Community Based Care Services Angela Saltamartini, Doris Behanzin & Jonathan
Adult Day Services An adult day care center, also commonly known as adult day services, is a non-residential facility that supports the health, nutritional, social, and daily living needs of adults in professionally staffed, group settings. Adult day service centers serve as an emerging provider of transitional care and short-term rehabilitation following hospital discharge. Most centers operate 10 – 12 hours per day and provide meals, meaningful activities, and general supervision. Operations in adult daycare centers are often referred to as social models (focusing on socialization and prevention services) and/or a health care model (including skilled assessment, treatment and rehabilitation goals).
In Home Services In Home Services and supports are provided to an individual with disabilities in his/her personal home; typically the service recipient is a child or an adult residing with parents or other family members. A few services that can be provided in the home are: Hiring an aide to help with personal care, meals, or housekeeping Hiring skilled nursing or other professional care Community resources (e.g. Meals on Wheels, transportation services) Home modification/Assistive Technology Hospice and respite care
Respite Care Respite care is the provision of short-term, temporary relief to those who are caring for family members who might otherwise require permanent placement in a facility outside the home. Respite programs provide planned short-term and time- limited breaks for families and other unpaid care givers of children with a developmental delay and adults with an intellectual disability in order to support and maintain the primary care giving relationship. Respite also provides a positive experience for the person receiving care. The term "short break" is used in some countries to describe respite care. Respite has been shown to help sustain family caregiver health and wellbeing, avoid or delay out-of-home placements, and reduce the likelihood of abuse and neglect. An outcome based evaluation pilot study showed that respite may also reduce the likelihood of divorce and help sustain marriages.
Transportation Transportation is crucial to ensure that access to essential services such as medical care and grocery shopping. The availability of adequate transportation enables older persons to live independently in their communities, helps to prevent isolation and the possible need for long-term care placement. Many older people, who do not drive, must rely on family and friends provide much of the transportation. But for others, it is necessary to find community resources to provide transportation, as this vital support service may be their only connection to the outside world. Transportation services vary in communities depending upon where you live. Types of transportation that may be available for the elderly, is individual door- to- door service, fixed route with scheduled services, or ridesharing with volunteer drivers. A good place to start your search for transportation is your local Area Agency on Aging. In some communities the Area Agency on Aging arrange, monitor, and support programs that provide transportation for the elderly. Even if your local agency doesn't provide transportation services directly, they should be able to give assistance for finding help.
BcArc Berkshire County Arc is a non-profit, tax exempt, human services organization which offers a broad range of community-based services to individuals with developmental disabilities or brain injuries. Berkshire County Arc programs are located throughout Berkshire and Hampden counties in Massachusetts
Continued… Berkshire County Arc was founded in 1954 and since that time has helped many individuals become more independent by offering opportunities to make their own life choices. Berkshire County Arc's highly trained staff is thoroughly committed to providing each individual with the respect and dignity that everyone deserves. Currently BCARC offers three day programs, a range of residential supports (including 30 group homes), employment services, citizen and self advocacy programs and respite services. BCARC serves approximately 350 individuals annually.
Type of Individuals Berkshire County Arc supports over 140 individuals with disabilities in a variety of residential settings. Residential options include community residences, staffed apartments, cooperative apartments, supported living and home ownership. BCARC currently maintains many homes located within the Berkshire County and a small number in the Springfield area
Continued… Individuals have input into the hiring and evaluation of staff, the furnishing and décor of their home, and make the choices in regards to community activities, meals and daily routines. Staff foster choice and decision making and support an individual's entire network of positive relationships.
Activities Berkshire County Arc creates environments for individuals to live as independently as possible, including those individuals who have chosen retirement. BCARC designs activities to meet the complex needs of its senior residents. In addition to actively promoting participation in community activities, BCARC offers elderly participants: therapies, medical monitoring, daily living skills, recreation and reality orientation.
My own experience with BcArc You don’t argue with individuals When they hit you don’t hit them back Do not insult them Don’t take advantage of them If they don’t want to shower or eat don’t force them Shower them if they can’t, help them with laundry and beds. It is necessary for them to be as independent as possible.
Continued So they have goals set up: some help clean the house, others put dishes and groceries away. They have to do some exercises Have them go to the bathroom every two hours Make sure you let them watch their TV shows on their regular schedule. Do not take picture of them, don’t steal from them.