZ universities. The project established laboratories will be arranged in the 2nd year. For preparation and teaching of all these trainings 30 academic staff from UZ universities and target groups will be involved. o. Development and publishing a website of the project in English and Uzbek languages.
Main outcomes of the project will be: To Create a new MSc programme at the ASU, KarSU, UrSU , GulSU, TIDCEAR and TTPU; a Full Master of Science curriculum with 12 courses for UZ Universities, which meet EU standards; fully functional and well equipped 6 Renewable Energy labs with all tools for analyses and experiments in the areas.
Project management structure Coordinator( UNIVAQ)—UZ co-coordinator (TARI) – Project administrators at each partner institution. UNIVAQ, TUB, KTH and TARI are responsible for operational management of RENES.
Project Management Group (PMG) PMG will be established with one representative from each partner institution during the kick-off meeting of the project. The overall management of the project activities will be implemented by this group in close collaboration with other university members involved in the project. This group will meet every six months to monitor progress of different activities and plan for upcoming ones. It will provide the link between all teachers in different consortium member institutions. In each work-package, one partner-university will have a lead role to coordinate all actions.
Following teams will be established during the first coordination meeting: 1.“Reference group” responsible for Quality Control and Monitoring. This group will include 5 persons at each Uzbek partner university - 1 vice-rector (head), 1 faculty dean, 1 member of academic staff, 1 student, 1 representative from industry. 2.“Public Relations Team” responsible for collecting and delivering the information, maintaining of the web-site, contacts with mass-media, external stakeholders(other universities, research institutes, industry, SME, Chambers of Commerce and Industry, regional/national authorities). 3.“Curriculum Development Team” responsible for developing new curriculum, tutorials and teaching methodology.
Dissemination Dissemination and exploitation of the project results will be achieved via: 1. Developed MSc courses with all teaching materials, laboratory works, projects and graduation thesis works will be in high quality and meet needs and requirements of enterprises, local and regional public administration institutions. 2. Graduates from this program will be sufficiently qualified specialists to find jobs in the energy sector and other related industries.
Dissemination Dissemination events are planned to ensure that on each phase necessary level of awareness and action is reached among stakeholders, guaranteeing sustainability of outcomes: *website launched from the start (Jan 2017) with info for target groups *leaflets (from May 2017) to keep audience always informed *Summer school - Seminar (June 2017) to present EU concepts in RE *Workshop to bring practical experience (Oct 2017) *activities reflected at university press, newspapers, TV *analytical reports published in journals *logo designed to provide Erusmus+ project visibility.
Logo of RENES
Task that will be subcontracted Intensive English Language Courses for Teachers; Developing, designing, updating of project website, support and security of website; Publishing, printing and others.
Thanks for your attention!