Confucius The Analects
Confucius Lived 551-479 BC Very little known about the real man Teacher Philosopher Zhou Dynasty Unstable Teachings more concerned with: Human Relationships Creating an organized, stable society Proper behavior Good behavior important not to attain heaven, but to have an orderly society where people respect each other
The Analects Based on the teaching of Confucius, but written down centuries later Sayings, conversations, teachings Does not offer the “right” answer, but encourages reflection, contemplation, and personal growth While touches upon spiritual themes, is not overly concerned with the afterlife Morality based on correct behavior of the specific individual at a particular time Emphasizes social order and proper behavior
The Analects Emphasizes: “The Way” Organized Life (Li) Personal Cultivation over Rules of Behavior Skilled judgment Organized Life (Li) Doing the right things at the right time Righteousness (Yi) Do what is ethical based on the circumstances Benevolence (Ren) Fulfilling your responsibilities to others Gentleman (Junzi) Social Nobility State of moral excellence that is attainable
The Analects Key focus = Social Order Built on mutual respect and obligation Rooted in the family Extended to community and government Organized through: A specific set of appropriate rules A hierarchical relationship among the roles A governing code of conduct Ethical behavior manifested through respect for others and ritual decorum This behavior can be learned, cultivated, and perfected
Confucianism Hierarchy Emperor Citizens Teacher Student Man Woman Elderly Youth Husband Wife Son Daughter 1st born 2nd born Second Son First Daughter
Social Hierarchy 1. Royalty & Scholar Officials 2. Artisans 3. Peasant Farmers 4. Merchants
Imperial Examinations Civil Service Exam “Scholar Official” Status! Anyone could take the exam Rich could afford to study
Influences and Abuses Very influential in Chinese and Asian philosophy and government Teachings turned into strict “rules” In the 20th Century, Communists attacked Confucianism as the reason China had refused to modernize
Status of Women in China Foot Binding
Legacy Confucius is still influential today Centuries of philosophical thought are intertwined with Chinese and Asian culture and society Ideas of hierarchy, right behavior, benevolence, and righteousness are still important today
Key Themes Good Government Proper Behavior Social Roles Relationships Learning Nature “The Way”