Report of CJK editing team activities for NGN-draft Recommendations Oct. 2006 TTC
Report of CJK editing team activities Thirteen Recommendations including Supplements of NGN release 1 have been approved in this July NGN-GSI meeting. Five of those documents were the target documents of CJK editing activity. See Table in next page. In particular Y.NGN-R1-reqts, Y.FRA, and Y.RACF had been greatly improved in a short time by CJK editing team activities. We thank all editing team leaders and members. Main documents of NGN release 1 have been completed by editing team activities. CJK editing activities for remaining four documents should be continued with this successful experience. Similar activities seem to be effective for NGN release 2 documents.
Agreed target docs in NGN-WG Table 1 Target documents for editing (agreed) No. Draft Recommendation Q/SG Editor Status China Japan Korea 1 Y.NGN-R1 Requirement 2/13 Fan DongYang Atsunobu Narita Ilyoung Chong Approved 2 Y.NGN-FRA 3/13 Wang Ying Ning Li Naotaka Morita Jinho Hahm Resource admission control func. (Y.RACF) 4/13 3 Converged service framework (Y.CSF) Li MingDong TBD Jinkyung Hwang 4 PSTN/ISDN emulation architecture (Y.PIEA) Zhang Yuan Noriyoshi Uetatsu Michael Kim 5 Performance measurement and management for NGN (Y.NGN-pmm) Yang DaoYan Kimihide Matsumoto Taesang Choi 6 FMC general requirements (Y.FMC-rec) 6/13 Felix Zhang Kaoru Kenyoshi Sunggon Choi 7 FMC architecture and framework (Y.FMC- arc) 8 NGN Security requirements (Y.NGN- security) 15/13 Lu Yi Takashi Egawa Hyaengsuk Oh Names written in red indicate Leaders of CJK editing team.
Proposal for future activities The following are listed the target document types for future activities of CJK editing team. Four documents listed in Table 1 Documents related to signaling aspects in NGN release 1 Documents for NGN release 2 [Proposal 1] This contribution proposes to continue CJK editing activities in CJK NGN WG. [Proposal 2] Determining the priority of target documents for future CJK editing team activities is necessary. For target document type no. 1, continuing activities are proposed. From the Japanese point of view, target document type no. 2 is the most important because of NGN deployments. Some signaling-related documents, such as Q.NNI_profile, are expected to be approved in the October NGN-GSI meeting. We ask for support from China and Korea. Most draft Recommendations in NGN release 2 are edited by China and Korea, we would like to share information about these priorities regarding target document type no. 3.
[Info No.1] Editing team for Y.NGN-R1 Requirements Make-up of editing team Leader: Atsunobu Narita (J: NTT Comware) : Editor of Y.NGN-R1 Requirements Sub-leader: Fan Dong Yang (C:Siemens China) Sub-leader: Ilyoung Chong (K: H UFS Univ) Make-up of each country's editing team China: Liu Duo (CATR, MII), Wu Tong (CT), Feng Wei (Huawei), Tu Jia Shun (ZTE), Fang Fang Gu(Alcatel) Japan: Atsushi Notoya (Oki), Keiichi Sasaki (NTT Comware), HIsashi Manabe (NEC) Korea: Chae-Sub Lee (ETRI), Jinho Hahm (ETRI), Michael Kim (TTA)
[Info No.2] Editing team for Y.NGN-FRA and Y.RACF Make-up of editing team Leader: Naotaka Morita (J: NTT) : editor of Y.FRA Sub-leader: Wang Ying (C:Huawei) Sub-leader: Jinho Hahm (K: ETRI), Make-up of each country's editing team China: Liu Duo (CATR,MII), Wu Tong (CT), Feng Wei (Huawei), Tu Jia Shun (ZTE), Fang Fang Gu (Alcatel) Japan: Kiriko Ninomiya (NTT), Koji Nakamichi (Fujitsu) Korea: Chae-Sub Lee (ETRI), Ilyoung Chong (H UFS Univ), Jeong Yun Kim (ETRI), Jong Tae Song(ETRI), Michael Kim (TTA)
[Info No.3] Editing team for Y.CSF Make-up of editing team Leader: Jinkyung Hwang (K:KT) : editor of Y.CSF Sub-leader: Li MingDong (C:ZTE) Sub-leader: Kouichi Sumida (J: NEC) Make-up of each country's editing team China: Liu Duo (CATR,MII), Lu Jun (CATR, MII) Japan: TBD Korea: Taesnag Choi(ETRI), Chae-Sub Lee(ETRI)
[Info No.4] Editing team for Y.PIEA Make-up of editing team Leader: Zhang Yuan (C: China Telecom) : editor of Y.PIEA Sub-leader: Noriyoshi Uetatsu (J: OKI) Sub-leader: Michael Kim (K: TTA) Make-up of each country's editing team China: Fan DongYang (Siemens Beijing), Li MingDong (ZTE), Chen Duan (ShangHai BELL), LIU Duo (CATR, MII) Japan: (Mr. Uetatsu will assign the members in Japan) Korea: Taesnag Choi(ETRI), Chae-Sub Lee(ETRI), SungYurn Rhim(KT)
[Info No.5] Editing team for Y.pmm Make-up of editing team Leader: Taesnag Choi (K: ETRI) : editor of Y.pmm Sub-leader: Yang DaoYan (C: Huawei) Sub-leader: Kimihide Matsumoto (J: NTT) Make-up of each country's editing team China: Li MingDong (ZTE) Japan: Ginga Kawaguchi (NTT) Korea: Chae-Sub Lee(ETRI), Yangjoong Kim(HUFS Univ)
[Info No.6] Editing team for Y.FMC-req Make-up of editing team Leader: Felix Zhang (C: Huawei) : editor of Y.FMC-req Sub-leader: Kaoru Kenyoshi (J: NEC) Sub-leader: Sunggon Choi (K: CBNU) Make-up of each country's editing team China: Lu Jun (CATR,MII), Zhang Yuan (China Telecom), Li MingDong (ZTE), Yan XueQiang (ShangHai BELL), LIU Duo (CATR, MII) Japan: (Mr. Kenyoshi will assign the members in Japan) Korea: Heeyoung Jung(ETRI), Taesnag Choi(ETRI), Chae-Sub Lee(ETRI)
[Info No.7] Editing team for Y.FMC-arc Make-up of editing team Leader: Felix Zhang (C: Huawei) : editor of Y.FMC-arc Sub-leader: Kaoru Kenyoshi (J: NEC) Sub-leader: Sunggon Choi (K: CBNU) Make-up of each country's editing team China: Lu Jun (CATR,MII), Zhang Yuan (China Telecom), Li MingDong (ZTE), Yan XueQiang (ShangHai BELL), LIU Duo (CATR, MII) Japan: (Mr. Kenyoshi will assign the members in Japan) Korea: Heeyoung Jung(ETRI), Taesnag Choi(ETRI), Chae-Sub Lee(ETRI)
[Info No.8] Editing team for Y.NGN-security Make-up of editing team Leader: Takashi Egawa (J: NEC) : editor of Y.NGN-security Sub-leader: Lu Yi (C: China Telecom) Sub-leader: Hyaengsuk Oh (K: ETRI) Make-up of each country's editing team China: Li MingDong (ZTE), Wei Liang (CATR, MII) Japan: Takeo Hariu (NTT), Yoshihito Ohshima (NTT) Korea: Hyungwoo Choi(ICU), Taesnag Choi(ETRI), Chae-Sub Lee(ETRI)