2016 STS Data Manager Survey Results August 2016 June 2016
Overview of Survey: A total of 575 Data Managers responded to the survey 75% of responding Data Managers abstract data for the ACSD only. Less than 10% abstract data for 2 databases. 1.7% abstract data for all 3 databases. 57.8% of respondents abstract data for another registry (42.2% do not). 72.8% of the responding Data Managers are Registered Nurses.
Overview of Survey: Almost half (46.6%) of respondents have QI responsibilities in addition to data collection. For 21.1% of responding data manager data abstraction is their full time responsibility. 16.7% of responding data managers have clinical/patient care responsibilities. 15.6% have other/non-clinical responsibilities. 49.6% of those responding are 100% EMR 49.5% are a combination of EMR and paper 0.9% have no EMR.
Overview of Survey: Average number of cases abstracted per month: Majority of responding Data Managers (60.8%) are responsible for all data abstraction. 35.3% have 2-4 people abstracting the data. 3.9% have more than 4 people abstracting the data.
Overview of Survey: Length of time it takes to abstract an average case: < 1 hour = 13.3% 1 – 2 hours = 56.4% 2 – 3 hours = 19.1% 3 – 4 hours = 8.9% > 4 hours = 2.3% Number of years abstracting STS Database data: < 12 months = 12.5% 1 – 3 years = 27.4% 4 – 6 years = 20.2% 7 – 9 years = 15.3% > 10 years = 24.7%
Overview of Survey: 37.3% abstract > 4 weeks following the OR date 30.8% abstract 2 – 4 weeks post OR date 16.5% abstract within 1 week of the OR date 15.4% abstract in real time Data Manager background: 72.8% - RN 8.2% - Other, clinical 6.5% - Other, non-clinical 5.6% - Perfusionist 5.1% - QI 1.8% - IT
Overview of Survey: How many individuals assist with abstracting STS National Database data by number of cases abstracted per month. On average how many cases per month do you abstract? 0-15 16-30 31-50 >50 Grand Total How many individuals assist you with abstracting STS National Database data within your organization? I am solely responsible for all data abstraction. 105 118 76 45 344 2-4 people 44 55 52 48 199 >4 people 2 6 12 22 (blank) 1 3 4 152 175 134 108 569
Overview of Survey: Other responsibilities within organization compared to number of cases abstracted per month. On average how many cases per month do you abstract? 0-15 16-30 31-50 >50 Grand Total Do you have other responsibilities within your organization? No, data abstraction is my full-time responsibility. 16 26 40 35 117 Yes, I have clinical/patient care responsibilities. 38 12 4 94 Yes, I have other/non-clinical responsibilities. 18 22 29 19 88 Yes, I have quality improvement responsibilities. 77 87 53 48 265 (blank) 1 2 5 152 175 134 108 569
Overview of Survey: Length of time to abstract an average case by number of cases abstracted per month. On average how many cases per month do you abstract? 0-15 16-30 31-50 >50 Grand Total How long does it take to abstract an average case? <1 hour 11 17 28 19 75 >4 hours 6 2 3 13 1-2 hours 78 105 60 321 2-3 hours 34 37 18 107 3-4 hours 22 14 7 8 51 (blank) 1 152 175 134 108 569
Overview of Survey: Other responsibilities and length of time to abstract an average case. Do you have other responsibilities within your organization? How long does it take to abstract an average case? No, data abstraction is my full-time responsibility. Yes, I have clinical/patient care responsibilities. Yes, I have other/non-clinical responsibilities. Yes, I have quality improvement responsibilities. Grand Total <1 hour 20 17 8 31 76 1-2 hours 56 58 54 150 318 2-3 hours 25 13 18 52 108 3-4 hours 3 6 24 51 >4 hours 4 (blank) 1 2 120 95 89 265 569
1. For which STS National Database component do you capture data?
2. Do you abstract data for another registry?
3. Do you have other responsibilities within your organization?
4. How long have you been abstracting STS National Database data?
5. On average how many cases per month do you abstract?
6. How many individuals assist you. with. abstracting STS National 6. How many individuals assist you with abstracting STS National Database data within your organization?
7. How long does it take to abstract an average case?
8. Does your organization utilize an electronic medical record (EMR)?
9. Which EMR system do you use?
10. How would you quantify surgeon involvement with data collection at your organization?
11. Who is your employer?
12. What is the usual timing of data abstraction?
13. What is your background?
14. How often have you attended STS. Advances in Quality & Outcomes: A 14. How often have you attended STS Advances in Quality & Outcomes: A Data Managers Meeting (AQO)?
15. Do you belong to a Regional Data Manager Group?
16. Does your organization participate in Public Reporting of STS data?
17. What resource(s) do you use when you 17. What resource(s) do you use when you have questions about how to code a field in the STS National Database? Check all that apply.
18. How often does your surgeon or surgeon group review the STS National Database Analysis Reports and/or locally generated reports?
19. Are STS National Database outcomes shared 19. Are STS National Database outcomes shared outside your department and/or organization? Check all that apply.
20. Do you query and/or run reports using your local software?
21. How often do you participate in data harvests?
22. Do you think you will submit data 22. Do you think you will submit data more often with continuous harvests?
23. How often do you think that you will submit data?
24. Do you make corrections to your data 24. Do you make corrections to your data based on the Data Quality Report?
25. How many times do you submit your file before signing off?
26. Do you participate in the annual contact update?
27. What information do you think would 27. What information do you think would be the most helpful to new data managers? Check all that apply.
Thank You Thank you to all the Data Managers who took the time to respond to this survey. Your responses are important to the Society of Thoracic Surgeons and to the STS National Database.