CTE & the National Policy Landscape: Updates and Outlook for 2016 Steve Voytek, Government Relations Manager, NASDCTEc
Today’s Agenda Congressional Landscape Fiscal Environment Moving Past NCLB WIOA Implementation Perkins Activity Postsecondary Updates
What’s Congress Been Up To?
Changing Faces of the 114th Congress Republican Majorities in both Chambers New faces, new priorities on Education Committees Two key questions: Can Republicans remain united enough to pass legislation? And will that legislation be moderate enough for the President’s signature?
Outlook for 2016? Few legislative days scheduled this year Presidential elections looming in November Topics from the campaign trail will continue to garner lots of attention Congress will focus on “campaignable” issues for most of the year Political calculus– who will be in charge in the 115th?
Education Priorities for the 114th Congress Labor-HHS-ED Funding ✓ ESEA Reauthorization ✓ HEA Reauthorization Child Nutrition Data Privacy Perkins CTE
Federal Fiscal Environment
FY 2016 Funding Outcomes Process completed December 2015 Sequester caps raised for FY 2016 & 2017 Level funding for the Perkins Act Ability-to-Benefit update(s) Pell Boost Newly reauthorized programs garnered the most Congressional support
Federal Funding Levels for the Perkins Act 2014 Omnibus Title II Elimination Cromnibus Triage– stopped the bleeding, now is the time to convalesce
President’s FY17 Budget Request $75m for “American Technical Training Fund” (ATTF) $2bn for apprenticeship programs $200m for youth / pre-apprenticeship Level funding for Perkins state grants $300m increase for Pell grants Likely a non-starter for Congress
Outlook for FY 2017? Congressional debate continues over budget caps & possible policy riders November elections looming NIH funding– broad, bipartisan support Perkins reauthorization?
Reauthorizing ESEA
“The Every Student Succeeds Act” Moving Past NCLB ESEA renewal: top education priority in the 114th Two separate proposals emerged in 2015: Partisan House bill: H.R. 5 / The Student Success Act Moderate Senate bill: S. 1177 / The Every Child Achieves Act Conference committee negotiations: “The Every Student Succeeds Act” (ESSA)
General Contours of ESSA Significant regression of federal role Short authorization period Maintains basic structure of Title I-A Standards, accountability, and interventions– a purely state affair State and District “Report Cards” continued Consolidates 49 existing programs New fiscal provisions flexibility
CTE Highlights in ESSA Standards alignment Well-Rounded Education Planning coordination Accountability Dual / Concurrent Enrollment Highly-Qualified Teacher repeal Professional development opportunities Student Support & Academic Enrichment Grants
A “Well-Rounded Education” and ESSA’s Title IV Enrichment Grants Authorized $1.6bn annually for FY 2017-2020 Goes into effect July 1, 2016 Formula grants to states and LEAs Purpose (in part): To promote student access to a “well-rounded education”* Career Technical Education (CTE) is part of the formal definition for a “well-rounded education” States and LEAs will have the opportunity to use a portion of these funds on CTE
Road to ESSA Implementation– An “Orderly Transition” Many provisions went into effect December 17, 2015 New Formula programs go into effect July 1, 2016 Existing NCLB waivers expire August 1, 2016 Remaining “big” pieces of ESSA go into effect 2017-18 school year
WIOA Implementation
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Signed into law July 2014 Formal implementation began July 1, 2015 Maintains basic structure of WIA Main focus is on alignment across federal workforce, education programs Several other key areas of emphasis
Key Areas for CTE-WIOA Alignment State and local planning Labor market information Integrated education & training Employer engagement Work-based learning Performance measures & shared data Career pathways* self-sufficiency, participant choice, in-demand sectors, integrated education & train
Notice(s) of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) NPRM(s) published April 2015 Focused on ALL aspects of WIOA implementation Priority areas for the CTE community: State & local planning One-stop system Data system alignment Career pathways / sector strategies* self-sufficiency, participant choice, in-demand sectors, integrated education & train
Key Dates for Implementation April 1, 2016: Unified State plans due “June 2016”: Final regulations published June 30, 2016: Employer engagement measure due July 1, 2016: One-Stop Infrastructure Requirements take effect self-sufficiency, participant choice, in-demand sectors, integrated education & train
Perkins Reauthorization
The Perkins Act: An Update Competing with HEA in the education committees’ queue House & Senate CTE Caucuses main areas of activity up to this point Focus has primarily been on CTE within context of WIOA/ ESEA/ HEA Some stand-alone proposals in 2015
Perkins / CTE Legislation in 2015 Educating Tomorrow’s Workforce Act (ETWA) Next Generation High Schools Act Perkins Modernization Act*
Senate’s Bipartisan Perkins Reauthorization Principles Ensure equitable student access to high-quality CTE programs; Support effective employer engagement with CTE programs; Increase support of and access to career counseling; Align and coordinate with state and local career pathways; Maintain Perkins’ formula grant structure; Address existing unfunded programs within Perkins; and Align Perkins with WIOA and ESEA where applicable; Strengthen CTE research and evaluation activities. Early stages,
House Perkins Reauthorization Efforts Perkins hearing late Fall 2015 Early stages of consideration WIOA implementation delays Key interest areas: Pay for performance / success Streamlining reporting requirements Responsive to “skills needs” of employers
Likely Themes for Perkins V Alignment to other federal legislation Performance / accountability Labor market alignment Supporting innovation Public-private partnerships Ensuring equitable access Secondary-postsecondary connections
Postsecondary Updates
The Higher Education Act HEA set to expire later this year Lots of activity (hearings, briefings, events etc.) College affordability / student loan debt Institutional Accreditation Supporting Innovation Competency-based education Role of consumer information / data Campus safety / assault Many stand-alone bills introduced
Postsecondary CTE Issues in HEA Expanding Title IV financial aid for CTE programs Data system alignment Strengthen innovation supports Year-Round Pell / ATB Strengthen teacher pipeline
Gainful Employment Regulations Regulations overcame legal challenges earlier this year Went into effect July 1, 2015 Apply to any program offering career education Final rule: Certification requirement Debt-to-Earnings ratios (Pass-’Zone’-Fail) NO pCDR
Questions? More information: www.careertech.org blog.careertech.org Steve Voytek Contact: svoytek@careertech.org Twitter: @CTEWorks