INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT Subarjo Joyosumarto SE, MA, Ph.D 23 Januari 2017 Meeting 1: Introduction to Management Class Chapter 1. Foundation of Management and organization
Introduction to Management Class
REFERENCES The list of books are stated at page 4 CLASS PROGRAM There will be 14 meeting and each meeting constitutes 150 minutes length List of the class program are written at page 5 and 6 STUDENT PARTICIPATION Students are expected to actively participate in the class discussions They will learn both Management and English at the same time LANGUAGE Bi-lingual, English and Bahasa Indonesia are used in the class Question for exams are in English. Students may choose to answer in English (will be given extra point) or in Bahasa Indonesia
REFERENCES Management By Stephen P. Robbins and Mary Coulter Pearson Education Limited, 2012
PART I THE WORLD OF MANAGEMENT Introduction to Management Class Chapter 1, Foundations of Management and Organizations Overview of meeting I Chapter 3, Global Management Overview of meeting 2 Chapter 7, Decision Making Overview of meeting 3 Chapter 8, Foundations of Planning Overview of meeting 4 Chapter 9. Strategic Management Overview of meeting 5 Chapter 14, foundation of individual behavior Overview of meeting 1 - 6 Midterm Exam
PART II MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS Chapter 13, Groups and Teams Overview of meeting 8 Chapter 12, Human Resource Management Overview of meeting 9 Overview of meeting 10 Chapter 15, Communication Overview of meeting 11 Chapter 18, Foundations of Control Overview of meeting 12 Chapter 19, Operations Management Overview of meeting 8 - 13 Final Exam
Chapter 1. Foundations of Management and Organizations PART I THE WORLD OF MANAGEMENT Chapter 1. Foundations of Management and Organizations
WHY MANAGERS ARE IMPORTANT FOR ORGANIZATIONS Organization needs their managerial skills and abilities more than ever in these uncertain, complex, chaotic times They are critical to get things done Managers do matter to organizations. The most important employee productivities and loyalty is the relationship between people
WHO IS A MANAGER? The organizational members who told others what to do Someone who coordinates and oversees the work of other people so that organizational goal can be accomplished
WHERE DO MANAGERS WORK Characteristics of Organizations 1. 2. 3. An organization has a distinct purpose, typically expressed through goals that hopes to accomplished Organization develops some deliberate structure within which members do their work 1. 2. 3. Each organization is composed of people, to perform the work that’s necessary to achieve organization goals
WHAT DO MANAGERS DO MANAGEMENT: Coordination and overseeing the work activities of others to achieve efficiency and effectiveness EFFECIENCY: To get the most output from the least amount of inputs EFFECTIVENES: To do work activities that will help the organization reach its goals
Four Functions of Management MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS Four Functions of Management
Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles Interpersonal Roles Figurehead Leader Liaison Decisional Roles Entrepreneur Disturbance handler Resource allocator Negotiator Informational Roles Spokesperson Disseminator Monitor
Skills Needed at Different Managerial Levels MANAGEMENT SKILLS Skills Needed at Different Managerial Levels Technical skills Job-specific knowledge and techniques needed to perform work tasks Human skills The ability to work well with other people individually or in a group Conceptual skills The ability to think and to conceptualize about abstract and complex situations
QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSIONS How do managers differ from nonmanagerial employees? Is your course instructor a manager? Discuss in terms of managerial functions, managerial roles, and skills. “The managers most basic responsibility is to focus people toward performance of work activities to achieve desired outcomes.” What is your interpretation of this statement? Do you agree with it? Why or why not? Explain the universality of management concept. Does it still hold true in today’s world ? Why or why not? In today’s environment , which is more important to organizations – efficiency of effectiveness? Explain your choice
Thank You