Coming Into Spring With A Bounce Inflammation and Allergies Coming Into Spring With A Bounce
Inflammation Coming into Spring with a bounce can be tough when you are plagued with inflammation resulting in allergies, congestion, bowels that won’t move and discomfort within your joints.
Inflammation Getting to the root cause is important with any issue and so it is with inflammation. Medical News Today says “Inflammation is the body’s attempt at self protection”. So let’s ask ourselves what is it protecting us from?
Inflammation Sugar Acidity Free Radical Damage Invaders
Underlying Causes of Inflammation Sugar is an inflammation partner, we eat 1000% more sugar today than we did 100 years ago. Sugar is in just about everything, especially processed foods. Remove refined sugar out of the diet. Secondly, remember that overeating can effect this as well. Reduce your food intake by 1/3 or eat until you are 80% full. Studies show that people who have lower intake of food, live longer and more productive lives.
Underlying Causes of Inflammation An acidic Ph is an inflammation partner. Alkalize the body by lowering stress, avoiding acidic foods, meditating on what is good, cleansing the body and getting plenty of minerals into our diets.
Underlying Causes of Inflammation Free Radical Damage or a lack of antioxidants is an inflammation partner. Reduce free radical damage by avoiding stressful thinking and getting plenty of antioxidants.
Invaders Cause Inflammation Imbalance in the gut from congestion, lack of good intestinal flora and common foods that cause inflammation. Add in cleanses for different invaders and good bacteria.
Inflammation Time magazine date February 2004 stated that “Inflammation is linked to heart attacks, arthritis, cancer, Alzheimer's and other diseases.
Avoid sugar and over eating
Avoid negative thinking and acidic foods
Avoid stressful thinking and dead foods
Eat your phyto nutrients.
Allergies AL-J Histablock
Let’s Take Care of that Structural Connection Essential oil
Wrap It Up! Balancing the gut through cleansing, introduction of good bacteria, plant based enzymes and avoiding common foods that cause inflammation. Month 1 For 3 weeks avoid dairy, eggs, gluten, yeast, corn and peanuts. Cleanse with Tiao He (Wood Reducing) and Psyllium Hulls or Slippery Elm. Add 1 Probiotic Eleven 4x a day. Add 1 Papaya Mint 3x a day. Add in 1 shot of Mineral Chi Tonic in morning. Add in 2 shakes a day using Smart Meal and a minimum of 3 servings of phyto nutrients and 1 shot of Zambroza. Add in joint supporting products, allergy products or Stress Formula as needed. Month 2 Begin adding back in one of the avoided foods each week to identify any that cause inflammation. Cleanse with Candida Clear and Marshmallow Pepsin Continue with 1 Probiotic Eleven 4x a day. Continue with 1 Papaya Mint 3x a day. Continue with Mineral Chi. Continue with shakes. Continue with supporting products as needed Month 3 Cleanse with Herbal Pumpkin and Marshmallow Pepsin Continue with 1 Probiotic Eleven 4x a day Continue with 1 Papaya Mint 3x a day Continue with Mineral Chi Continue with shakes
Wrap It Up! Keep in mind that the body also needs: Adequate sleep 7-8 hours of restful each night A good mindset