Definition: Oversimplified system where people grouping races or individuals together and make a judgment about their status, society and cultural norms.
Why do we stereotype?
easily categorize new things when we are unable or unwilling to obtain all of the information experiences books, magazines,television, movies,friends, family unconscious part of our minds society
Examples of (Cultural) Stereotypes Americans Your possible answers (adjectives)
fat and lazy selfish Violent Find appropriate adjectives to the phrases: economy is sustained by drugs and drug lords (Adj.) corruption and violence (Adj.) addicted to plastic surgery (Adj.)
French: Your possible answers (adjectives) are said to be snobby arrogant and rude Find appropriate adjectives to the phrases: world's greatest lovers (Adj.) people wearing berets (Adj.) lacking of hygiene (Adj.)
British: Your possible answers (adjectives) Sophisticated Find appropriate adjectives to the phrases: are well mannered (Adj. synonims) obsessed with class and status(Adj.) food is bad (Adj.)
Germans: Your possible answers (adjectives) effiecient and disciplined Find appropriate adjectives to the phrases: Hardworkers (Adj.) love their cars (Adj.) German men wander around the place in Lederhosen (Adj.) stiff and humourless (Adj.)
Italians: Your possible answers (adjectives) Find appropriate adjectives to the phrases: chatterboxes and bad listeners (Adj.) goodlooking and crazy about fashion (Adj.) Italian Mamma rule the roost (Adj.)
Russians: Your possible answers (adjectives) Find appropriate adjectives to the phrases: Corruption (Adj.) love vodka (Adj.) beautiful women(find synonym) Depressive (find synonym)
Chinese: Your possible answers (adjectives) Find appropriate adjectives to the phrases: mathematic brainpans all asians look alike very polite (find synonym)
Stereotypes can lead to…. missed opportunities and unmet goals discrimination generalizations
What are the possible solutions of the problem? Cultural education Understanding the cultural differences Group meetings, role-playing and training seminars engage in honest dialogue with others seek out media portrayals of different races that are realistic and positive churches, plays, concerts, and movies that celebrate diversity will also broaden our worldview