The Every Student Succeeds Act Allison Orton NEA Organizational Specialist
What is ESSA? On December 10, 2015, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed into federal law. This law is a reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (formerly known as NCLB). ESSA returns decision making for our nation’s education back where it belongs – in the hands of local educators, parents, and communities.
Major Changes Reflected in ESSA Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) has been removed from ESSA. Labeling schools as “failing” or other derogatory titles used by the Federal Government have been eliminated. Interventions which lack research-backed evidence of effectiveness and are rigid in nature have been eliminated. The “Race to the Top” initiative has been eliminated. No longer will accountability measures be based solely upon standardized testing.
Educator Evaluation A major piece of ESSA is bringing decision making and control to the state level. No longer required to set up teacher evaluation systems based in “significant” part of student test scores.
Student Assessment State-level testing of students in the areas of reading and math will occur in grades 3-8 and once in high school. ESSA retains the required 95% benchmark for participation in state-level testing. Testing results and data will be better segmented at the school level to provide teachers with rich data to guide instruction.
Educator Quality The descriptor “highly qualified” at the federal level is now a thing of the past. It is now being called “appropriately certified” at the state level. ESSA provides a research-based definition of professional development constructed by teachers.
School Improvement States will have to create a system to identify two types of schools: Subgroup schools – identify schools that have consistently underperforming subgroups Lowest performing schools – identify bottom 5% of Title I schools, add high schools with lower than 67% grad rates and lowest subgroup schools Must do a resource equity plan, district develops improvement plan Improve within 4 years or state needs to do more
What’s Different About Accountability? Accountability systems at state level cannot be based solely on standardized tests! Systems must include: Math, reading assessments Graduation rates Another statewide indicator for middle and elementary schools English Language Proficiency At least one indicator of student and school supports (*from our Opportunity Dashboard!) *95% participation rate*
School District ESSA Plans All districts across the country and required to create an ESSA plan that will be implemented beginning in the 2017-2018 school year. Promote equity through a new accountability system with an Opportunity Dashboard as its centerpiece Decouple high-stakes testing and accountability; promote less testing to give students more time to learn
Opportunity Audit What is it?
ESSA Implementation = Opportunity After nearly 14 years of asking for less federal intrusion into the teaching and learning process, it is finally here! Opportunity for educators to drive teaching and learning decisions Opportunity to strengthen partnerships with parents, communities, to advocate for what students really need Prepare to stand up to defeat bad ideas we’ve seen at the federal and state levels!
Let’s take advantage of this opportunity! Let’s join with parents and communities to create the schools our students deserve… More opportunities for a well-rounded education Less time testing More supports for students and schools who need help Educators and communities driving decisions, not politicians
The Every Student Succeeds Act OPPORTUNITY AWAITS! FIND OUT MORE: Like our Facebook Page ESSA Parent Survey Arizona’s ESSA Second Draft Plan Submit Your Comments by December 8th State Second Draft Plan Webinar Allison Orton (202) 230-8131