Vitamin D deficiency In Saudi Arabia Group members Diala Noureddine 200900039 Reem Al-Rumaihi 200801030 Juman Al-Ageel 200901411 Fatima Al-Rashed 200801262 Lujain Masoud 200800160
Outline Introduction Vitamin D Deficiency Causes and associated factors Associated health problems Treatment program Lifestyle changes for prevention and control Conclusion
Introduction There are plenty of common health problems that are rapidly becoming more prevalent in Saudi Arabia. As these problems steadily turn into more of a public concern, it is essential to promote awareness along with vital information to provide to our societies, for this step alone can create a dramatic impact on the number of people who are being diagnosed with such illnesses. This paper strives to promote a greater understanding of the issue of health problems in Saudi Arabia, their impacts on everyday lives, and mentions the strategies that are required to enhance the overall health in the community This information is essential for planning intervention programs in nutrition and physical activity to offer new guidelines. This research discusses the causes of Vitamin D deficiency, its associated health problems, the treatment program that is required to control this deficiency, and certain lifestyle changes for prevention and control.
Vitamin D Deficiency Vitamin D has become one the most talked about supplements in recent years. While studies continue to promote information regarding optimal blood levels and recommended dietary amounts, the fact remains that a huge part of the population, from the young to the elderly, are deficient in this nutrient. Vitamin D plays a big role in bone metabolism and many cellular and immunological processes. Low levels of vitamin D have been associated with various chronic diseases especially rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults.
Vitamin D Deficiency (cont.) Adequate vitamin D intake is of great importance to protect against bone metabolic diseases and prevent the occurrence of complications. “As a species, we do not get as much sun exposure as we used to, and dietary sources of vitamin D are minimal” said Dr. Edward Giovannucci, nutrition researcher at the Harvard School of Public Health. In areas such as Saudi Arabia, where there is plenty of sunlight and food products that are fortified with vitamin D, it would be expected that the vitamin D level would be adequate in the majority of the population. * Despite some cultural factors that may negatively affect serum vitamin D levels of Saudi women (e.g. high gravidity and clothing that limits skin exposure to the sun), these factors do not apply to males and hence vitamin D ranges may be expected to be different between males and females. * According to a recent study in the Eastern region of Saudi Arabia, it noted that a substantial proportion of patients as well as healthy subjects coming for routine screening have subnormal levels of vitamin D. (Elsammak, 2011).
Causes and associated factors Usage of sunscreen Covering the body Staying indoor Obesity Aging
Associated Health Problems Incase of children: Rickets, were bones become poorly developed, soft and weak, leading to pain
Associated Health Problems Adults could suffer from pains, weakness, soft legs, difficulty in breathing as a result of soft ribcage. In some cases lack of sun exposure resulted in Cardiomyopathy
Treatment Program Three options for treating Vitamin D deficiency: Sunlight Artificial UVB light Supplements It is recommended for one to stay 15 minutes under the sun of artificial UVB to obtain 10,000 IU of Vitamin D to obtain 25(OH)D levels.
Treatment Program Safest choice is using Vitamin D3. Relative to: Side effects: UVB – malignant melanoma UVB – increasing risk of non-melanoma skin cancers. Safest choice is using Vitamin D3. Relative to: Body weight Body fat Age Skin color Season Latitude Sunning habits
Lifestyle changes for prevention and control adequately get sunlight expose, for 5-10 minutes and it should on bare skin. That must be done for at least 2 to 3 times a week to avoid getting this deficiency.
Lifestyle changes for prevention and control you must eat certain food supplements to maintain the average range of vitamin D in the body. Vitamin D is found in oily fishes, such as Salmon and Sardines. Fortified foods like margarine, and grains such as corn, red meat, and egg yolks
Conclusion Vitamin D has become one the most talked about supplements in recent years. To control this particular deficiency: The society must adapt a series of e actions. Knowing and applying the right way of treatments.