The World Bank - Washington DC, March 20-24, 2017 SCALING UP A PILOT LAND MANAGEMENT INITIATIVE IN UGANDA TO A NATIONAL LAND INFORMATION SYSTEM (NLIS) RICHARD OPUT Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development (MLHUD), Uganda “2017 WORLD BANK CONFERENCE ON LAND AND POVERTY” The World Bank - Washington DC, March 20-24, 2017
INTRODUCTION After the success of the Pilot DeSILISoR Project: February 2010 to February 2014. MLHUD and the consortium led by IGN FI/IGN (The French National Institute of Geographical and Forestry Information) is now implementing the Design, Supply, Installation and Implementation of the National LIS Infrastructure (DeSINLISI): February 2015 to February 2020 with support by the World Bank.
OBJECTIVE Objective 1 Complete the rehabilitation of the land records, Objective 2 Develop Land Information System Infrastructure Architecture, Objective 3 Finalize the re-engineering of the business process in land administration and registration, Objective 4 Develop, customize, upgrade and enhance, the LIS solution/software, Objective 5 Roll-out the enhanced and upgraded LIS Solution. To fully integrate physical planning, surveying, valuation, land administration and land registration and finalise transformation of land records into digital format. Establish a comprehensive, decentralized, self-contained one stop Ministry Zonal Offices will be operational in 21 locations across Uganda.
IMPLEMENTATION Project implementation divided into four primary components: 1) Detailed Design of the System 2) Land Records and Data Conversion 3) Registration and Cadastral Data Integration 4) NLIS Deployment Training and Public Information and Awareness
COMPONENT 1: Detailed Design of the System New system: Reengineered software framework to optimise performance using Open Source components Comprises Modules from the Pilot Stage Developed by Innola Solutions and GEOFIT Web based application LADM data model
NEW FEATURES Integration with other Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) including URA, URSB, UNRA, NIRA Digital signatures SMS notifications Public and Corporate Web Portals Conversion of parcels to ITRF Coordinate System Incorporation of land valuation and physical planning
COMPONENT 2: Land Records and Data Conversion Complete the rehabilitation, conversion and securing of land records, cadastral and other land administration data started at the first stage of the NLIS system development. Phase 1: 500,000 Land Titles & Land Administration Files / 14,000 Maps 215,000 Parcels Phase 2: 80,000 Land Titles / 60,000 Maps
COMPONENT 3: Registration and Cadastral Data Integration Provide each MZO with an integrated, complete and consistent dataset containing Registration, Land Administration, Cadastre, Physical Planning and Valuation data.
COMPONENT 4: NLIS Deployment Roll-out the NLIS to all 21 MZOs, MLHUD HQ, Surveys and Mapping Department and the National Land Information Centre and improve security and reliability of the title registration and cadastral services.
TRAINING AND PUBLIC INFORMATION AND AWARENESS Training of staff essential to the sustainability of the NLIS Inform the general public and stakeholders about the NLIS
ACHIEVEMENTS TO DATE Lira MZO launched 2 February 2017 192 MLHUD trained on NLIS operation with over 350 by the end people to be trained at the end 6,382 maps have been vectorised 38,480 parcels have been vectorised Total revenue generated since launch of NLIS February 2013 to December 2016: US$ 88,083,000
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION RICHARD OPUT Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development (MLHUD), Uganda