What is the right thing to do? Ethics What is the right thing to do?
Important ethical theories Consequence Based Utilitarianism Religion Based Divine Command Theory Duty Based Deontology Agent Centered Virtue Ethics
On what basis do we make moral decisions? Divine Command Theories: “Do what the Bible tells you” Utilitarianism: “Make the world a better place” Duty-Based Ethics: “Do the right thing” Virtue Ethics: “Be a good person”
Virtue Ethics Aristotle’s Golden Mean Proper balance between excess & deficiency of virtue Acquired through habit & example Inquires whether the person is expressing good character Asks not… What should I do? But rather… What sort of person should I be? How do I build good character?
Key Principles of Virtue Ethics Human excellence is the ultimate moral good When contemplating what to do, ask yourself… What would a morally virtuous person do? Try to shape your own character by doing good acts habitually Try to imitate the behavior of virtuous role models Perform actions that are an expression of the 5 Cardinal Virtues Don’t perform actions that are an expression of vice
Duty-Based Ethics Aka… Deontology Associated with Immanuel Kant Rejects the idea that morally good actions always lead to good consequences We must focus on the motives behind our actions How do you know if your actions are good? Kant says: Act only according to that maxim where by you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law. Aka… the Categorical Imperative Example: Amelia is a 21 year old college student short on money. She thinks: if I go home next weekend & surprise my Mom, she will give me some money. So she takes off , drives for 3 hours to her Mom’s. To her surprise, it turns out that it is her mother’s birthday & her Mom is SO moved by her surprise visit that she calls her the most thoughtful daughter in the whole wide world. Amelia’s Mom is happy & Amelia gets the money. Kant would say that the fact that Amelia’s Mom ends up ahppy does not make her decision to drive to her Mom’s house praiseworthy.
Key Principles of Deontology Freedom (autonomy) is the ultimate moral good Each & every rational being has infinite moral worth We must respect the dignity & autonomy of all human beings in all situations All human beings have inalienable rights It is never permissible to treat a human being as a means to an end only All human beings have to fulfill certain absolute duties The duty not to lie The duty not to commit suicide The duty to develop one’s talents
Utilitarianism Two key ideas: Associated with John Stuart Mill Human happiness is the ultimate moral good Actions should be evaluated in light of their consequences Focus on pleasure & pain Associated with John Stuart Mill “The creed which accepts as the foundation of morals “utility” or the “greatest happiness principle” holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness; wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness.”
Key principles of Utilitarianism Human well being (happiness) is the ultimate moral good Actions should be evaluated in light of their consequences The happiness of each person is equally important to that of another We must consider the consequences of our actions on all sentient beings (including animals) who are affected by them Actions are right to the degree that they promote the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of sentient beings