IATWF Outdoor Events 2017
May 8-10, 2017 SCI Rockview Turkey Hunt Fully guided hunt for 4 veterans on 7000 private acres Each veteran will be presented a custom shotgun From the NWTF at dinner the evening of 5/7/17 Free lodging had also been provided for 5/7&8/17. (Note-Hunt has been filled)
April 28, 2017 Spring Turkey Hunt Hosted by IATW Kevin and Barbara Broderick Food and Lodging included 4/27&28. 1 slot remains open!
May 5, 2017 Spring Turkey Hunt at Broderick’s Food and Lodging included 5/4/17. 2 veterans- Filled
June 3, 2017 Family Fishing and Picnic Moraine State Park This will be all day family fun And food for ALL veterans of IATW and their families!
July 22, 2017 Veteran Walleye Fishing in Erie with Buckets Charter July 22, 2017 Veteran Walleye Fishing in Erie with Buckets Charter. 9 Slots open! Veterans will stay in Cooks Cabin at Camp Sherwin the evenings of 7/21 & 22/17, before after fishing
September 17-23 Safari Club International Member Dave Tallman, is hosting Jay Cooney from IATW on an antelope hunt On his ranch in Montana. SCI Pgh has been hosting IATW veteran hunts at outfitters across The country for the past 3 years.!
October 1-9, 2017 Johann Combrink of Numzaan Safaris (Will be hosting 2 IATW veterans) This has been filled And the veterans were Chosen based on their Participation in IATW events and fundraisers in 2016. We have this opportunity Every year but we need to Have our veterans help and Support by showing up at The various fundraising events Held all year!
Shilo Ranch (Date TBD) 2 veterans will be able to shoot a 150” class buck each – 1 slot remains.
Nov. 13 & 14, 2017 Gibbon Glade Ranch Food and Lodging provided 2 veterans – 150” class Whitetails-OPEN
Other events being confirmed Mentored Youth Duck Hunt – Pymatuming (Sept 20, 2017? Will confirm date. Veteran Must accompany youth with valid youth Hunting license. Overnight accomodations Will be available thru Sean Henderson of Wildlife Habitat Alliance.
Whitetail Archery & Rifle Hunts South Beaver Twp. Pa Whitetail Archery & Rifle Hunts South Beaver Twp. Pa. Hosted by IATW Kevin and Barbara Broderick. (Dates are flexible during PA season) Recently remodeled house with overnight Lodging and food. Have access to over 200 private acres! Can accommodate 2 hunters at a time and veteran Can bring a youth with them.