Merit Badge Counselor Training University of Scouting Baden Powell Council March 24, 2012 Tim Nord Taughannock District Advancement Chair
Why does Boy Scouts have Merit Badge Counselors The Scouting program emphasizes helping young men develop character, citizenship, and mental and physical fitness. Among the handful of methods used to build on these aims of Scouting are adult association, leadership development, and advancement. A Scout's association with his merit badge counselors provides an excellent way for him to grow and gain confidence through exposure to quality adults who serve as positive role models and mentors to him. Meeting people from business and community leaders to trained specialists and enthusiastic hobbyists, a Scout can experience a chance for personal growth and a positive life-altering experience while in pursuit of a merit badge. By Reducing the Number of Different Merit Badge Counselors, Reduces the Adult Association and Leadership Development. Why is this important to Boy Scout Program Character Development, Adult Association, Leadership Development, and Advancement Adult Association – Positive Role Model, Gain Confidence, Mentor, Career Exploration, Hobby, Positive Life Altering
Merit Badges Advantages Supports Advancement Keeps Older Scout Interested Troop Program Adult Utilization Convenience Supports To Build Citizenship & Responsibility. To Foster Citizenship. Development. To Develop Fitness. Merit Badges are one of the Most Unique Educational Tools Ever Devised. Over 120 Merit Badges Offered
What does the Scout Gain by Arranging/ Working Different Merit Badge Counselors Confidence Leadership New Mentor Business/Career Opportunity or Contact Planning Skills Organizational Skills Presentation Skills Confidence - Speaking in front of some one else – Interviews College Job. Working under pressure. Presentation Skills Leadership - The way the scout handles himself New Mentor – career Business - Planning Skills – Time Mgt & Schedule Juggling – individual responsibility Rubber meets the road Organizational & presentation skills - use in business and college.
Merit Badges Benefits Experience Confidence New Mentor Skills Interpersonal Skills Self Improvement Career Exploration Experience New Mentor New Learning Experience Adult Association Exposure to New Ideas, Methods If the scout is getting all the Merit Badges in the unit and at summer camp, the scout loses out. Boy Run Unit Emphasis is on getting the boys to do things on their own – to lead. This is integral part of the scout growth. While Some Merit Badges it makes sense to earn at camp due to facilities or time required. Unit should make it too convenient.
Merit Badge Counselor Requirements Subject Knowledge by Vocation, Avocation, Special Training, Lifetime Hobby, etc. Review Merit Badge Requirements. Willing to work with 11 – 18 year old scouts. Submit Completed Merit Badge Counselor Application and BSA Adult Registration. Have current Youth Protection Certification As a Counselor Keeps Current on Approved Merit Badges. Merit Badges Started before Requirement Update should be finished using the older requirements. Follow BSA Youth Protection and Buddy System. Must Not Meet Individually with Scout. Meet in Public and/or with Others.
Merit Badge Counselor Requirements Willing to Mentor a particular subject by vocation, avocation, etc. Does Not Add, Delete or Change Requirements. Demonstrates Means Demonstrates. List Means List. Show Means Show. Find means Find. “Positively reinforce the subject matter” Mentor, Guide, or Instruct. Scout Does the Work. Yearly Renewal. Baden Powell Council Policy - There are no Unit Only Counselors.
Merit Badge Process Scout Interest/Need Determined. Scout obtains a Scoutmaster Signed Merit Badge “Blue Card”. Scout obtains Merit Badge Counselor Names and Contact Information from Current Approved List. Determines who his Buddy will be Scout makes initial appointment with Counselor. Scout should bring latest Merit Badge Pamphlet and signed application card. Any Work or Projects they started.
First Meeting Counselor & Scout(s) – Number of Sessions determined by Select multiple choice requirements to be completed. Determine Short & Long Term Goals. Dates and Times for future sessions. Number of Sessions determined by Subject Difficulty Scout Ability and Preparation.
Counselor Commitment To Assist Scout in Learning. Listen, Coach & Mentor Scout. Expand His Interest. Ensure Scout meets Merit Badge Requirements. No Addition or Deletions Show means Show. Write means Write. Demonstrate mean Demonstrate. Stay Current on Requirements.
Merit Badge Worksheet
Counselor Responsibility to Scout Make sure Scout understand what they must do. Coach Mentor through Interviews, Demonstrations, Practice Sessions, etc. Certify Scout as Completed Merit Badge Requirements By Signing “Blue Card”. Encourage Scout to ask for help.
Merit Badge Blue Card
How to Fill Out Blue Card Mark Complete Requirement # Date & Initial
Back of Blue Card Counselor Dates Counselor Signs Dates
Merit Badge Completion Scout must meet all Requirements. Some Requirements require acceptable skill Example CPR. Scout does not complete Requirements for being part of a group. Must Participate.
After Completion Keep the Counselor Part of the Blue Card for 7 Years max. Self Evaluate Note what Positive Interactions Note where Improvements can be made
Merit Badge Counselor Approval Process Complete Current BSA Adult & Merit Badge Applications Must be Over 18 years Old. Subject Proficient. Work with Scout Aged Boys. Be BSA Registered. Must have current Youth Protection Certification. Select Merit Badges based on your Qualifications Current Completed Forms to Baden Powell Council. Council Advancement Committee Reviews application after Background Check Completed. Letter Mailed/Emailed to applicant.