Unit 1 Religious Teachings made easy! Use this sheet as a revision resource for ALL questions Golden Rule - ‘Treat others the way you want to be treated’ (Christian) Golden Rule – ‘Wish for others what you wish for yourself’ (Muslim) God made humans in his own image and gave them a soul – Book of Genesis ‘Love your neighbour’ (Jesus) ‘Blessed are the peacekeepers’ and ‘turn the other cheek’ (Jesus) Parable of the Sheep and the Goats (Judgement Day) – Story by Jesus Parable of the good Samaritan – Help everyone and don’t discriminate Jesus Parable of the Talents – use the talents God gave you Bible Trust in the Lord with all your heart (Christian) Its harder for a rich man to get into heaven than it is to thread a camel through the eye of a needle (Christian) ‘You can’t enter Paradise until you have faith, and you can’t have faith until you love one another’. (Qur’an) ‘Those who forgive and make reconciliation will be rewarded by Allah’ – Qur’an ‘Zakah – 3rd pillar (2.5% of wealth) Sadaqah –voluntary gift to charity of money or time Follow the example of Jesus/Muhammad – how did they treat people? How did they behave? No Muslim is better than any other Muslim Life is a test from God/Allah. You’ll be judged on how you have treated creation Shariah Law – Laws based on teachings of the Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad Everyone is equal like the teeth of a comb (Muslim) ‘’Have nothing to do with adultery, for it is a shameful thing’. Qur’’an Parables of the rich young man and the rich fool – stories by Jesus ‘Your body is a temple of the holy spirit’ (Bible ) ‘Love your enemies and pray for those who wrong you’ Jesus ‘Live in this world as if you are going to live forever’ Quran ‘Go forth and multiply’ – God to Adam and Eve Honour your father and mother’ (Christian) Students colour code each passage in 4 colours – one for each unit! Our World Relationships Is it fair? Looking for meaning