Access to PPT 2016 is a plus – not a requirement. Call Karen Meadows Seeking Creators for Sunday Morning Presentation Are you available for creating the slides for Sunday Morning service? . If you are PowerPoint-savvy and have an eye for detail, let us know if you are interested. Access to PPT 2016 is a plus – not a requirement. Call Karen Meadows 710-201-5371 Seeking AV Team Members for Sunday Morning Service Are you available to run the Sunday Service presentation? Training Available – No Experience Needed Call Karen Meadows 710-201-5371
Embrace: Build a welcoming, inclusive church We seek to include the full diversity of our broader community, including people with/from all socio economic situations, gender identities, beliefs, ages, sexual orientations, mental and physical abilities, races and ethnicities. Therefore, we are examining all the ways in which we embody being a welcoming and inclusive community, and removing any barriers to this that currently exist that might prevent people from being fully welcomed into and involved in our church.
Trends in U.S. Churches 1. Communication has to be addressed to the modes and needs of the entire spectrum of generations, meaning that each congregation has to be good at everything from print to websites to social media. 2. People are increasingly attracted to larger congregations that are able to consistently provide excellent programming and provide an opportunity to "blend in" (attending worship without having to spend hours volunteering).
All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church Welcome to All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church Assisted hearing devices are available at the Welcome Table in the Small Hall
Prelude "Evolution By: Michele McLaughlin Performed by Sharon Skidgel
Music Notes Today we pay homage to some of the musicians who have influenced Ta-Nehisi Coates. Artistic influences when he was at Howard University: "The art I was coming to love lived in this void, in the not yet knowable, in the pain, in the question. The older poets introduced me to artists who pulled their energy from the void – Bubber Miley, Otis Redding ..." Bubber Miley was the greatest soloist of the early Ellington bands. His growling trumpet is a highlight of numerous recordings from the 1920s. He died of tuberculosis at the age of 32.
Lyrics Someday When we are wiser When the world's older When we have learned I pray Someday we may yet live To live and let live Someday Life will be fairer Need will be rarer Greed wil not pay God speed This bright millenium Let it come Wish upon the moon One day Soon.
Gather Us In Gathering Song by Marty Haugen adapt. Rev. Dr. Nori J. Rost
Here in this place new light is streaming, Verse 1 Here in this place new light is streaming, now is the darkness vanished away; see in this place our fears and our dreaming, brought here to all in the light of this day.
Gather us in the lost and forsaken, gather us in no two just the same; Chorus 1 Gather us in the lost and forsaken, gather us in no two just the same; call to us now, and we shall awaken, we shall arise at the sound of our name.
We are the young, our lives are a myst’ry, Verse 2 We are the young, our lives are a myst’ry, we are the old with wisdom and grace; we have been sung throughout all of hist’ry, called to be light to the whole human race.
Gather us in the Buddhist and Pagan, Chorus 2 Gather us in the Buddhist and Pagan, Humanist, Atheist join in the throng; gather us in the Theist and Seeking, give us the courage to enter the song.
Not in the dark of buildings confining, Verse 3 Not in the dark of buildings confining, not in some heaven light years away; here in this place the new light is shining, now is the moment, now is the day.
Gather us in from all tribes and nations, Chorus 3 Gather us in from all tribes and nations, gather us in, no one left alone; gather us in, a great celebration, fire of love in our flesh and our bones.
Rev. Dr. Nori Rost ASUUC Senior Minister Welcome and Sounding of the Bell Rev. Dr. Nori Rost ASUUC Senior Minister
O Earth, You are Surpassing Fair #174 in Singing the Living Tradition Opening Hymn O Earth, You are Surpassing Fair words by: John Andrew Storey music by: Joseph Parry #174 in Singing the Living Tradition
O earth, you are surpassing fair, from out your store we're daily fed, we breathe your life supporting air and drink the water that you shed. Yet greed has made us mar your face pollute the air, make foul the sea: the folly of the human race is bringing untold misery. Verse 1
Our growing numbers make demands that e'en your bounty cannot meet; starvation stalks through hungry lands and some die hourly in the street. The Eden dream of long ago is vanishing before our eyes; unwise unheeding, still we go, destroying hopes of paradise. Verse 2
Has evolution been in vain that life should perish ere its prime? Or will we from our greed refrain and save our planet while there's time? We must decide without delay if we're to keep our race alive: the choice is ours, and we must say if we're to perish or survive Verse 3
Chalice Lighting Ed Benn ASUUC Member
Freedom of thought is best promoted by the gradual illumination of […] minds which follows from the advance of science.” ― Charles Darwin
We light this chalice to symbolize the illumination of our minds through science.
Story For All Ages Evolution Video By: Bill Nye Introduced by: Laurie
Reeb Children’s Benediction Singing the Children Out Reeb Children’s Benediction words and music: Ian W. Riddell
Go in love, our hearts go with you. Go in joy, our hopes go too. Learn in love and grow in wisdom. Shine your light in all you do.
ASUUC Board of Trustees Reading Larry Norfleet ASUUC Board of Trustees
and then I am past them, looking up valley at the mountains where the wind blows the snow in long white curls off the peaks. I want to return, I think, to a different chapter—
but I don’t believe it. There are no fewer opportunities now to fall in love, and there are a whole lot more chances to be of service. I tell myself I was born
“False facts are highly injurious to the progress of science, for they often endure long; but false views, if supported by some evidence, do little harm, for everyone takes a salutary pleasure in proving their falseness; and when this is done, one path towards error is closed and the road to truth is often at the same time opened.” ― Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin’s Birthday Today’s Message Evolution! Charles Darwin’s Birthday Rev. Nori Rost
ASUUC Board of Trustees Offertory Reading Larry Norfleet ASUUC Board of Trustees
“It is necessary to look forward to a harvest, however distant that may be, when some fruit will be reaped, some good effected.” ― Charles Darwin, Voyage of the Beagle
The offering will now be joyously given and gratefully received so that through this bounty, we may continue to be a liberal religious voice in Colorado Springs.
Choose Something Like a Star Offertory Music Choose Something Like a Star By: Randall Thompson Performed by: Sharon Skidgel and ASUUC Choir
Lyrics O Star (the fairest one in sight), We grant your loftiness the right To some obscurity of cloud— It will not do to say of night, Since dark is what brings out your light. Some mystery becomes the proud. But to be wholly taciturn In your reserve is not allowed. Say something to us we can learn By heart and when alone repeat. Say something! And it says, 'I burn.' But say with what degree of heat. Talk Fahrenheit, talk Centigrade. Use language we can comprehend.
Lyrics Tell us what elements you blend. It gives us strangely little aid, But does tell something in the end. And steadfast as Keats' Eremite, Not even stooping from its sphere, It asks a little of us here. It asks of us a certain height, So when at times the mob is swayed To carry praise or blame too far, We may choose something like a star To stay our minds on and be staid.
Music Notes Parts of Redding's final recording were made just two days before his death in a plane crash. "Dock of the Bay" was the first posthumous single to top the charts in the United States.
From You I Receive #402 in Singing the Living Tradition Offertory Response From You I Receive words and music: Joseph and Nathan Segal #402 in Singing the Living Tradition
From you I receive, to you I give, together we share, and from this we live.
Joys and Concerns Congregation
Opening I am sending you light____ to heal you, to hold you. to hold you in love.
Closing I am sending you light____ to heal you, to hold you. to hold you in love.
Closing Words Rev. Dr. Nori Rost
“In the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed.” ― Charles Darwin
You would continue to the end, because you realize that somewhere, someone is depending on your gift, your insight, your knowledge, your love, your kindness, your art, your technology. Be strong, deliver what you are being asked to deliver. --James Weeks/Across The King's River.
The Oneness of Everything Closing Hymn The Oneness of Everything Words and music: Jim Scott #1052 in Singing the Journey
Far beyond the grasp of hands or light to meet the eye, Verse 1 Far beyond the grasp of hands or light to meet the eye, past the reaches of the mind, There find the key to nature's harmony in an architecture so entwined
Like the birds whose patterns grace the sky Verse 1 con’t Like the birds whose patterns grace the sky and carry all who join in love expand____ing The message of peace will rise in flight taking the weight of the world upon its wings, In the oneness of ev'__rything.
Peace is in the dance of trees, Verse 2 Peace is in the dance of trees, who stir before the first breath of wind is yet perceived. Trust in the song, becoming one with the dance, and all mysteries can be believed.
Songs of lives long past that touch Verse 2 con’t Songs of lives long past that touch our own are written in the earth ever giving, And now to maintain the harmony gives to us all lives worth li__ving, For the oneness of ev'__rything.
Still we seek to find a truth that we might understand Verse 3 Still we seek to find a truth that we might understand and reduce to terms defined. Vast and immeasurable time and space all so overwhelmingly designed.
Oh, passing years just might I know Verse 3 con’t Oh, passing years just might I know the faith that winters in the heart to be reborn in spring. To hear and to feel the pulse of life enters my soul as a song_____to sing Of the oneness of ev'__rything.
words and music: Judy Fjell Extinguishing the Chalice / Song As We Leave This Place words and music: Judy Fjell
Now, as we leave this place, the chalice dims 1 Now, as we leave this place, the chalice dims but the fire still burns within our hearts beyond these doors.
Now, as we leave this place, mem’ries of each and ev’ry face 2 Now, as we leave this place, mem’ries of each and ev’ry face carry us ___ into the world.
for now we know ___ that something 3 And we will return for now we know ___ that something greater ___ than any of us ___ alone is part of us ___ as we leave this place.
Postlude Big Bang
Music Notes Coates: "Perhaps you remember that time we went to see Howl's Moving Castle on the Upper West Side. You were almost five years old. The theater was crowded, and when we came out we rode a set of escalators down to the ground floor. As we came off, you were moving at the dawdling speed of a small child. A white woman pushed you and said, "Come on!" Many things now happened at once. There was the reaction of any parent when a stranger lays a hand on the body of his or her child. And there was my own insecurity in my ability to protect your black body. ... I turned and spoke to this woman, and my words were hot with all of the moment and all of my history."
Lyrics She works hard for the money So hard for it, honey So you better treat her right.
Embrace: Build a welcoming, inclusive church We seek to include the full diversity of our broader community, including people with/from all socio economic situations, gender identities, beliefs, ages, sexual orientations, mental and physical abilities, races and ethnicities. Therefore, we are examining all the ways in which we embody being a welcoming and inclusive community, and removing any barriers to this that currently exist that might prevent people from being fully welcomed into and involved in our church.
Trends in U.S. Churches 1. Communication has to be addressed to the modes and needs of the entire spectrum of generations, meaning that each congregation has to be good at everything from print to websites to social media. 2. People are increasingly attracted to larger congregations that are able to consistently provide excellent programming and provide an opportunity to "blend in" (attending worship without having to spend hours volunteering).
Please enjoy the Fellowship Hour following service in the Small Hall Hosted by Tommy Schell
for being part of our community today Thank you for being part of our community today