HI-TEC Conference Session, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Help with Securing Your First, or Next, ATE Grant: The NSF ATE Program, Mentor-Connect, and Moving-On-Up! HI-TEC Conference Session, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Thursday, July 20 Grand America Hotel Salt Lake City, Utah
Welcome! Elaine Craft, Principal Investigator Florence-Darlington Technical College, Florence, SC Dr. V. Celeste Carter, National Science Foundation, Program Officer & Co-Lead, Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Program
Welcome to NSF V. Celeste Carter Division of Undergraduate Education National Science Foundation vccarter@nsf.gov
EHR Division of Graduate Education (DGE) Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings (DRL) Human Resource Development (HRD) Undergraduate Education (DUE) EHR
ATE The education of highly qualified science and engineering technicians for advanced-technology fields that drive the nation’s economy. Community colleges have leadership roles on all projects. Grades 7-12, 2yr- and 4-yr institutions can be supported. (Pathways) Partnerships with Industry and Economic Development Entities –Hiring needs
ATE Program Three Program Tracks ATE Projects Targeted Research in Technician Education Up to $600k, up to 3 yrs except Small/New to ATE: Up to $225k ATE Centers From $150k, up to 2 yrs to $800k, up to 3 yrs Two Types Center Resource Centers Up to $5M 5 yrs Up to $600k 3 yrs Deadlines (All Tracks): 5 October 2017
ATE Projects Projects (up to $200,000 /yr., 3yrs.) Program Development, Implementation and Improvement; Professional Development for Educators; Curriculum and Educational Materials Development; Teacher Preparation; Small Grants for Institutions New to the ATE Program ($225K, 3-yrs); Adaptation and Implementation (A&I); Instrumentation with Curriculum Updates; ATE-Coordination Networks (up to $200,000/yr., 4 yr.)
ATE Program Funding Rate Varies ($ available, # proposals, type, quality)
Advice from Program Officers Read the solicitation Choose right program track Start early Get help – avoid errors Program Officers Mentor-Connect Project/Center PIs Be alert for changes (read the new solicitation 17-568)
2017 NSF ATE Solicitation NSF 17-568: 3-year solicitation with submission deadline of Oct. 5 of this year (2017). Changes: The funding duration and size of awards for the Centers track has been changed. For Center areas see www.atecenters.org and solicitation. The maximum budget for projects has been changed. Budgets range from $225,000 to $600,000 total maximum budget. Additional project focus areas in Adaptation and Implementation (A&I) and Instrumentation Acquisition have been added. Eligibility requirements for Small, New to ATE has been changed to allow institutions that have not received and ATE award in the past 7 years to apply. Developers are encouraged to use an open learning approach for any new learning materials and computer software developed. Proposals submitted need to be in compliance with both the ATE solicitation and the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 17-1)
Mentor-Connect: Vision A regenerative mentoring system that assists technician and related STEM educators in Benefiting from & Contributing to The ATE Program
Mentor-Connect: Purpose Strengthen technician education to meet STEM workforce needs Develop STEM faculty leadership in technician education
Why Mentor-Connect? Mentoring: effective, just-in-time help Previously, 2/3 of community colleges, no NSF $
Who is Eligible? Eligible Institutions and Faculty Two-year technical or community colleges that have not received NSF ATE grant funding in the past 7 years STEM faculty who prepare technicians for the American workforce Especially encouraged to participate: Rural colleges Faculty from populations underrepresented in STEM
Participants & Outcomes 5 Cohorts: 101 College teams 31 States 202 Faculty 111 Administrators & Grant Writers 25 Mentors (10/cohort) Proposal submissions: 16- 18/20 per cohort (86%) NSF awards: 52 to-date; 63% small grant success 65% of applicants to M-C accepted into cohort 94% colleges re-applying to M-C were selected
Mentor-Connect Assistance Webinars Workshops Mentoring Resources and Just-in-time help Leadership Development
Mentoring Structure 20 college teams selected each year (October) Comprised of 2 faculty and optional administrator (s) 10-month duration 2 in-person workshops (winter, summer) Expectation to submit a small, new to ATE grant proposal to NSF ATE
Upcoming Webinars NSF ATE Program Funding Opportunities & Mentor- Connect Orientation September 13, 2016 (1:00-2:30 p.m. EST) REGISTER NOW: www.mentor-connect.org Technical Assistance Webinars on Proposal Development Spring 2018
Leadership Development Skills learned while developing proposal Skills learned through project implementation Skills inventory self-assessment tools Professional Development opportunities – ambassadors and spokespersons for Mentor-Connect & ATE Moving-On-Up opportunities with ATE and beyond!
Mentor-Connect Assistance Moving-On-Up! Solid results from 1st grant Leverage grant-writing knowledge Build on what you have done & learned Choose the right funding track Focus more on Broader Impacts, e.g., What you will test and learn Broader sharing: outcomes, models, lessons learned Larger scope of work More partners & people involved
Q & A Session
Connect with Mentor-Connect Mentor-Connect@fdtc.edu ATEMentorConnect @Mentor_Connect www.Mentor-Connect.org
Mentor-Connect@fdtc.edu Leadership Development and Outreach for ATE NSF DUE # 1204463 & 1501183 Elaine Craft, Principal Investigator Charlotte Forrest, Co-PI & Project Manager Ellen Hause (AACC), Co-PI & Dennis Faber (CC Baltimore County-retired), Co-PI SC ATE Center of Excellence Florence-Darlington Technical College Florence, SC 29501-0548