Marianella Imbachi Alexander Graham bell
Who is he? Alexander Graham Bell was born in March-3 in 1922, he was educated in Scotland. Alexander was great known as the inventor of the telephone. In 1877 he invented one of the most useful machine in history.
What is the telephone The telephone is a devise that is used to transmit and receive sounds. An individual can eventually use the phone to talk to almost three or more people at the same time. Within the incredible advance technology, humans can be able to talk to almost the whole world.
What did Alexander Graham Bell have to do about death education? However Alexander was very interesting in death people, and he created a machine called "Electrical speech machine" that would eventually created a magnificent machine which is now known as the telephone.
Mean while this man was making such a impact in history with his telephone invention, he decided to created an organization for deaf people. Alexander for own family experience, he knew what was like to have a person without able to hear, therefore he decided to help this people with such problem, in order to improved and be able to show these people ways of learning a language.
His organization He made a school in 1872, it was called "Vocal Physiology and Mechanics of Speech". In his first class about 30 people attended to the school, and one of his very famous learners was Helen Keller.
Who was Keller? Keller had a disease. She was not able to speak, or hear anything since her early age. Therefore her family decided to put Keller a tutor, a person that can teach her how to speak in her own language, using her hands. The tutor named Annie Sullivan helped her out in order to let Keller get out of the darkness and be able to stand up to the world on her own. Keller became an excellent reading and writer, her novels were incredibly good. Indeed she became an example of a successful blind and mute person.
… Throughout history the telephone has been one of the most great and useful tools since it has been invented. Everyday it keeps getting more sufficient and very needed it. Thanks to this man. Most of the death people can now be able to learn a way to express themselves and be able to to as many things as others can do too.
Sources Miracle worker book: wrote by Helen Keller.
Old telephone