Standards and Frameworks Update from the 3 Devolved Administrations
Background UK Government no longer investing in NOS UKCES funding to cease this financial year The 3 Devolved Administrations (DAs) remain committed to NOS NOS will continue to form the basis of the Skills and Qualifications Systems in the 3 DAs Just in case there are any delegates who are not aware of the background
Standards and Frameworks: Moving from a 4 nation to a 3 nation system NOS Governance Group will manage the transition and future direction of NOS Need to secure commissioning and delivery function with new entity Standards and Frameworks will continue but likely to be a new approach (Universal Services was devised by UKCES) Greater cognisance to be given to DA Policies on Skills, Qualifications and Apprenticeship Need to explain who sits on the NOS Governance Group
Standards and Frameworks: Moving from a 4 nation to a 3 nation system (contd) DAs will maintain a watching brief on Trailblazers and Technical Education Routes DAs will seek to develop and maintain a relationship with the Institute for Apprenticeships Funding for 2017/18 likely to be at same level as current year NOS to remain as a public good under Crown Copyright
The Future of NOS – Short Term Business as usual with the 3 DAs owning the system Interim solution agreed for 2016/17 regarding management of contracts and hosting NOS Database SDS will assume responsibility for contracts from 1 November 2016 SDS will host the NOS Database Processes remain the same i.e. Part A and Part B required Consultation with employers across the UK but with more emphasis on employers based in the 3 Celtic Nations: DAs collective view is that common standards (NOS) aid cross border mobility
The Future of NOS – Medium Term Review and refresh (if necessary) the NOS Strategy Develop a 5 year plan to consider (inter alia) Regulation and governance of the NOS programme Funding model and ownership of NOS Determine unit costs for NOS, apprenticeships and SVQ structures Reviewing processes and procedures Reviewing Commissioning process – employer demand and commitment to use NOS and NOS related products Future format of NOS NOS Database – overhaul and cleanse the NOS Database
The Future of NOS – Long Term NOS to remain as a public good, funded in part with public funding Securing a permanent home for the products and technical expertise More effective management of the standards and framework data Establishing NOS as a valued product