NeGP-A Overview & Feedback on Guidelines


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Presentation transcript:

NeGP-A Overview & Feedback on Guidelines

NATIONAL e-GOVERNANCE PLAN Agriculture (NeGP-A) Launched in May, 2006 to improve public service delivery NeGP Includes : 12 cluster of Services with 75 components. Web enabled delivery of services & service levels Process re-engineering, change management and project management Centralized Initiative - Decentralized Implementation

Implementation Strategy Delivery of services through multiple modes. CAP & SAPs being developed for standardization and would facilitate data flow within and outside the States. Scope includes Data / Disaster Recovery Centres, computer hardware up to Block level, Site Preparation, Application Development , Data Digitisation, Capacity building & Training. Strengthening/Promoting of Agricultural Information System under AGRISNET to continue with all unspent balances under AGRISNET (without any definite plan of action) to be considered as part of Government of India resources available for NeGP-A. NIC selected to develop Solution Design, Development, Testing & Acceptance, Solution Implementation, Training & Change Management (pertaining to the application software).

Project Activities & Timelines of NeGP-A Roll out Phase SR Activity Timelines A IMPLEMENTATION PRE- PLANNING A1 Date of RFP Release 31 May 2014 B IMPLEMENTATION B1 Completion of Software Development by NIC of components which have been cleared for development. 30 Apr 2014 B2 Incorporation of changes/suggestions from Divisions and States to all SRS documents for software development in remaining service clusters 30 Jun 2014  B3 Completion of all SRS of remaining components to such a level that on which Software Development can start taking place. 31 Jul 2014 B4 Completion of Data Entry Screens 30 Sep 2014 B5 Selection of Hardware Vendor by DAC 15 Sep 2014 B6 Completion of Civil Infrastructure and Site Preparation (by State Agriculture Department 31 Aug 2014

Project Activities & Timelines of NeGP-A Roll out Phase B7 Signing of Agreement 30 Sep 2014 B8 Installation of Hardware by Hardware Vendor 15 Jan 2015  B9 Pilot launching of all Services Data Digitalisation by States 30 Nov 2014 B10 Suggestions received from States on services 31 Dec 2014  B11 User Acceptance Testing Completion of Data Migration 31 Jan 2015   B12 Complete Implementation / Deployment / Stabilisation including required software and hardware for Central Segment (Go-Live) at all locations 31 Mar 2015   C Operations & Maintenance and Support Phase 01 Apr 2015 

Role & Key Activities to be undertaken by State Government State Agriculture Department to be Nodal Department. Civil Infrastructure Preparation. Backup power arrangements, wherever needed. Hiring of manpower on contract basis. Setting up of State Project Monitoring Unit (SPMU). Comprehensive inputs on SRS documents and feedback on pilot run of software packages.

Role & Key Activities to be undertaken by State Govt. Data digitization (Rs. 10 Lacs/State) & localization. Receipt, Acceptance Testing and uploading of reports for site readiness and hardware/Sys Software Recurring expenditure on power and consumables except to the extent of funding by the GOI. States’ share for manpower (0%, 30% & 50%) during first 3 years & Site preparation @ 45% for all sites except Training Labs which will be funded 100% by Center . Senior nodal officer for interacting with GOI and other Stakeholders. Power back up through Solar Panel /Diesel Generators . A sum of up to Rupees one lakh per block subject to an upper limit of 33% of total blocks in the State. Contingency provisions at the rate of 7.5% of overall budget to meet unforeseen requirements. Help Desk – Central & in States (with vernacular language support)

Support of GOI under NeGP-A H/W & and System S/w with comprehensive onsite warranty for 5 years Basic IT training to end users. Full support for site preparation of Training Centers and 55% share for other sites. 100, 70 and 50 percent for manpower cost for first three years. Connectivity charges with SWAN for end user locations for a period of 3 Years at an average of Rs. 11000 per location per year. An amount of Rs. 7500 per block, Rs.10, 500 per district headquarter and Rs. 30,000 per State head quarter per year for consumables like printer cartridges etc. for a period of three years. Support for IT infrastructure at selected Mandis, Hand-held devices for e-Pest surveillance. Complete address details of locations where hardware items are to be delivered will be compiled and provided by each State.

TRAINING 02 days Basic IT training to end users at State, District & Block level officials. An amount of Rs. 1200 per person for the two days for meeting TA/DA and other administrative charges. The training of CSCs VLEs Expenditure for the training will be borne out of item A2 in the Cafeteria of Activities under ATMA Scheme. ICT Training labs at the scale of one per five districts will be established in each State. One time grant of Rs. 8 lacs per location being given by Govt. of India.

NORMS FOR PROVIDING COMPUTER HARDWARE AT STATE LEVEL Item State Agriculture Department State Agriculture University Hand-held Devices for Pest Surveillance Pilot Mandi (01 per State) District Block Desktop 20   06 5 3 Printer-cum-Scanner 01 1 Switch(08/24 port) Modem UPS (650VA) Hand Held devices 2800* 10 Touch Screen Kiosk 0.5(01 Kiosk per 02 Blocks

Norms for Infrastructure Set-up Items State Agri Dept. State Agri University District Block   State Data Centre (Civil & Electrical) 1,50,000 NA State Data Centre (Access Control) 2,00,000 Site Preparation Cost 1,00,000 100000 75000 67000 Site Preparation for Training Centre 800000 (for 5 districts)

NORMS FOR MANPOWER DEPLOYMENT NeGP-A Item State Agri Dept. State Agri University District Block Data Entry Operator / Computer Operator 4 2 0.5(i.e. 1 per two block) State PMU Consultants 3

Criteria for deployment & Financial Assistance Number of Blocks Senior Consultant Consultant Monthly Cost Ceiling* (Rs. In lacs) 0-5 and Delhi# 6-60 1 1.80 61-160 3.25 161-360 2 4.75 >360 3 6.00

Categorisation of States/UT’s for SPMU Resources S. No. Name of State Districts Blocks Category Max. No. of resources 1 Delhi 10   Category A 2 Chandigarh 3 D&N Haveli 4 Daman & Diu 5 Lakshadweep 9 6 Andaman & Nicobar 7 Goa 12 8 Puducherry 15 Sikkim 24 Mizoram 26 11 Meghalaya 39 Tripura 45 13 Nagaland 52 14 Manipur 60

Categorisation of States/UT’s for SPMU Resources 15 Himachal Pradesh 12 78 Category B 2 16 Arunachal Pradesh 94 17 Uttarakhand 13 95 18 Haryana 21 119 19 Jammu & Kashmir 22 136 20 Punjab 141 Chhattisgarh 27 146 Kerala 14 153

Categorisation of States/UT’s for SPMU Resources 23 Karnataka 30 189 Category C 3 24 Gujarat 33 245 25 Rajasthan 249 26 Jharkhand 260 27 Assam 268 28 Andhra Pradesh 22 271 29 Orissa 314 Madhya Pradesh 51 321 31 West Bengal 19 347 32 Maharashtra 35 357 Tamil Nadu 385 34 Bihar 38 534 Category D 4 Uttar Pradesh 75 821


State-wise details of funds released under AGRISNET Sl. No. Name of the State Total Amt. released up to Dec-2012 UC received Unspent Balance 1 Andhra Pradesh 643.35 NIL 2 Arunachal Pradesh 138.48 3 Assam 36.60 4 Chhattisgarh 349.377 223.42 125.97 5 Gujarat 368.37 6.95125 361.41875 6 Haryana   7 Himachal Pradesh 703.12 607.29199 258.72686 8 Karnataka 165.01 83.13 81.88 9 Kerala 107.503 83.14 35.35290 10 MP 865.49 843.46 22.03

11 Maharashtra 553.60 351.23 202.37 12 Meghalaya 259.06 115.75 143.31 13 Mizoram 177 NIL 14 Nagaland 150.10 105.10 15 Orissa 579.75 16 Puducherry 27.22 26.62 0.60 17 Punjab 376 5 371 18 Rajasthan 743.2984 319.90 423.3984 19 Sikkim 158.84 145.87 12.97 20 Tamil Nadu 592.0816 104.40 21 Uttar Pradesh 496.302 22 Uttarakhand 220   23 West Bengal 591.26 581.23 10.02 24 Bihar 400 25 Goa 45 23.37423 21.62577 26 Manipur 150 Total 8901.812 6185.03107 2950.07268


Revamped KCCs since 01.05.2012 Voice/Media Gateways (IPPBX based decentralized system) & MPLS. Aim: reach at least one third the farmers households, once in a year. It amounts to about 4.25 crore calls/year. Total 1.49 crore calls registered at KCCs since inception. Call barging and 100% call recording SMS to caller farmers providing a gist of advisories given to them on phone. Voice mail system for recording farmer’s queries with provision for call back. Soft phones in every personal computer with caller ID facility. Facility of video conferencing for upgradation of skills of KCC agents. Centralized monitoring of KCCs at different locations.

Number of Calls Registered in KKMS since inception (Jan Number of Calls Registered in KKMS since inception (Jan.2004 to March 2014)